Archive for January, 2016

Thanks, Governor

January 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times, y’all.

Speaking, Governor Paul LePage from Maine, a supporter of Chris Christy’s.

Republican gubernatorial candidate Paul LePage greets his supporters at his election night party, Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2010, in Waterville, Maine. (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)   Original Filename: Maine Governor.JPEG-09980.jpg

“These are guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty — these types of guys,” he said. “They come from Connecticut and New York, they come up here, they sell their heroin, they go back home,” Mr. LePage told the crowd, according to The Portland Press Herald.

“Incidentally,” he added, “half the time they impregnate a young, white girl before they leave, which is a real sad thing, because then we have another issue we have to deal with down the road.”

Ya know, I have come to the conclusion that these guys who argue against political correctness are probably right.  We don’t need no damn political correctness.  I’m for getting rid of it and replacing it with something closer to the truth: either you’re a sumbitch or you ain’t.

LePage makes a big point that he doesn’t “play the game.”  Nope, that’s wrong.  He plays the sumbitch game quite well. In fact, he’s this week’s winner.

Plus, he’s forcing me to get three cats and name them D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty.



Friday Toons

January 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized





Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

















Riddle Me This

January 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Most of y’all know about Texas’ own Republican State Representative Debbie Riddle, our own version of The Church Lady, inventor of the whole terror baby thing, who thinks about transgender people way too much, who slept in the hall for three days so she could be the first to file an anti-immigrant bill, and has been known to give speeches at funeral homes.

Well, if you thought she was rightwing as could possibly be, you have another think coming from a lady named Valoree Swanson.  Valoree is a Tea Party candidate running against Debbie in the GOP primary.  She has a website.  Well, I guess a webpage would be more accurate since there’s only one page to it.  But she’s a star on Facebook, Honey.

She calls her campaigning activities, “Liberty Blockwalks,”  and if you’re low on I Hate Hillary materials, she’s the one-stop shop for that.  Honey, this woman is just one suitcase filled with snarks from heading to Oregon.

But here’s the scary part.

She’s obviously a shirt-swiper.

Debbie Riddle in her campaign shirt

Debbie Riddle in her campaign shirt

And then this —

Valor Swanson's campaign shirt

Valor Swanson’s campaign shirt

There could not possibly be more than one of the shirts.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.

Remember These? EDITED

January 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know that men have come a long way, baby, when their footwear choice becomes a New York Times article.

Screen Shot 2016-01-07 at 10.41.45 AMThe subject?  Marco Rubio’s boots. Boots are a normal thing for Presidential candidates. High heeled ankle boots aren’t.

The fellow candidates were thrilled.


Senator Ted Cruz’s communications director, Rick Tyler, wrote on
Twitter: “A Vote for Marco Rubio Is a Vote for Men’s High-Heeled Booties.” “Rubio has those cute new boots and I don’t want to be outdone,” Senator Rand Paul said before an appearance on “The View.” Carly Fiorina posted a Twitter message with a picture of her own pair of high-heeled boots, with the message “Yeah, @marcorubio, but can you rock these?”

Okay, so the Republican Presidential campaign has officially hit below the belt.

Just thought you’d want to know.

ON EDIT:  I just thought — this is the first time that all the bullcrap was on the inside of the boot.


Just Run The Damn City, Mayor

January 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I live in a little town between Sugar Land and Rosenberg.  Our geographic boundaries touch on each side.

You’d think I would be most embarrassed by Sugar Land, you know, home to Tom DeLay and all.

But, nooooo.

The Mayor of Rosenberg has become a preacher on the city dime.

Local newspaper, click the little one to get the big one.


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It’s not God, she’s talking about, it’s Christianity.

Okay, here’s the Prayer Challenge.  I couldn’t get it all in because it goes from almost the top all the way to the bottom.  But you can get the jest.


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Now here’s the goofy part.  I live smack dab in the middle of the most diverse county in America, and I can prove it.


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I swear that the Steeple People are becoming more irritating than fruit flies.

You’d think that a mayor could find something to do other than sanctimoniously preach at people who work for the city and don’t make enough money to put up with this crap.

Get off your high horse, Mayor.  I can see right up your skirt.


And For An Encore, He Ran Faster Than a Speeding Bullet, and Leapt a Tall Building In a Single Bound

January 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s some wild and wooly stories about Dr. Ben Carson.

His wife just joined in.  In her brand spankin’ new book, she claims that Carson delivered their son at home.

Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 1.27.48 PMIn her new book A Doctor in the House: My Life With Ben Carson, the wife of the presidential hopeful says that she went into early labor with their second son at their home, and Carson immediately sprang into acting, delivering a healthy baby boy.

She also reveals he cut the child’s umbilical cord with a hair clip and caught the baby in one hand and her afterbirth in another hand.

Yeah, that’s a headline for sure. “Doctor Delivers Baby.”

Honey, taxi cab drivers deliver babies.  There ain’t much to it.

Although I do admit that knowing how to operate a hair clip takes some pretty advanced knowledge.

Then she tells about the time he chased down carjackers.

That is not the only story she shares either, also revealing that once carjackers stole Carson’s Jaguar but he managed to catch up to them and after recognizing who he was they shook his hand and gave him back his car.

Sure, I believe that.  And unicorns.

Thanks to Brian C for the heads up.