Ted Cruz: Secret Catholic?

January 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, with all the Republican Presidential candidates trying to out-Jesus each other, Ted Cruz has taken to quoting scripture at every stop.

For example

Texas: a verb meaning "I kiss Donald Trump's ass."

Ted Cruz’s six-day bus trip in Iowa launched as more of religious revival tour than a presidential barnstorm.

The Steeple People see this election as a holy war.  When you see Donald Trump, Donald Trump I say, calling Bill Clinton names over his sex life and offering prayers out loud, then you know this world is officially a damn crazy place.

But back to Ted Cruz. His father proclaims that Ted is here to fulfill Biblical prophesy for the end times.  And to think I was proud of my son when he could go potty by himself.

But there’s rumors in Iowa that Ted Cruz is a … dare I even say it … send the children out of the room … a … Catholic.

But despite his outward displays of his belief, Cruz, the favorite in Iowa, is facing a whisper campaign of sorts from his Republican opponents: He’s Christian, but not Christian enough.

Donald Trump has cryptically questioned whether Cuba raises true evangelicals, pondering aloud whether Cruz is actually a Catholic. Ben Carson’s closest aide has argued that Cruz’s faith isn’t as native to him as Carson’s is to him. And a pair of back-of-the-pack contenders, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, charge that Cruz is prioritizing wrong-headed Constitutional commitments over long-held Christian ones.

I thought we settled this in 1960. Have been asleep since then?

I think they’re all a mess of Pharisees.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ted Cruz: Secret Catholic?”

  1. Is this what the United States comes to– picking a leader by who can out-Jeebus everybody else? They don’t even bother to read their own book.

    Here’s the Biblical Jesus in Matthew 6:5-6: “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Rhea: Thank you. And of course there’s that “no religious test” part of the Constitution, another document they apparently have never read.

  3. Rhea and JAK, my biggest bug-bear with Cruz is not faith based but Constitutional. How the blazes did he ever get as far as the Senate while he was still a citizen of Canada? I have never had an issue with Obama being born in Hawaii, our 50th state, but Cruz’s national background is still on the hazy side to me.

  4. I hope the ‘other Christians’ and I mean those that are not of Rafael Cruz’s religious flavor realize that he does not consider them a true christian.
    Same goes for Santorum and Carson.
    When you are that fanatical, ANYBODY that does not worship or believe what you do, is not a good enough christian.
    If Catholics or 7th Day or Mormons think that Rafael will represent them, they are crazy. The Jews, Muslims and atheists already know this.
    Ted Cruz is a zealot. If you are not for ‘his’ god, you are not worthy. He scares the crap out of me. HIS religion will be the religion of the US. Any other is of the devil.

  5. Dominionists. If you don’t know about them, and their Seven Mountains Strategy, read up.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Pervangelists have to pervangelize.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Actually, isn’t it Rubio who samples religions like he samples water?

  8. Old Mayfly says:

    What Zyxomma said! They also are called “Reconstructionists.”

    Destroying the wall of separation between church and state is their goal. The Founding Fathers and Mothers would be appalled.

  9. capitol dave says:

    Why is that the folks who thump their Bibles the hardest are the ones who seem to have never read them in the first place?

  10. daChipster says:

    c. dave – My cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, has always said because you can’t thump and read at the same time.

  11. Robert McClellan says:

    The Reconstructionists consider this to be the Joshua Generation the second generation to grow up home schooled or in a Christian high school and college. They have stated there isn’t a department in the Federal or any state government that doesn’t have our people in it and there isn’t a political campaign, Republican or Democrat that doesn’t have our people in it.
    From Reconstructionism to Dominionism, Part 1 by Southern Baptist Minister Bruce Prescott:
    If Rushdoony and his disciples have their way, democracy will be abolished and a Christian theocracy will be established. A theocracy based on the Bible along the lines of John Cotton’s Massachusetts Bay Colony. Rushdoony wrote, “The only true order is founded on Biblical Law. All law is religious in nature, and every non-Biblical law-order represents an anti-Christian religion.” (p. 113) He also made it clear that he expects that force will be necessary to impose such order, “Every law-order is in a state of war against the enemies of that order, and all law is a form of warfare.” (p. 93)
    Although they learned years ago to keep quiet about the nuts and bolts I suspect Cruz is their guy.

  12. maggie, dual citizenship has no effect on eligibility. If it were, then any country could mess with our elections by declaring a candidate they opposed to have citizenship. Generally, if you are a dual citizen, you are supposed to leave and enter the US on an US passport, and you are subject to the other country’s laws. It’s probably a good idea for a politician to renounce the other countries citizenship, just to remove the claim that he has divided loyalty. For someone who left that country as a child, though, or someone who gets citizenship through a grandparent, e.g. Ireland, it seems to me only symbolic.

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    That Dope could be Pope? Nope.

  14. The retrograde SCOTUS guy, Scalia, says that this country Is Too A Christian Nation and the government should promote Christianity in every way, with every law possible! He’s such a constitutional ah-sole.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Debbo, SCROTUS has the RATS (Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia.) iirc at least 4 of them are Opus Dei conservative crazies, or Opey Dopey as Jane calls them. Opus Dei, Dominionists, FLDS … not unlike the Shia, Sunni and Kurds with all their sectarian bickering.

  16. Agreed PKM.

  17. TrulyTexan says:

    I don’t think they want the father seeing what they do in private.

  18. These people all remind me of an interview I read with Johnny Hart, the cartoonist who draws “BC.” He said that, although his mother was a Christian, she didn’t believe exactly the way he did, so (according to him) she wouldn’t have gone to heaven. When asked how he would feel about getting to heaven and finding that his mother wasn’t there, he thought for a moment and replied that, since heaven was supposed to be a place of absolute happiness, and it would make him unhappy if his mother weren’t there, he supposed that God would erase her from his memory.

    I’m not kidding. He said that.

    These people have twisted little gods and twisted little religions and I hope their batshit ideas rapidly die the death they deserve.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Hadn’t heard of Opus Dei. All the others I keep telling folks READ ABOUT DOMINIONISM. Or whatever. Folks who support it, and lots do (like Tom DeLay) are not who you want running the country.

  20. Like I said recently, for me the citizenship issue of Cruz is my bug-bear. How the blazes he could have been allowed to run for the Senate when he was also a Canadian citizen is beyond me. Have always hoped that someone would go public with this. Well, it happened. Trump is making a big deal of it. This could cause the party to publicly renounce and dump him. I think this is what he really wants as it would allow him in every way to run as an independent.

  21. Linda Phipps says:

    He may be aCloset Catholic, but he has come out as a true fashionista, donning a $600 plaid shirt to impress the tractor people in Iowa. They might, I hope, be canny enough to know the difference between that and something from, say, Sears.

  22. Santorum is also Catholic, but like super-duper, secret-handshake Catholic.

  23. he’s Fidel’s ultimate anchor baby, the conservative-evangelical stance is just camo. the slimy part is real…………….

  24. Aggieland Liz says:

    Santorum is a 1970’s “pro-life” and “Abortion is Murder” Catholic. It defines him- there are no other real issues. Even the much-feared-and-dreaded gay marriage is not high on his list, although he deplores the immorality of it all. Opus Dei was a nice harmless idea that got co-opted by the raving looney fundie fringe of the Catholic Church. The idea was that you would not leave your faith in the pew after Mass, but you would actually try to use it in work and home life situations to act like a Christian-sort of a WWJD for papists. They tied it all up with the smaller-purer-church types and made it into a who-is-the-holiest thing. Pharisees, one and all – not one of ’em believes that religion is a tool to improve one’s self; its all about beating up other people!
