Another Big Tough Texan

January 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republican Congressman John Culbertson, who is chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee that oversees the Justice Department, is throwing a walleyed snot nose snack-infested hissy damn fit over the common sense gun restrictions that President Obama and 71% of Americans favor.

110303_culberson_ap_376By Gawd, you cannot keep John Culbertson from anonymously buying guns from a company run out of Jim Bob’s garage that he found on the back page of comic books. That’s his constitutional right!

Culbertson is threatening to defund the Justice Department if the Attorney General Loretta Lynch enforces any gun restrictions.

This comes from the state where a Republican state house member says that we cannot take Syrian refugees because it’s “too easy to buy guns in Texas.”

So Texas is handing out guns to terrorists and the best John Culbertson can do about that is to threaten Loretta Lynch.

Another big tough guy with a brain the size of a flea on a skinny dog.

“I have formally notified Attorney General Lynch that I will aggressively protect our Second Amendment rights using Congress’ power of the purse,” he added. “I notified the attorney general that if the Department of Justice attempted to create new restrictions on our Constitutional rights that I would use every tool at my disposal to immediately restrict their access to federal funding.”

The only purpose that served is that all the guys at the NRA headquarters now have erections.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Another Big Tough Texan”

  1. YOU will, huh? “I… I… I… I…” Seems to me there’s not a lot you can do on your own, Johnny. You need a majority behind you. And I’m hoping that this may finally be the time when the large majority, even of gun owners, who are sick of loopholes in the background checks will let Congress know that we’re fed up with the daily bloodshed.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Officially we are in an erect……election year.

  3. Vinegaroon says:

    I am a hardcore, heavy duty, radical, left wing liberal democrat. I am also an expatriate texas farm boy who grew up with guns, learned the right way to own guns, and still love guns. Yes, I have guns. No, I do not shoot animals. When the republican dictatorship destroys this Democratic Republic, maybe I will have to shoot animals to survive.

    Otherwise, I support hardcore, heavy duty gun control. I personally know two medically certified insane people who are armed to the teeth.

    The funny thing about these gun nuts who worry about having their guns taken away is, that is exactly what will happen when the republican dictatorship seizes full control of the government and imposes permanent martial law. If those jack-booted nazi-publican storm troopers come for my guns, they will have to make it through the hail of lead from my .32 caliber Pennsylvania squirrel rifle flintlock.

  4. JAKvirginia says:

    I’m watching CNN as I write this. A White House briefing with Josh Earnest explaining the new rules. And now comes the flood of GOP complaints.

    According to the Constitution, it’s not the President’s job to write legislation. Nor should he have to issue Executive Orders, as he has in this case. But when we have a Republican controlled Congress which won’t act for the benefit of the American people, then the President must act. Although what he can do is limited.

  5. He has had to go it alone the entire presidency. Annually, we pay Congress roughly $90,000,000 in salary alone (you could easily double that with the perks) – and get nothing for it.

  6. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    Vinegaroon: We don’t need to do much to ensure rational gun use in this country. All we need to do is register every firearm, license every gun owner, and require owners to carry gun liability insurance, like car insurance is done today. The insurance companies would welcome the additional revenue stream and registration/licensing would be no big impediment to legitimate ownership.

  7. Sometimes I wonder if these people hear what is being said, then I remember they can’t. If they ever cleaned out their ears, their brains would drain out their earholes.

  8. The message from the White House is we are going to at least try to prevent the next massacre. Any morons in opposition are actually voting for another massacre but they are too stoopid to know this. Even if this message was embroidered on their whoopee pillows it would not get through their thick egotistical skulls. Umpteen states joined in a lawsuit against Obama’s executive actions on immigration in November, 2014. Sadly, I am betting the same states will take up a new lawsuit on on just this subject.

  9. Oh yeah, Obama’s an Imperial President slapping down Congress and the Peepul (as if Congress represents the people these days) and imposing his will.

    Number of ‘per-term’ Executive Orders by Obama compared with other recent presidents: Obama, 147+80; GWB 173+118; George Bush 166; Clinton 200+164; Reagan 213+168, etc.

    They’re spouting caca and they need to be hauled up with a heavy hand on the reins. And a curb bit. With spikes on it.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Or maybe an enema with baby food and broken glass in it.

  11. OK.

    Someone, somewhere, please send us *1* example of the Feds confiscating weapons from an individual. The only caveat, the former owner had to be fully law abiding (no felons or illegally modified weapons or unlicensed) according to laws already on the books.

    Yeah, not so many (any?)…

    And yet, our President MAY somehow, someday take away all our toys….

    Grow up and smell the hypocrisy, NRA shills are LYING to you ammo sucking cowards to make money off of your saggy brown stained pants. If you are so petrified that you can’t go through a day without carnying a firearm, and you aren’t in a war zone or carrying large quantities of cash, don’t talk about being brave… You know, like the rest of us that somehow don’t need the crutch.

    Because of the NRA, thousands of people a year are dying needlessly. The level of gun violence is like it is in this country because that’s how they WANT it to be.

  12. Angelo_Frank says:

    Culbertson is bucking the 92 percent of voters, including 92 percent of gun owners and 86 percent of Republicans who support background checks prior to all gun sales. I’d say Culbertson is out of touch, even to the point of acting against the national interests of the American people.

  13. We can solve 2 stones with one problem. Let’s go to single payer, universal health care. To keep the insurance grafters from totally losing their minds, we’ll substitute gun insurance. It should be fairly high due to the extreme risk of lethal weapons.

    In addition to avoiding excessive whining on the part of already obscenely wealthy insurance execs, gun insurance needs to be taxed. The tax will be used to pay for for gun education classes. And something else that we’ll figure out later.

  14. Ole Scout says:

    What sort of Viagra do they use for this kind of erection?

  15. @Vinegaroon
    F’ing A. What he said.

  16. Oh. My. Dog. NRA erections? How could you tell? Is that what open carry means?

  17. Is that a concealed carry in your pocket or are you happy to see us?

  18. IF this guy wants to use “every tool at my disposal” he needs to start with a good, hard look into a mirror.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Have all of you seen the card you can carry with you saying “We saw a person here with a gun so we’re leaving and hope you will post a NO GUNS sign so we can come back as a customer?” and the list of businesses/orgs that don’t allow guns on their premises? That right there would clear out a bunch of folks who can’t leave home without their guns.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Vinegaroon-somewhere on the internet is a short film that will tell you how to turn your undersized smoke pole into a fully automatic,magnum tank buster. Just keep looking. 🙂

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Cheryl-actually we get a superb display of churlish behavior that most of us would punish pre-schoolers for doing. Wingnuts never had to learn to play well with others. They tend to take and then bully.

  22. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Look closely at that mugshot, especially the dental work and eyes. It really seems Babs Bush has an undisclosed son; he certainly fits the st00pid to be a Bush.

  23. Ellen Childress says:

    I still say that this country needs to require every gun owner, licensed or not, to be covered by personal liability for his or her gun, and charge everyone $50 per bullet.
    One thing about all of this continues to be interesting. Getting a license to carry, at least here in Texas, is not cheap. There is a hefty fee for taking the classes and an equally hefty fee for the license. Hand guns are not cheap. So, just exactly how many people who are jumping up and down over handgun ownership are really legally licensed to carry? Here in Texas no class or license is required to openly carry a long gun.
    And from what I have read so far, I think I am going to be required to put up a sign on my front door that open carry is not allowed in my home.
