Archive for December, 2015

Texas Attorney General is Going to Trial.

December 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is faux-Christian who will steal your Christmas presents and claim he didn’t notice that it wasn’t his for a full year.

ken-paxton-mugHe’s under indictment for stock fraud. You know, taking other’s people’s money under false pretense,  the Republican national sport. You know how we have sport’s bars where people go watch football, baseball, and basketball? Instead of that, Republicans have board rooms where they go defraud people out of their money.

Bless his heart, he’s got a legal team who are louder than they are smart. They were pretty sure that since Paxton got his trial moved to his home county, one of the special prosecutor was Tom DeLay’s lawyer, and the judge is a Republican, that they could get this case dismissed without ever going to trial.

It’s a swing and a miss.

The judge denied the motion to dismiss the case.


I feel sure his lawyers will appeal because that’s what lawyers do.  Instead of spears, they throw paper at each other.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Houston Stuff

December 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston is the most diverse city in America.  I’m proud of that.  The payback has been a world-class medical center, ethnic foods to fit your soul, an emerging art collection, city parks with diverse programs, and music to tickle your ears.

But, there are still people in Houston who are so mean that your clothes wrinkle when they walk by.

Houston’s public schools offer magnet programs.  They are hugely popular with fierce competition to get into any one of them.

And then you have this crapola called “Stop the Magnet.”

Houston ISD’s Arabic Immersion Magnet School Places Children in the Crosshairs of Civilizational Jihad

Placing PK-K aged children in the front lines among those who are seeking to undermine the United States is negligent, inexcusable and reckless.

They are going to protest.  Intelligence.  They want to protest intelligence.

Hellfire, he’s just shut down all the schools. Schools teach all manner of dangerous things and ideas.

Thanks to Mark for the heads up.

Here’s the Deal

December 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guys, we’re in the midst of a very close election for the city of Houston and looking dead solid at the distinct possibly that Houston may have a Republican mayor for the first time in 50 years.  Not only that, but he’s a gay-hating, racist, Tea Party jerk who may win on voter turnout alone. Today is election day and it’s raining.  Crap.

I worked the ballot board all day yesterday.  We certify the mail ballots and open them to be counted.  I don’t mind losing elections but I hate getting one stolen from me.

If you live in Houston, go vote for Sylvester Turner.  Right damn now.

I’m going to be phone banking today because my momma and grandchild both live in Houston.

There have been a few requests for pictures of Ben.  This one was taken last month at his second birthday party with his Grandpa.


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That’s why you need to go vote.

Thanks for your patience and indulging me once a year for pictures of Ben.


Local Stuff

December 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My local newspaper charges a full print subscription rate for the online version which seems kinda damn outrageous to me.

So, I freely hand out clips from it since I paid so damn much for a newspaper that you can skim in 10 minutes and it generally just pisses me off anyway.

For example ….

Here’s an article about how my tax dollars are being spent.  (Click it for a better copy.)


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Here’s a guy who has a wicked sense of humor, strong convictions, and a clear – or at least semi-clear – plan.  Now I gotta pay for his upkeep in the county jail for six months which the $2,000 fine doesn’t come close to covering, and his lawyer.  

They say he’s going to jail not for the weed, but because he didn’t respect the law.  Damn, you fools, this is exactly why people don’t respect the law.  Some guy walks away with probation for wife beating but this dude gets six months in jail.  

Hey, I am not comparing this guy to Rosa Parks, but holy crap, it’s gonna cost the taxpayers about $22,000 to keep him in jail.  I can think of a thing or two better to do with $22,000.  

Yeah, I live in a red Texas county. It sucks.


Look, Just Go On And Say The N-Word

December 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, I think most Republicans would feel a whole lot better if they just went on and said the N-word.

Poor Antonin Scalia, he had to say that blacks are inferior people without using the N-word or the word inferior.  It was tough but he did an admirable job.

In oral arguments over the case Fisher v. the University of Texas Wednesday, Scalia suggested African-American students would do better at “slower-track schools” than UT. He added that black students come from “lesser schools, where they do not feel that they’re being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them.”

But, damn him, I had to call the black UT grads I know and apologize for how much harder it was for them than it was for everybody else.

Lord knows I have given Harry Reid a lot of guff over the years, but he gets a pat on the back from me today.  He said …

“The only difference between the ideas endorsed by Trump and Scalia is that Scalia has a robe and a lifetime appointment.”

Hell, think it troubles him that he has to wear a black robe.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Yeah, Well, Mr. Tough Guy

December 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Look at this stuff.

Look at the fear on his face.

Donald Trump is afraid of a damn bird.

Hell, I could whip a bird. I’d take on a bird, no problem.  I could even whip Big Bird if I had a hammer or something.  I executed a turkey once.

I ain’t scared of no bird.

But I imagine chickens are.