Houston Stuff

December 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston is the most diverse city in America.  I’m proud of that.  The payback has been a world-class medical center, ethnic foods to fit your soul, an emerging art collection, city parks with diverse programs, and music to tickle your ears.

But, there are still people in Houston who are so mean that your clothes wrinkle when they walk by.

Houston’s public schools offer magnet programs.  They are hugely popular with fierce competition to get into any one of them.

And then you have this crapola called “Stop the Magnet.”

Houston ISD’s Arabic Immersion Magnet School Places Children in the Crosshairs of Civilizational Jihad

Placing PK-K aged children in the front lines among those who are seeking to undermine the United States is negligent, inexcusable and reckless.

They are going to protest.  Intelligence.  They want to protest intelligence.

Hellfire, he’s just shut down all the schools. Schools teach all manner of dangerous things and ideas.

Thanks to Mark for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Houston Stuff”

  1. Well, let’s see how tolerant the religious right is.
    They are doing unto others what they scream about others are doing unto ‘them’.
    Religious persecution.
    They should be standing up and defending a religious school.
    But I don’t think that will happen!

  2. Larry from Colorado says:

    Fits right in with the Texas School Board agenda of taking out all American history they don’t like.

  3. “Concerned Texans and taxpayers … will gather for a First Amendment assembly”

    Too bad the only way Sam Herrera, outreach director, can get even one person to show up is through his use of the 1st Amendment right to twist words, distort facts, and lie, lie, lie.

    Sam knows it’s freedom of speech, not freedom of truth.

  4. Do they have even the faintest notion what the First Amendment means?

    That’s a rhetorical question.

  5. Sorry Momma.

    What a load of B.S.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Once again, the silly snacilbupeR arguing against their own interests. For all their claims about being the party to promote economic interests, they fail yet again. Most successful business people speak a modicum of the language of the country or countries in which they do business. I would bet that even Dubya can speak a few words of Arabic.

    Also there is a ‘small’ matter of patriotic duty they’re missing here. They must have forgotten Dubya’s little adventure into Iraq and the shortage of folks we had capable of functioning as translators in our various intelligence agencies.

    Republicans: bad for business and intelligence.

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    And the inmates are running the asylum.

    A quick run-through of the site shows 10 programs of education and 53 sites. Yes, there is Arabic Immersion and… Mandarin Chinese as well. So, one site offers Arabic Immersion… out of 53. Well, just clutch my pearls!

    I think they should offer a Deep Water Immersion course for these maroons.

  8. This does not surprise me. Reminds me of when I was studying Russian, back in the Dark Ages, and the same doofuses (or their lineal ancestors, intellectually deficiently speaking) could think of no reason other than Communist sympathy for so doing. Pushkin, Tolstoy, Akhmatova, Pasternak? (let alone the best real analysis and probability theory folks in the world.)

    Even in the 1990s, when I brought a suitcase full of books in Russian back from St. Petersburg at the behest of my daughter who was studying literature there, the customs officials grilled me on why I would want a copy of Anna Karenina in Russian (the one they picked off the top).

    Before that it was Japanese and German.

    Ignorant and proud of it. And wanting to keep everyone else that way.

  9. @JAKvirginia

    Maybe Exxon and BP could sponsor the Houston ISD Deep Water Immersion program? Or Blackwater/Xe/Academi? Or Halliburton?

  10. PKM, as I recall the military tossed out some of the people they had who did speak Arabic, because those people were (gasp!) gay.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr: If it was a tax write-off? In heartbeat!

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, yes, that was the idiocy of the military. Had a sergeant try to ‘confess’ to me under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” days. No, no, and no. I hadn’t asked, ergo he wasn’t telling me any of that. Actually it was probably one of the more known ‘secrets’ in our unit, but we had an unofficial “we know and we don’t care” policy. Our attitude was “can you get the job done.”

    So when bigots like “Stop the Magnet” send out their st00pid, it’s always a pleasure to point out to them the lunacy of their willingness to waste talent in an effort to ‘accomplish’ their goal. For added fun, asking them to state the specifics of their goal is always good for launching them into digging a bigger hole of st00pid.

  13. So many morons, so little time. I fear a significant number of American citizens are so intellectually challenged that any attempt to manifest their shortsightedness is doomed.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Speaking of plans or goals of which bigots have neither, should they fire back “well, what would you do” hit them with this plan:


    That’s a plan!

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: Thank you! A great idea.

    CRAZY ALERT! Stay out of the comments at the link. It will depress you.

  16. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia to demonstrate what a cockeyed optimist that I am, occasionally scan the comments for insight into their ‘thinking.’ There’s no “there” there. All I ever find are pig headed rants full of fear for no good reason(s). But are they ever quick to trash plans that are beyond their comprehension. I don’t hang around to argue with them, but on the rare occasion there’s an opening I do try to tease them with a little food for thought in the hope that at least one of them will taste it. Keep thinking *if only* I could find the right words, maybe the Tea Baggers will get it that no one, including liberals, are their enemy; unless they choose to make it so in their imaginations.

    Strange really. They claim to hate our government, yet they cannot see that we have no quarrels with people anywhere, but that some governments are a problem. Weirdos hate the Iraqi or name the people, but never examine the form of government they have.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: Because they can’t damage their better-than-you comfort zone. I have a relation who is a self-proclaimed “expert” (although he would never use that term) on women, gays, n*****s (yes, his term of choice) and yet has never once sat down and had a real heart-to-heart conversation with anyone from those groups. But!! He “knows” them. And guess where he gets his “information”? Yuuuup.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, would I be wrong to guess he has never experienced college or the military? Meet and enjoy a myriad of people in college. As for the military, competency is the bridge to appreciating everyone. Albeit there are a few lunkheads who don’t learn from the experience. And, just WOW – he’s never had a conversation with a woman. Don’t even want to ‘imagine’ any relationship(s) he might have. Man is missing out on so much and doesn’t even know it. Sad.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: Bachelors and two Masters degrees. No military. I know. Go figure, huh?

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, the exceptions that prove the rule. I still believe in education, despite those who waste it. The current snacilbupeR Klown Kar is full of waste with wasted educations. Daffy Cruz, Jr. is the leader of that odious pack, while T-Rumps is a sign of the voters who are education impervious.

    Houston rose to the occasion yesterday electing a sane mayor over the RW crazy. I feel bad for those good people who must share a city with “Stop the Magnet.” However, these victories here and there are the energy sparks that inspire. Go BLUE Texas!

  21. Micr –
    So, would the Deep Water Immersion Program’s motto be Roll Tide! ?
