Archive for September, 2015

Well, Lookie Here

September 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Back on September 2nd, I told you about two Republican lawmakers in Minnesota who got caught making out in a car by local police.

They were married.  To other people.

They denied it ever happened. Both Tim Kelly and Tara Mack claimed the park ranger was lying and the information about the ticket going public was a political vendetta.

They lied.  .

The sheriff kept detailed notes of conversation he had with Tara Mack over the incident.

Unknown“She did not comment other than to say this is very salacious and that she is married to a minister and her career could be ruined. I said I understood that but if you are choosing to say that the park ranger lied … I have a big problem.”

Oh dear.

House Democrats pressured the pair to apologize to the park ranger for calling him a liar.

Mack wrote –

“Since becoming a State Representative in 2009, I have been a strong supporter of our men and women in law enforcement. I understand that the Park Ranger was trying to do his job. I have the utmost respect for the work law enforcement does to keep Minnesotans safe and I apologize for offending these great men and women.”

The Republican Party of Minnesota response?  Both of them were removed from the Legislative Ethics Committee.


Thanks to Rick for the heads up.


Out To Lunch

September 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hey, Folks, my website host is experiencing a little trouble this morning.  This is not Anna’s fault.

If you ever find a dead end at my website, here’s a place you can check to see if the website is down or it’s your computer.  Bookmark that.  It works for every website.

And if this website is down, her’s my new favorite time sponge.


Last One Out Turn Off the Air Conditioning

September 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Don’t ever approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or Ted Cruz from any direction.

Screen Shot 2015-09-14 at 10.01.53 AMHe’s damned and determined to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood.  His Republican colleagues are not overjoyed about this.  Even his fellow Texan John Cornyn, who is no liberal firebrand, ain’t pleased.

“I think it’s nearly unanimous the view that a shutdown doesn’t defund Planned Parenthood, and it doesn’t help us maintain our majority so we can have some influence who the next members of the Supreme Court are and can elect a Republican president,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), the majority whip, according to CNN.

I will send that man a pecan pie if he pushes this.  The GOP debate this week ought to be fun over this issue.

Honey, you could etch diamonds with his pointy hard head.


Weekend Round-Up

September 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some fun for the regular customers around here.  (Rare personal life notes, too.)

I went to Austin this weekend for a State Democratic Executive Committee Meeting.  That generally involves a day of seriousness and a night of rowdiness.

This SDEC meeting on Saturday included a rally on Sunday for the Texas Democratic Party with special guest Elizabeth Warren at Scholz Beer Garden in Austin.  There was room for 700 people and the low dollar tickets ($30) sold out in two hours.  Warren taught at UT Law School so it was not her first time at Scholz, a favorite Austin watering hole for liberals.

The crowd was packed so tight that we could have raised blisters but I want you guys to meet and greet Anna, the geek who keeps this joint running.

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You know it takes a tiny blonde Austin woman to keep me on the air.  Anna is fabulous and does us a thousand favors with bits and bites.  Give Anna a round of applause.  If you need someone to get a website up and running, Anna is your answer. Email me and I’ll give you her contact information.

The other thing that happen is about our friend Glen Maxey. The Austin Chronicle runs a contest for The Best of Austin. It’s a big deal around town.

Glen won two awards. The first was for Best Civil Rights Activist.  Click the little one to see the big one.

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And ….

The one I love the most — Best Political Gadfly.

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The Austin Chronicle has been giving these awards since 1990 and over those years Glen has won more awards than most Austin institutions, but I need a full explanation of why he didn’t win Best Gadfly before now.

I love you, Glen Maxey.  I do.  But you know it will take decades for me to quit teasing you about this.


Tom, Tom, The Crazy Son

September 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, when I say it’s Christmas, you better go buy some little twinkling lights and I say that Tom DeLay is running for something.

A friend showed me this today at the SDEC meeting in Austin.  This sign was in a shop window in Luling, Texas.  The Caldwell County Republicans are hosting Tom DeLay to come speak at a fundraiser.  Click the little one to see the big one.

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Tom is still trying to sell his book, which you can buy for nickel. It’s entitled “No Retreat, No Surrender” which is ironic since DeLay has retreated or surrendered everything he’s ever started, including a foster care facility that he screwed up horribly and kicked all the little children out within a year.  It was so messed up that no other charity would even touch it so it sat empty for five years.

Hell, this is a man who quit from Dancing with the Stars.

No Surrender, my patootie.

He’s broke and needs a way to make money.  He’s tried a few schemes but they all fell few so his website is still begging money.

There ain’t nothing hot about Hot Tub Tom.

Thanks to Patti for the great picture.


Don’t Get Too Excited

September 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s done this before.  Four years ago, he announced he was out, then three days later he was back in, then he was out again.

Rick Perry suspended his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination on Friday.

RickPerry:God_2smallestAccording to remarks prepared for delivery at the Eagle Forum in St. Louis that were released by his campaign, Perry will say deep financial problems have left him with limited staffing in several key states.

“That is why today I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” he will say.

Perry’s campaign, his second bid for the White House, never gained traction in the polls and has run into financial troubles.

Yeah, financial troubles should be his middle name.  That sumbitch screwed Texas to run for President.  How that man became a millionaire when the only job he ever had was elective office, I dunno.

And you know how I feel to see him disgraced again, right?  Happy, happy, double dog happy.

I give his whole “I love Jesus” schtick to last until 24 hours after he discovers that no one wants him to be Vice President either.  Then that fella will be cussing, gambling, drinking, and chasing women.  No, wait, forget the women part.