Don’t Get Too Excited

September 11, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

He’s done this before.  Four years ago, he announced he was out, then three days later he was back in, then he was out again.

Rick Perry suspended his bid for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination on Friday.

RickPerry:God_2smallestAccording to remarks prepared for delivery at the Eagle Forum in St. Louis that were released by his campaign, Perry will say deep financial problems have left him with limited staffing in several key states.

“That is why today I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States,” he will say.

Perry’s campaign, his second bid for the White House, never gained traction in the polls and has run into financial troubles.

Yeah, financial troubles should be his middle name.  That sumbitch screwed Texas to run for President.  How that man became a millionaire when the only job he ever had was elective office, I dunno.

And you know how I feel to see him disgraced again, right?  Happy, happy, double dog happy.

I give his whole “I love Jesus” schtick to last until 24 hours after he discovers that no one wants him to be Vice President either.  Then that fella will be cussing, gambling, drinking, and chasing women.  No, wait, forget the women part.


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0 Comments to “Don’t Get Too Excited”

  1. screecherguy says:

    Well, on the bright side this will allow him more time to spend on his Texas ranch. What’s it called, again?

  2. It won’t be as much fun to kick him any more, but there’s always Louie. And everybody else on the GOP clown bus.

  3. “No, wait, forget the women part.”

    JJ. You do have a way with words!

  4. Jeb Lund, a columnist for The Guardian, wrote in a column that Rick Perry “has the mental aptitude of two dogs in an overcoat.” So strange that chucklehead was actually in charge of a state. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

  5. What do you want to bet those glasses of his go right into the trash can?

  6. Well, at least he won’t be draining the Texas treasury with demands for his security force.

    I saw this as breaking news, I could have sworn it was old news, or is that wishful thinking on my part?

  7. I hesitate to say, “You won’t have Perry to kick around anymore” because I remember what happened the last time someone said that.

  8. Corinne Sabo says:

    He didn’t save enough while double dipping here.

  9. e platypus onion says:

    Perry’s campaign was suspended by rotting dental floss over the abyss of abysmal failure from the git-go.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Wouldn’t want to be a puppy or kitten anywhere around Perry in the immediate future.

  11. I’m hoping this means that shortly he will be headed to jail. His legacy of corruption is alive and well in the Texas GOP but maybe this is the beginning of an political awakening in Texas.

  12. Paul Vaughan says:

    And Gov Goodhair rides slowly into the sunset.

  13. I am shocked! Not because he withdrew, but because somebody finally got him to understand the reality that he had no chance.

  14. I personally hope and believe, very sincerely, that perry can make a come back if Sarah Palin joins the ticket or even better trump and cruz with maybe……

    I totally stole this.
    If ayatolla you once, ayatolla you a thousand times, Palin don’t know s#$t from shinola about Iran.

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I lost a bet, I thought Santorum would be the first out.

  16. Yeah, I won’t miss him even a little bit. He’s not nearly as fun as goofy Louie.

  17. Gloat Gloat Gloat

  18. Linda Lester says:

    I saw the whole news blitz yesterday about his suspending his campaign–all the news folks were saying it was his liberal stand on immigration that got the best of him (supporting the Dream Act, college tuition for undocumented students, etc). I find it appalling that not one of them mentioned his legal troubles–like abuse of power–the media is complicit with all of these crazies by not telling the whole truth about these corrupt politicians knowing that the general public has amnesia about them. Glad to see him gone, but hope to see his criminal charges stay intact.

  19. That God, S/He’s quite the jokester.

  20. Can you use campaign funds for legal fees? I always thought he was a candidate just to get money. Had he seen hisownself on the video, he would have known he didn’t stand a chance.

  21. Perry ran for one reason – to raise funds for his legal defense. That didn’t quite work out. Plan B?

  22. So Perry was a recall from God?

    What is He waiting for? He has about 15 more candidates to go!

  23. Kay Carrasco says:

    I predict that that this will start the stampede for the exits. Nobody ever wants to be the first one to throw in the towel (or the glasses {snicker}).

  24. Poor guy! Now all he’s got to look forward to is jail.

  25. Well, he IS indicted on serious charges. When does the trial begin?

  26. Cannot wait . . . well, actually I can wait to hear the nasty comments from El Donaldo on the subject of quitting/losing. Saw a transcript of something El Donaldo said recently and I would bet that somewhere along the line he got hit by a silent stroke which left him unable to organize a simple sentence in a spontaneous situation. He can’t hold onto a thought pattern. Worse than Palin and her word salad. El Donaldo produces word slop.

  27. I’m just glad that whoever was stupid enough to donate to his presidential run got zero, zip, nada in return but provided everyone else some good laughs and a lot of sarcasm.

  28. maggie says: “El Donaldo produces word slop”.
    We have a winner.
    I guess Huckabee produces word bibble, Ted Cruz does word slash, Snarly Fiorina does word snarl, Ben Carson does word slice, pRick Perry did word whimper, Snotty Walker does word weasel, Rick Santorum does…ohoh, not going there…, and when Mitt Rmoney slides back in, he can do word pillage (Bain Cap).

  29. Rachel Maddow’s take:

    She nails it in her Postscript: A handful of very wealthy donors invested millions of dollars into Perry’s super PAC, making an early gamble that he’d be a credible presidential contender. A few months later, it appears those who wrote seven-figure checks made a very bad bet.

  30. Good riddance you ignorant dipstick!

  31. Fred Farklestone says:

    “The Shadow Knows,” featuring Rick Perry!

  32. Fred Farklestone says:

    Go a little light on “dipsticks,” at least they have a purpose in everyday life!

  33. He can no longer do anything for those who participated in his pay-to-play program. So….he’s toast.
