When We Said Fall, We Didn’t Mean Your Pants

September 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well my goodness, it’s uptight Republican sex week.

In Minnesota, two Republican lawmakers were caught making out in the public park.  Well, Making out isn’t exactly right.  They were at second base when a policeman found them.



It says, “Was making out with female in car.  When I approached the car the female’s pants were unzipped and pulled down.”

State representatives Tim Kelly and Tara Mack deny they were doing the nasty.

Kelly said he met with Mack on his way through town to pick up some documents regarding an Owatonna-based health plan.

However, the sheriff is standing by his deputy.

Leslie said the deputy was simply enforcing the county ordinance in a well-trafficked park.

“We have families and children running around, so we just want to have some decorum there,” he said Tuesday afternoon.

And then there’s old coot stuff.

Aladamnbama Governor, 72 year old Robert Bentley, who is mouth drooling anti-gay, found some Viagra and got caught by his wife of 50 years sparkin’ with a 42 year old married mother of three.

The 72-year-old Bentley, a Republican serving in his second term, repeatedly has touted his Christian faith and conservative “family values” to attract voters. He long has served as a deacon at First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa. Bentley made national headlines in 2011 when, shortly after his inauguration, he said, “”Anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I’m telling you, you’re not my brother and you’re not my sister. And I want to be your brother.”

And by brother, he meant lover.

Somebody stick a fork in him.  He”s done.

Thanks to Brian and Ralph for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “When We Said Fall, We Didn’t Mean Your Pants”

  1. Goat Hill. Thats what Bamians call the capitol building of the state. Well, I could make like a veterinarian and go on from there, but there’s mama to consider!

  2. Juanita, how many times “I like a dewy morning, a DEWY MORNING”. These ewwy morning reports are killing me!

  3. I’m sure each one of these people will claim that Jesus spoke to them personally and forgave them. Jesus also told them “You’re damn lucky you’re not a liberal, gay, a minority, or poor because then I’d send you to hell.”

  4. At least Kelly and Mack learned something from their Republican colleagues in Michigan, Courser and gambit. Apparently they weren’t caught misusing state resources!

  5. Gambat. Damn auto-correct.

  6. @UmptyDump
    I’m not so sure about “misuse of state resources”. Early political writers would consider their bodies property of the state. And “using” their bodies outside of a state approved use, that is a state sanction marriage v a not state sanctioned sechsual relationship, is the very heart and soul of “misuse of state resources”.

  7. The “Owatonna-based health plan?” So that’s what the kids are callin’ it these days.

    Minor correction: It isn’t uptight Republican sex week. It has been uptight Republican half-century ever since the religious right gained power in the GOP. People that obsessed over other people’s sex lives are obsessed with sex, period.

  8. I just heard about this on the local (MN) news. Of course, Kelly and Mack are denying it. Supposedly they needed to hand off some documents so they met in a somewhat isolated park instead of a more public coffee shop. It will be fun to watch this one play out!

  9. Rethuglicans: We don’t need no stinking’ decorum.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    These people are flat out STRANGE! But thank the Lord for “family values”.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Sounds more like “hands on” documents-he was looking for the name tag on her panties. Must have been in Braille if he let his fingers do the walking.

  12. Well, if it was her pants that were down, I hope she was getting something out of it, at least. It didn’t reflect at all well on Bill Clinton that he seemed to do all the taking and none of the giving in the Oval Office.

    Is it Republicans who are almost always doing this stuff, or is it just so much more fun when they get caught and try to argue their way out of it?

  13. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Democrats also lose their…decorum, if that’s what they want to call it, but they aren’t usually so proud of being Family Values out the kazoo that it’s funny when they fall. We had an excellent Latino politician in San Antonio who was on the fast track to national prominence when he just could not keep his pants zipped. If you don’t pretend to be perfect, it’s less of a shock when you aren’t.

    Rhea, I’ll bet his pants were also unzipped. Another unfairness of anatomy is that unless we wear a full skirt and nothing underneath, we XX chromosome types can’t relieve ourselves without exposing more skin. A guy–just has to tuck it back inside. When I’m named Empress of the Universe (and it listens) some plumbing redesign will be on the agenda.

  14. Elizabeth Moon, I have heard that in Victorian days when there were no public loos (a nice woman couldn’t go into a pub), a lady who had to “go” would just pause while walking across a park’s lawn — wide skirts and a lot of underpinning but generally no underpants. If her shoes didn’t stay dry, that was the maid’s problem.

  15. Craig Waters says:

    Dear Miss Juanita,

    I won’t go into detail because momma might see it, but they were actually at third base. Email be privately if you need the scale.

  16. It’s getting hard for me to keep up with the current euphemisms for what these two were doing. I was just getting used to “hiking the Appalachian Trail,” and now I have to work with “exchanging documents.” Life was so much simpler for me last century.

  17. Thanks to UmptyDump, I had the shocking thought of Tim Kelly and Tara Mack and Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat in a foursome. Gallona brain bleach for one please.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo girl,what say you?

  19. e platypus onion says:

    The two wingnuts are married but not to each other. Their offices are on the same floor and either could have faxed the papers instead of groping each other in a public park.

  20. Del Carter says:

    Born and raised here in Bama. And I just now felt the sympathy oozing thru these innertube lines from everyone, so thanks for that! But I think it’s important we recognize the political timing in this Gov. Bentley fiasco. The 2nd most powerful GOP kingpin, HML Mike Hubbard is under a 23-count indictment for corruption. And he has not had a good couple weeks, the trial, though mysteriously delayed, will take place. The state legislature has failed in their first special session attempt to pass a basic, bone slicing budget. They will try (and fail) again a few days before the start of fy2016. Gov. Bentley has bowed his neck and insisted on new revenue. Not going to happen. No way out for all, ergo somebody takes a fall. Bentley just rolled craps. There has been some loooowww down behind the scenes action going on ’round here.Keep us in your prayers (and consider donations) as we shutter a nearly 200 year old government and revert to some kind of anarchaic, territorial status.

  21. @micr – Save the thought and write it down! Then you can sell it as the first Tea Party “bodice ripper” to a romance novel publisher!

  22. @ Craig Waters – You’ve given me the incentive: When I’m driving tomorrow, I’m gonna lower all the windows, turn the car stereo volume way up and replay that Meat Loaf classic, “Paradise By The Dashboard Lights”!

  23. Check it out – her husband is a pastor. Isn’t that special?

  24. Mark Schlemmer says:

    That Josh Duggar fella’ really started the ball rolling – downhill – for the
    horndog wing of the Tea Party wing of the Republican brand. And you thought these people were uptight party-poopers. They only want to poop on other people’s parties.

  25. mike from iowa says:

    Mark-OUCH!!! That has got to hurt-someone. Maybe she was doing some ministering of her own in a car in a public park with a married man,not her hubby.

  26. Yep, it’s on the local news here in Minn, but I didn’t see anything in this morning’s paper. That’s odd. It usually does a good job of covering stuff.

    MinnPost is a statewide online newspaper staffed with journalists who were cut when conglomerates bought the big local papers and went for cheap over quality. That’s hurt, but MinnPost is very good.

    The only link I could find to a story about the Minnesota Republican Christian adulterers was to the St. Paul paper, but it’s behind a wall. Can’t even read one article without paying. Cheapskates.

    I’ll let y’all know what happens.
