Archive for August, 2015

Now I’m Not Saying That The Two Have Anything To Do With Each Other, But … Oh Hell, Yes, That’s Exactly What I’m Saying

August 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If there’s anywhere on earth, outside of Texas, that needs some help in the thinking department, it’s Aladamnbama.

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 8.56.12 AMTalisha McCann, a 42 year old resident of Alabama, was caught trying to break into the Franklin County Jail.  Yeah, into.

She was using bolt cutters to make a hole in the damn fence.

“She had two gallon-sized bags of tobacco, a small amount of suboxone strips, and a cell phone that she was trying to get inside,” said Oliver.

McCann faces a list of charges including criminal trespassing, possession of burglar tools and promoting prison contraband.

Oliver said he’s never seen anyone try to break in to a jail before, but says his jailers constantly fight contraband issues.

I guess she never considered that she could throw it over the fence.

Which brings us to Alabama State Representative Ed Henry, a loud Republican.

I would love to disband the Department of Education,” said Henry, who is on the House education budget committee. “That would save the state $1 billion and they don’t do anything, as far as I can tell that they don’t duplicate at the local level.”

I dunno, maybe the local districts aren’t doing such a bang-up job on teaching people the whole go-to-jail, get-out-of-jail concept.

Once he got to pondering on it, Henry admits that most of that money is federal.

But that ain’t all …

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 9.12.13 AMDoing away with the education department isn’t the only recent idea of Henry’s to shake up education funding. Last month, he said that if any cuts were going to be made to the state education budget in order to help the General Fund budget, those cuts should come from four-year institutions.

“I believe higher education needs to take the hit,” Henry said. “They have more than they need and when you start measuring return on investment, the four-year institutions, when compared to K-12 and community colleges, are far less of a return on our tax-dollar investment.”

Yeah, damn college educated fancy pants.  Ed Henry didn’t go to no damn college so you don’t need that crap either.

You just gotta love Alabama.

Thanks to Rufus Firefly for the heads up.

Free Trump Hat

August 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newsmax, a rightwing non-news website, has an offer for you.  If you subscribe for three months, they will send you – absolutely free – a Donald Trump hat.

And there’s an added benefit —

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 4.58.05 PM“Wear this cap with pride — show your friends at the golf course, gym, beach — anywhere outdoors you stand for a strong America. And drive your liberal friends nuts too!” the ad continues. “This cap retails for as much as $25 — but you can get it with our FREE Offer today!”

Yes, all the places rich white guys go!

I do not know this for a fact, but I’d be willing to bet you my best pair of pink boots that the hat doesn’t have a union label. And that it comes from China. And is made by children.

There won’t be a damn thing American about this hat except for the dope under it.

Thanks to Chloe Bear for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: Maybe He Was a Muslim Edition

August 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Sweet Jesus.

A man accidentally shot himself in the arm at a “Muslim-free” gun range in Oklahoma.

A volunteer group of gun lovers and veterans has been standing guard outside Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gear in Oktaha after the business owners sent out a Facebook alert claiming they received death threats over their ban on Muslim customers.

The sheriff is not impressed.  I suspect that he might be a tad concerned because there’s a convenience store across the highway where innocent people minding their own damn business are likely to be accidentally shot.

“I saw several of those gentlemen out there yesterday,” said Sheriff Charles Pearson. “The way they were holding their weapons, with the fingers on the triggers, you can tell a couple of these gentlemen have no idea about weapons safety. It’s like the Clampetts have come to town.”

It’s nice to know that somebody in Oklahoma has some damn sense.

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Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

He’s a Lawyer, Not a Counter

August 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton gets sworn in to testify at his own trial, there will be earthquakes, floods, locusts and whatnot because telling the truth is real hard for Ken.

ken-paxton-mugTexas Attorney General Ken Paxton said earlier this month he was “overwhelmed” by the “support and encouragement” he and his family received after his securities fraud indictment.

But according to an open records request to Paxton’s office, the attorney general received just seven emails of support through an online contact form in the three days after news of his indictment first broke.

The Open Records Act is a nasty little thing that lets newspapers jab you unmercifully.

There were a couple of doozies amongst the emailings.  Click the little one to read the big one.  Some guys wants him to investigate Benghazi and thinks the Feds indicted him.  Enjoy!

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Okay, I’ll give him this – they may be small in number but they are, indeed, overwhelming.


The Sky is Falling! The Jade Helm Sky is Falling!

August 19, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

They told you so.  They told you that Operation Jade Helm was a ruse to turn us all into gay communists who worship Prince Obama.  You were warned, dammit.

Well, now it’s happening.

The internet is abuzz with reports of forced micro-chipping taking place in Clint, Texas. Dozens of families were said to be rounded up by American troops, and given the option of an RFID implant, or imprisonment for an indefinite amount of time.

These allegations first appeared on Twitter, and has exploded across the social media landscape. While some were skeptical of the accusations, others swore by the events, and had the RFID chips to prove it.

And it’s even on You Tube, so that’s proof that it must be happening.

Screen Shot 2015-08-19 at 9.15.02 AMClint, Texas, is about 30 minutes from El Paso, which is about 5 hours from anywhere else in Texas. The population is about 1,000 people and dropping fast. Do you want to know why? Because they are bored as hell in Clint, Texas. Plus, they are so far out there that they don’t get the Today until tomorrow. If the world ends they won’t hear about it for a week. The average temperature in Clint is “hell.”

So, of course, that’s where the revolution to Lord Obama will start.

But maybe not.

It’s a hoax, but the crazies swear by it.

Thanks to Kris for the heads up.


Paying the Piper

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hood County, Texas, is situated on the banks of the Brazos River upstream from me so I hope all the foolhardy ignorance filters out before it gets down here.

UnknownTheir county clerk was one of the clerks in Texas who followed the advice of indicted first degree felon and Texas attorney general Ken Paxton and refused to issue marriage licenses to same-gender couples.

Her office got sued and, of damn course, lost in court.  Hood County Clerk Katie Lang’s refusal to follow the law cost the taxpayers of Hood County $44,000.

And that was lucky.  The half million dollar lawsuit was settled out of court for attorney fees.

I have a real problem with the taxpayers having to pay this.  The clerk herself should pay it or The Liberty Institute, which has bucketloads of money, who advised her to refused to follow the law.  Or Ken Paxton.  Hell, all his money is going to lawyers anyway.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.