Archive for August, 2015

Now Here’s a Country Song Just Waiting to Be Written

August 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

On Wednesday night, city commissioners in the coastal Florida town [Daytona] approved a measure that’ll allow a combination 12-lane shooting range and restaurant to serve booze to its patrons, the Daytona Beach News-Journal reports. While some commissioners were worried about promoting the use of guns and alcohol under the same roof, as well as the nightmare of monitoring who might be a possible felon, only one voted against the proposed gun range, which should be open for business sometime in the next few months.

So the next time someone asks you, “Is there even one sane man in Daytona Beach, Florida?”  You can answer, “As a matter of fact, there is one.”

Thanks to Paul for the head’s up.

Oh Ashley

August 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have to be honest with you and tell you that I frankly do not care about Ashley Madison.  Not one whiff.

Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 1.06.38 PMExcept maybe in this one case, but only because it is so funny.

Louisiana GOP Executive Director Jason Doré said Thursday that his name was among those released as part of the Ashley Madison data dump earlier this week because he used the site for “opposition research.”

My question is this:  is there any Louisiana politician who is NOT sleeping around?  No, there is not.  Research done.

Doré allegedly spent over $175 on the site, first logging on in 2013.

Isn’t that just like Republicans?  He paid $175 to get what I could have told him for a buck severity five.

Nice try, Jason, but nobody is buying it.

Fun With Guns and Fire and Stuff

August 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, most of the northwest is on fire.  So some damn fool decided to go pour gasoline on it.

Scott Turner, who is 42 years old and should know better, describes himself as a “paramilitary firearms instructor.” You know, in my mind, if you want to run around playing military, join the damn military. We need you.

fbdde5_4fde62be49ae4d5a8eb448c9b0bf2b47.jpg_srz_204_237_75_22_0.50_1.20_0.00_jpg_srzScott didn’t want to do that so he does firearm training … and more!  He towed an old car to the firing range, mixed up some Tannerite, put it behind the car door, and let people pay him to come shoot at it.  Of damn course he got hit with shrapnel. He was begging for it.

The training involved shooting Tannerite, a brand-name explosive often used in firearms target practice, the sheriff’s office said. Turner brought the Tannerite and had placed it behind a car door.

The car ripped apart and pieces of it hit Turner.

Turner is supposed to be teaching self-defense.  Best I can figure, the only self-defense involved with exploding bombs is to run like hell.  But noooooo … Turner wanted to put on a show and make a big boom!

State law also bans the use of exploding targets during fire season in forest protection districts and makes their use a Class A violation that carries a $460 fine.

Yeah, you’d think that explosives might, just might, be a fire hazard.  What the self-defense for that?  Water hoses?

I got this picture off this guy’s Facebook page.

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With any luck at all, he won’t be able to reproduce.

Thanks to Fenway Fran for the heads up.

Friday Toons

August 21, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized










Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press











Thank You So Much, Donald Trump

August 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Two brothers, leaving the Red Sox game, encounter a homeless Latino man asleep near the subway.

They urinated in his face and then beat him, at least once with a metal pole.  They laughed as they walked away.  Witnesses called the police and when the men were arrested they had a good explanation.

Scott Leader, 38, told investigators that he thought it was acceptable to assault homeless people who were Hispanic.

“Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” Scott Leader said, according to the police report.

I suspect that wasn’t the right thing to say because they were charged with “assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, assault and battery to intimidate with bodily injury, open and gross lewdness, indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace and threatening to commit a crime.” One of the brother faced additional charges for destruction of property after police said that he punched and kicked a cell door.

When asked about this incident, Donald Trump also had an explanation.

Trump called the assault a “shame.”

“I will say that people who are following me are very passionate,” he remarked. “They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”

Trump just stopped being amusing.


Holy Crap: Oklahoma Ain’t All Okay Edition

August 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Oklahoma State Senator, the Rev. Rick Brinkley. He’s a graduate of the Oral Roberts University School of Theology, and is pastor of Collinsville Community Church. He’s a birther and anti-choice. He was the president and CEO of the local Better Business Bureau.

Rick_BrinkleyNow please meet confessed felon Rev. Rick Brinkley.

Same guy.

It seems that Rev. Rick stole $1.8 million from the Better Business Bureau, a group apparently not very good at business if $1.8 million can go undetected.

He claims to have a gambling addiction. Really? I see it as a Republican prosperity gospel addiction.

The organization is accusing him in a lawsuit of embezzling more than $1.8 million “to support his lavish lifestyle and gambling habit.”

Brinkley made $172,000 a year as both the CEO of the Better Business Bureau and his state salary.  He couldn’t live on that skimpy amount.

There’s another feather in the hat of a self righteous Republican.

Thank ya, Rick, for exposing the dangers of the far right.  It’ll land your butt in prison.