Holy Crap: Oklahoma Ain’t All Okay Edition

August 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Oklahoma State Senator, the Rev. Rick Brinkley. He’s a graduate of the Oral Roberts University School of Theology, and is pastor of Collinsville Community Church. He’s a birther and anti-choice. He was the president and CEO of the local Better Business Bureau.

Rick_BrinkleyNow please meet confessed felon Rev. Rick Brinkley.

Same guy.

It seems that Rev. Rick stole $1.8 million from the Better Business Bureau, a group apparently not very good at business if $1.8 million can go undetected.

He claims to have a gambling addiction. Really? I see it as a Republican prosperity gospel addiction.

The organization is accusing him in a lawsuit of embezzling more than $1.8 million “to support his lavish lifestyle and gambling habit.”

Brinkley made $172,000 a year as both the CEO of the Better Business Bureau and his state salary.  He couldn’t live on that skimpy amount.

There’s another feather in the hat of a self righteous Republican.

Thank ya, Rick, for exposing the dangers of the far right.  It’ll land your butt in prison.


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0 Comments to “Holy Crap: Oklahoma Ain’t All Okay Edition”

  1. theft-cheating-blame others, what is so strange with that behavior for a rePUKEian xtian? Oh! Right! Nothing!

  2. We The People should publish a book called “How to Budget & Live Within Your Means for Rich Dummies”

  3. Corinne Sabo says:

    Great accounting!

  4. In Rev. Rick Brinkley’s Bible:

    “But we haven’t anything here, except five loaves and two fish.” To which Jesus replied, “Bring them here to me.”

    He told the crowd to sit down on the grass. Then he took the five loaves and the two fish in his hands, and looking up to Heaven, praised the Lord, drew two cards from the deck and said “I’ll call, and raise you these 5 loaves and 2 fish.”


  5. Funny how these righteous religious people are falling by the wayside and then blame liberals for their mistakes. From now on when I hear them complain about any liberal and their sexual behavior I’ll think and say look in the mirror because you scream louder than any others.

  6. Can’t help thinking that they aren’t real, someone has written a script and scraped the bottom of the barrel at Central Casting. But then, thats just me.

  7. @AFM Yup, blame the liberals…. is typical of the right wing “personal responsibility & accountability” they can’t muster up for their own machinations.

    Today… King of Hate Speech & author of toxic fictional propaganda who is president of the rabid X-tian anti-gay Americans for Truth about Homosexuality, Peter LaBarbera aka “Porno Pete,” imploded his biblical blessed balls hearing about the latest bible bigot sex scandal.

    Porno Pete said the horrifying news “….is the gift that keeps giving to the all the enemies of God on the left” Okie dokie, then!

    He can’t find it within himself to berate a holy idol like a Duggar but he found it within himself to attack the left all day long as the news progressed with more and more revelations about their holy horn dog’s proclivities.

  8. As soon as I read “State Senator, the Rev.”… I knew it was going to be ugly.

    Other people have embezzled money to spend at casinos, but you’d think a Reverend would kinda know that was a bad idea about the tenth or twelfth time he stepped into all that plush red and gold.

    Only one poor excuse: gambling is the only addiction in which the person thinks that if they do it just one more time they can fix everything they’ve already done wrong.

  9. I’ll bet he’s a Democratic when and if this story hits Fax News. They’ve done it before.

  10. I wonder if he had an account or two with Ashley Madison.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Josh Duggar did and was exposed and publicly admitted cheating on his wife yesterday. Boyhowdy!

  12. There’s only one solution. All the SANE people need to register and vote in every primary and every general, every year.

    If your friends/family/acquaintances/neighbors/colleagues need help with this, offer. It might be a small gift of money so they can get copies of documents, it might be a ride to the DMV or the polls (or both), it might be internet access. VOTE.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Another in a long line of wingnut Blamosexuals.
