Archive for August, 2015

Dumber Than Bean Dip

August 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the Houston School District, being the most diverse school district in America, has language emersion programs.  If you want your child to learn a second language, you can send them to a magnet school where teachers are trained to teach another language.  There are school teaching Mandarin, French, Spanish, you name it.

Well, this year they have a magnet school that teaches Arabic in a full immersion program.  It is popular – 490 applications for about 132 seats in pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes.  They will teach half in Arabic and half in English. Equal parts of African Americans, Hispanics and Caucasians “make up the vast majority of the school’s student body.”

Yesterday was the first day of school.  Little kiddos in pre-K and kindergarten went to their first day of school to be greeted by 30 adults scaring the crap outta them.


Protests marred the first day of class for about 132 kindergarten and pre-K students at the Houston Independent School District’s new Arabic Immersion Magnet School.

Shortly before 8 am, almost 30 adults spread along the fenced perimeter of the Heights-area school, waving American and Israeli flags while touting protest signs.

One of the signs said,”Everything I ever cared to know about Islam was taught to me by Muslims on 9-11-2001.”

Holy damn crap.

These are 4 and 5 year olds. Numero uno thing to know: they are not the enemy.  There is a real special place in hell for people who think frightening children is a good idea.

Numero Twoo:  Not all Muslims speak Arabic.  And not all Arabic speakers are Muslim.  A significant number are Christian.

Numero Threeo: You are idiots.  Complete and total idiots.  Quit waving the flag around. You do not own it.  Go home.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Let Me see If I Have This Right

August 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pat Robertson announced that the stock market roller coaster ride is due to

Televangelist Pat Robertson says he believes the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s massive sell-off Monday morning was God’s way of punishing the Obama administration for supporting abortion rights and funding Planned Parenthood, not the reverberations of China’s stock-market crash.

So, was the stable stock market last week a reward to President Obama for … I dunno, laughing at the thought of Pat Robertson being an economist?

Hey, it could happen.


Better Than A Thousand Words

August 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


August 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No, I am not kidding.

A white supremacist who has been trying to establish a white’s only town, has found his hero.

Craig Cobb bought $10,000 worth of land in North Dakota, just shy of the Canadian border. He has some grand plans.

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 10.50.38 AMThe sale included an old bank and two nearby residential lots. Cobb wanted to turn the bank into a church for his racist religion, Creativity Movement, which teaches the superiority of white people. The residential lots would be for church members to settle and start a new community together.

He also planned to change the town’s name to “Trump Creativity,” or “Creativity Trump,” in honor of Donald Trump, who Cobb admires deeply.

Oh good Lord.

Can we just drop the word “racist” from the dictionary and replace it with the much nicer “Trumpite.”

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

When the Lightning Strikes Ted, He’ll Sizzle for Hours

August 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz is prancing around American playing Joan of Arc. That boy is just two nails and a hammer away from having himself arranged nicely on a cross to be toted around the country and idolized.

Ted claims there is a war on faith.  Explain to me why rightwing Christians think they have to be persecuted or rich. It’s either prosperity gospel or martyr gospel.  There’s no in between. I do not know what happened to I Come to The Garden Alone gospel, but I sure do miss it.  I liked it when Sweet Jesus was a comfort, not a personal weapon.


R-Ted-Cruz-rev1“The persecution of religious liberty ends today,” Cruz said to cheering crowds from the altar of a church in Chattanooga, Tenn., an outdoor stage in Little Rock and the flatbed of a pickup truck in Tupelo, Miss.

Here in Des Moines, the rally featured a performance by the Christian rock band the Newsboys. Attendees could pick up free American flags, coloring books titled “We “C” Ted Cruz for President” and a Ted Cruz pocket Constitution. A ministry handed out black rubber bracelets.

What?  No Jesus Koozies?

Ted has reduced Jesus to his essence and poured him into a snake oil bottle that he’s peddling around the country.  There will be lightning strikes, I can almost guarantee you that.

My favorite Tedism is this one —

“You want to know what this election is about?” Cruz asked. “We’re one justice away from the Supreme Court saying every image of God shall be torn down.”

Uh, Ted, I think Moses already took care of that.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Cowboys and Yankees

August 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am not going to make jokes about the Dallas Cowboys and sinking ships, okay?

Oh hell, you know I am.

Screen Shot 2015-08-24 at 8.16.16 AMDallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones will host Gov. Chris Christie at his home next month– helping to fill the coffers of his team’s most ardent fan among the 2016 contenders.

It’s a bundler party. The limit one person can donate is $2,700 but the guests are expected to raise that amount from ten other people, too. So … they are partying on other people’s money. You know, the Republican way.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.