Let Me see If I Have This Right

August 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Pat Robertson announced that the stock market roller coaster ride is due to

Televangelist Pat Robertson says he believes the Dow Jones Industrial Average’s massive sell-off Monday morning was God’s way of punishing the Obama administration for supporting abortion rights and funding Planned Parenthood, not the reverberations of China’s stock-market crash.

So, was the stable stock market last week a reward to President Obama for … I dunno, laughing at the thought of Pat Robertson being an economist?

Hey, it could happen.


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0 Comments to “Let Me see If I Have This Right”

  1. Funny how Pat’s god never punishes the ones directly responsible for what Pat says is the reason. It’s always a case of collective guilt to Pat.
    Pat’s god kills thousands of innocents to punish a few ostensible sinners-like he claimed for Katrina.

  2. My stars I love this corner of the interwebz, JJ.

  3. I like to think that Robertson’s punishment for continually taking god’s name in vain is a vacation in hell for all eternity.

  4. Pat Robertson lost all semblance of rationality years and years ago, but he hasn’t lost his voice. Pity.

  5. Hey, Pat’s no economist, but he plays one on tv if it gives him a chance to launch a smear at the Obama administration.

    I’m not religious and I see this as supportive proof. If there were a God Pat would be smitten.

  6. WallyinFl says:

    Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and cyclones, droughts and floods all over the world and this fool thinks a god hates President Obama. I’m tired of republicans and religious extremists blaming everything and anything on our President because these people are the problem not the solution. They have no new ideas just the same tired c..p except amplified. All day every day it’s President Obama is a horrible person destroying The United States the republicans have seemingly lost all touch with reality.

  7. Isn’t Pat Robertson in some nice padded room by now, where nobody but maybe a nurse bothers to catalog his obsessive ravings? I certainly don’t give a monkey’s what he says. Especially ten years after what he said about Katrina.

  8. I wish Pat Robertson wasn’t such a driven mediawhore. His outbursts are bereft of content and at this point his isn’t any longer amusing. Move along Pat. Your 15 minutes are well and truly gone.

  9. Pat doesn’t believe in China because it’s not mentioned anywhere in his Bible.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Pat Robertson, once again defaming his God. On average the Christian Taliban portray their God as mean and vindictive, now old Pat is calling his God a slow mover. Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973, so 42 years later the stock market fluctuates because of abortion.

    So, maybe I should keep hoping on that bolt of lightning striking old Pat. Sadly it will probably strike his grave 420 years after his death per Pat’s “logic.”

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Yesterday wingnuts blamed China and Obama for the downturn.

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    He prefers China’s one child policy?

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    the 700 club no longer considers Robertson their “voice” but they still let him have his airtime. Smooooooooothe … keep feeding the droolers but don’t take the blame. Pat is squarely in the flood theory of God’s vengeance on all.

  14. Ah the luxury of having a hateful punishing God at ones finger tips to help destroy your enemies.

  15. Only one thing can be said in Pat’s favor: if he reads the Old Testament, the god there is petty, vindictive, throws wide-ranging destruction, and has bad aim. Whether Pat has ever read the New Testament is an open question I can’t be bothered to care about.

  16. Keen observation, Rea. The conservatives have selected out of the New Testament, and wallow in the Old.
    Sorry to burst Robertson’s bubble, but the stock market has more than doubled since President Obama took office, so that kind of blows his blaming theory. The people to blame are the Wall Streeters, oil companies, big banks and the billionaires.

  17. This man pushes my buttons beyond my control. Please, dear god, make him S.T.F.U. NOW!

  18. Robertson will use his pyramid scheme’s good old time send money religion to blame Obama and godless lefties for this tally. The chart is the result of counting up the paid memberships to see which US state spent the most on adultery web site services.

    Alabama’s 4.85 million citizens (and Arkansas) outspent the 40 million Californians who get blamed for everything under the sun that riles up bible bigots.


  19. fran seyer says:

    God is a busy guy or gal.

  20. Wa Skeptic says:

    Why do they keep allowing this old f**t to appear on TV? It must be a full time job to keep the slobber off his chin, judging how much nonsense he jabbers now.

  21. Pat Robertson is a drooling idiot bible bigot. But that is merely to state the obvious.

  22. Your liberal bias caused you to edit out the important part of the Rev. Pat quote, “… so send your money to me instead.”

  23. UmptyDump says:

    That’s okay, Pat. God’s is punishing you with incontinence for your having lived so long.

  24. TexasEllen says:

    It is more probable that the concept of Donald Trump being an actual (and profound retribution) Republican contender put all the other billionaires panties in a wad causing them to panic all the markets in the world. Saying it is China’s fault is just the Republican thing to do.

  25. “Most interesting, perhaps, are the ten Ashley Madison accounts created by computers that appear to be associated with Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network.”

    What more needs to be said about moralizing hypocrites?
