Archive for February, 2015

No Matter How Cynical I Get, I Can’t Keep Up

February 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, if you could unhook my jacket from the horns of this dilemma, I’d know whether to be exceptionally happy or weary and watchful.

Anyone can set up a PAC.  You don’t need the candidate to do it.  Ready For Hillary is a PAC.  Whoever owns that PAC did not need Hillary’s permission to use her name.  They collect money that people assume goes to Hillary.  Not all of it does.

The good news is that greedy Republicans are ripping each other off in a grand style and they are using PACs to do it.  

A Republican decided to look at some of their PACs to see if they were actually helping candidates.  Some are, others not so much.  They estimate that $50 million was collected and never spent on campaigns or elections.

For example, nearly $14 million was raised by The National Draft Bend Carson for President PAC.  Of that, only 4%, $530,000 went to actually help Ben Carson or his campaign.

Same deal with SarahPAC.  Sarah only got 7% of the $3 million they raised.

There’s a nifty chart with the rest they looked at.  It’s about half way down this page.

And here’s the scary part:  we probably don’t know the worst of it.

We also found quite a few PACS that made large payments to vendors who were owned by people who worked for the PAC. This certainly can be done for legitimate purposes, but it’s also an easy way to move money around while keeping your donors from seeing what you’re actually doing with it. For example, this is done in some cases to obscure how much people at the PAC are really making. The Senate Conservatives Fund and American Crossroads appear to have done that. However, it can also be a way for PACs to siphon off money. If a PAC officer pays a vendor he owns, he doesn’t have to report what the vendor did with it to the FEC, which means nobody really knows what happens to the money.

Now why would this worry me if Republicans are getting ripped off?

Because it’s likely that it is happening to Democrats, too.

Be real careful who you give your money to.

Thank to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the cynical heads up.


And To “Top” It Off

February 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The GOP is selling stuff.  First, they let you buy Daddy Bush’s socks.  I assume they were new ones.  But I have no independent knowledge of that.

Next they want you to buy a Dick Cheney cowboy hat.

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Would I kid you about something that ridiculous?

For merely $72, you, too, can look like a war criminal.

I assume that friends you can shoot in the face come extra.

Thanks to Lorraine in Spring for the heads up.

Down Dooby Doo Down Down

February 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

How low can Rick Perry go?

A brand new Texas poll shows that Rick Perry is not a popular guy in his home state.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that Ted Cruz is.

Twenty percent of those surveyed went for Cruz with Walker pulling in 19 percent. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and neurosurgeon Ben Carson followed, each with 9 percent, and Perry at 8 percent.

Perry is at 5th place but he did beat Chris Christi who has only 2%.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


Outrage! We Need Some Damn Outrage!

February 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s rare to find someone who doesn’t know about The Chicken Ranch – the famous Texas brothel.  It has a major listing in the Handbook of Texas, and at wikipedia.  The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is based on the closing of The Chicken Ranch.

The Chicken Ranch was located in Fayette County – about half way between Houston and Austin.

I have a lot of friends in Fayette County.  The county is about 90% Republican and my friends consist of the other 10%.  They let me know about fun stuff in the newspaper.

There’s an annual major antique show in Fayette County.  People come from all over for it. Mainly female people.  This year the antique show is on April 3rd and 4th.  Well, come to find out, an enterprising woman has a helluva idea.  She got herself a big enclosed tent and is importing some “male exotic dancers” to entertain the antique show attendees, a largely female crowd.

Screen Shot 2015-02-24 at 9.23.46 AMWell, all hell broke loose.  People who own calendars know that April 3rd and 4th is Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  The county judge, a Mr. Ed Janecka, is just flat beside himself with indignity, upsetness, and chronic oh-holy-cow-you-cannot-do-this-in-my-county itis. Janecka has been county judge for 25 years and he ain’t having naked men in his county during holy week.  Hell, even normal men bathe fully clothed during holy week.

This will not stand.  Not in Fayette County by gawd!

As the judge says, “If people want to go to Houston, Austin, or Las Vegas to see this sort of thing, they can do that.  But we certainly do not want to have that kind of thing here.”

The local newspaper is all over this one.  We’ve got scans of the newspaper, so you’ll have to click the little ones to see the big ones.





The judge says that this kind of thing can lead to having female strippers next year.  Uh, technically speaking, strippers would be a step up from the most famous whorehouse in a seven state area, Judge.

Because of silly little things like free speech, there’s nothing the county can do to stop this.  Except maybe —

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Yeah, because outrage fixes everything.  Just ask Fox News.

Thanks to my good friends in Fayette County for the heads up.

Look, She Has a Baby in her Tummy!

February 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Reason # 7,895 why men should just shuddup about women’s healthcare.

Just shut the hell up, Buddy.

imagesAn abortion bill was pending before the Idaho House of Representatives.  One of Republican man had a bright idea.

According to the Associated Press, Idaho Rep. Vito Barbieri (R) asked a doctor testifying before the House State Affairs Committee whether a woman could have a remote gynecological exam by swallowing a tiny camera. Dr. Julie Madsen told him no, that’s not possible, because items that are swallowed do not end up in the vagina.

No matter what your wife told you, sir.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Oh Y’all, Rick Perry Versus Russia

February 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Customer David sent me this You Tube of Governor Rick Perry trying to show his international street cred.  Instead, he sounds like a junior high school kiddo reading a school program.

Permanent US military in Poland?

“We need to lead our allies.  This is RUSSIA we’re talking about!”  Crap, y’all, I’ve been forgetting to worry about Russia.

Or this one:  “President Obama (appropriate sneer) always thinks through the consequences of action. And he never considers the consequences of inaction (appropriate smirk).”

Poor Rick, he’s a twig trying to be presidential timber.