Down Dooby Doo Down Down

February 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

How low can Rick Perry go?

A brand new Texas poll shows that Rick Perry is not a popular guy in his home state.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that Ted Cruz is.

Twenty percent of those surveyed went for Cruz with Walker pulling in 19 percent. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and neurosurgeon Ben Carson followed, each with 9 percent, and Perry at 8 percent.

Perry is at 5th place but he did beat Chris Christi who has only 2%.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Down Dooby Doo Down Down”

  1. Aargh. Nonononono.

  2. So the old poll had Cruz ahead also, and the new poll also has him in the driver’s seat, with everybody else’s totals and positions changing.

    So, that’s what a Chinese fire drill in a clown car looks like.

  3. I hope da Cruz stays just like that right into the circus. I mean Tea-hadist convention. I hate Cruz. I could campaign 20 hours a day against him. The Dems could nominate … well any one. I hate everything about Cruz.

  4. Cruz reminds me of the Bloom County cartoon about the local paper writing a profile of the local politician that starts, “Leaving a trail of slime wherever he….”

    I’m sorry. My apologies to harmless gastropods.

  5. Funny how that phrase “accused felon” discourages voter confidence in the Clark Kent look-alike. One can only hope that, during the course of the election campaigns, that phrase might be applied to many more of the Republican’t candidates, especially the Cuban-Canadian reprobate.

  6. Corinne Sabo says:

    Why did all those idiots vote for him for governor?

  7. Taking bets here as to when Cruz gets to a certain peak of attention and then shoots himself in the anatomy. Bound to happen! He just puts himself out there now more and more often without a filter.

  8. I don’t like Ted Cruz either.

  9. What’s real scary about Texas is that Perry was also unpopular when he was running for governor. And yet he won.

  10. LynnN, to me, what’s scary about TX is how many Texans don’t vote, or only vote in presidential years.
