Archive for May, 2014

Too Far

May 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, I have been enjoying the hell out of the really nasty Republican Lt. Governor race in Texas between incumbent David Dewhurst and ultra conservative Dan Patrick.  I pretty much have no use for either one of them and have been delighted with how nasty this race has gotten.

But even nasty can go too far.

Last night The Quorum Report published information it got from Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson.  Patterson also gave it to the San Antonio Express News.  Patterson claims he has not seen the documents but that they have been read to him.

Sen. Patrick was on anti-depressants and admitted to a psychiatric hospital, court documents show.

Jerry Patterson is more than a tad wacky (more about that later) and openly supports David Dewhurst against Patrick.

It boils down to this.  In 1985 or 86, Patrick voluntarily admitted himself to a local hospital and was treated for mild depression and exhaustion.  His doctor diagnosed a chemical imbalance.  He was treated and released within a week.

Dewhurst claims he’s not behind this attack.  He issued a statement saying, “My heart goes out to Dan and his family for what they’ve endured while coping with his condition.”  Of all the patronizing malicious crap I have ever heard, that takes the cake.  Why not simply say, “Poor Dan’s family is having to deal with an insane person.” “Coping With His Condition?”  Really, you son of a motherless goat?  You really wanna say that while denying you released the information?

Oh yeah, Dewhurst, let’s stigmatize seeking mental health help.  Yeah, better people dealing with depression should shoot up school or kill their entire families than seek help for a condition that’s treatable.

I hate Republicans, y’all.  I do.  I just hate them.

Friday Toons

May 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized






Oh Y’all, You Just Gotta Look

May 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The twenty worst cases of Obama Derangement Syndrome.



Fun With Guns: Bulletproof Edition

May 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Macho, macho man.

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Yes, indeed.

There’s a whole mess of stoopid in South Carolina but these two seem to be hogging more than their fair share.


Holy Crap: Daddy Cruz ‘N Sweet Jesus

May 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is one of those things you look around to make sure isn’t satire because it sounds like satire, but isn’t.

Rafael Cruz, the father of Tea Party-backed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), told a conservative media watchdog this week that it was doing what Jesus wanted by fighting the “liberal media.”

I have this image of Sweet Jesus holding a boom box up next to his head, swinging a bat at Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz and there’s little “Kapow! Bam! Whup!” signs all around Jesus.  And there’s Cruz & Son Funeral Home gathering up the remains and sending the bill to Barack Obama.

And that’s not satire either.  That could really happen.  You know, except for the Jesus part.  I’m pretty sure that Jesus pretty much adores Rachael Maddow.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.

Most Amusing Headline of the Day. So Far.

May 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

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You know, with all the rumors of Rick Perry being gay, you’d think he’d want to stay away from backdoors while campaigning for President.

Okay, he might be asking because the regular entrance is through the office of the District Attorney he’s accused of extorting.  Or he might be asking so he can sneak in without having a line of reporters and teevee cameras there to welcome him.  But, now that they know …. sorry, Rick.

Or, he might just be a scary-cat little boy.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.