Benghazi! Ben, gha, zi! BENGHAZI!

May 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Allen West from Florida?  Got defeated, gets to be on the teevee.  Got defeated, gets paid to make speeches.  Got defeated, won’t go away.

allenwestFormer Rep. Allen West (R-FL), a Fox News contributor, suggested this week that focus on nearly 300 kidnapped girls in Nigeria was a “fishy” plot to take attention away from President Barack Obama’s “scandals,” including the terrorist attacks in Benghazi.

In a Monday column on his website, West opined that concern about the terrorist group Boko Haram, which kidnapped the girls, “right now seems fishy to me.”

Yep, the whole thing is made up to distract from Benghazi.  Because Benghazi is the single most important thing on earth.  Maybe even the universe.

Yeah, that’s the ticket.  President Obama is in cahoots with Boko Haram.

“Are we witnessing an Obama ‘Wag the Dog’ moment with Boko Haram in Nigeria? I say yes,” he asserted. “Consider all the scandals facing the Obama administration, especially Benghazi and the Select Committee, which Rep. Nancy Pelosi referred to as a ‘political stunt.’”

It ain’t easy being that crazy, y’all.

Our artist in residence, John, is back to making fun of Republicans because they make it so easy.



Thanks to John Kwitkoski for the art.

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0 Comments to “Benghazi! Ben, gha, zi! BENGHAZI!”

  1. West, as in waaaaaaay out west.

    Meds, Allen. Meds are good for you. No stigma attached in taking meds.

  2. RepubAnon says:

    If the Republicans investigated the Bush Administration’s failure to take the “bin Ladin determined to attack the US” memo and the Iraq War, they would undoubtedly discover the three real causes:
    * Jimmy Carter
    * Bill Clinton; and,
    * Barack Obama.

    Because, of course, BENGHAZI!!!!!

  3. maryelle says:

    Must be a full moon. The Republican crazies can’t help howling. The party of stoopid and crazy. Keep it up. The Dems will laugh all the way to the voting booth.

  4. It sure is distracting that people would want to find 300 live kidnapped teenaged girls, and try to put a stop to this happening again.

    When instead we could spend our time and resources investigating the loss of life (tragic, but can we bring them back?) of 4 Americans in Libya.

    Republican priorities.

  5. Three … two .. one . cue up the Loopy Louie. With all the crazies riding the GOP clown car, he’ll be needing his special dose of attention very, very soon.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Just ask any wingnut you happen to see(hear) how many other contractors were killed in Afghanistan. Wingnuts don’t know and don’t care because that happened under a white guy.

  7. I wouldn’t mind seeing each mother of those kidnapped girls line up to slap some decency into this man. But they have better things to do.

  8. And thanks to John Kwitkoski for the great art. Sad, but great.

  9. War criminals belong in prison… not in Congress and not on Fox. West is a disgrace to our nation.

  10. daChipster says:

    I am perfectly okay with the GOP continuing to harp on Benghazi, or Obamacare, or Cliven Bundy, or any of the myriad other “scamdals” they monger and concern they troll to gin up support (and money) from the base.

    Let’s face it: the reich-wing tea-basers are deeply, intensely and sincerely stupid. The fact that reality repeatedly gob-smacks their pitiful, faith-based certitude merely reinforces their paranoid delusional fantasies that liberal conspiracists are really, really good at their jobs.

    They are beyond saving – they are never going to vote intelligently – and if global warming would leave us any ice floes, the whole reactionary lot of them should be set adrift on one. Sea levels may go up, but so would the national IQ.

    Meanwhile, back in reality, the repeated trumpeting of all this nonsense will push centrist voters back into the welcoming embrace of the party of inclusion: us Democrats.

    So, God Bless, Westie! Good onya, Louie! Can I get you a louder megaphone, Miz Palin? Talk louder, Rush, I don’t think they heard ya in Des Moines!

  11. Allen West belongs in a special category: Annoying Rightwing Asshole Who Won’t Go Away.

  12. Rubymay says:

    Oh thank you JJ and thank you John. This is something that makes my bloomers continuously uncomfortable (damn knots!). Presidents Cheney and Bush and their cohorts will never have to answer for the devastation of 9/11 or the lies that got us into Iraq. Thousands of lives, and they never got the oil they wanted so badly. Questions about Benghazi have been asked and answered — let’s use the same committees to investigate the real tragedies. It’s not like Republicans have anything else to do.

  13. Ralph Wiggam says:

    From the halls of the Rayburn Office Building
    To the shores of Benghazi
    We will fight our party’s battles
    On the Fox and NBC

    First to fight for Koch and Adelson
    And to keep our White House clean;
    We are proud to claim the title
    Of the far right wing extreme.

    (apologies to Marines everywhere for abusing their Hymn)

  14. maryelle says:

    Bravo, Ralph! Mighty catchy.

  15. Monty, that’s an awfully big category. This clown is going to get lost in it.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Yeah Ralph! Now exactly what are they trying to find out during their investigation? When things like this happen, I haVe to wonder what kind of interesting stuff they are covering up with the diversion.

  17. Don’t these azzhats know we’ve got the google? 13 attacks on embassies under George bush. That would be a better place to start.

  18. daChipster says:

    Well done Ralph! Now I’m humming that all night.

  19. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Edit: It scans better if you omit office from line one and it makes more sense if you substitute tea party’s battles for our party’s battles.

    To write is human, to edit is divine.

  20. Teh Gerg says:

    Adam West played Batman.

    Allen West plays Bat(sh**crazy) Man. Or lives it.

  21. This is awfully long, and I used the word “bullshit” in the confrontation. So I don’t know if you want it in your comments about “Benghazi”, but it’s the gospel truth. It happened to me Saturday:

    While I waited to vote in a school election on Saturday, a poll worker heard a voter’s name as “Dixon”; then he learned it was “Nixon”. When he realized his mistake, he made a comment about how awful the president is today, compared to Nixon, something like Nixon really wasn’t a bad president compared to the current one. He followed with a second insulting comment about President Obama. I turned around and looked at the guy, saying, “Aren’t political discussions forbidden here?” Another poll worker said it was only forbidden to discuss the specific vote at hand.

    When I turned to the angry guy to collect my number to take to the voting machine, I told him, “I fully support the president.” I swear: that is ALL I said. He growled some remark about wanting to make me better informed on this subject. I just moved on to cast my vote. I left the place seething, only directly acknowledging a female poll worker who thanked me for voting.

    I couldn’t believe that this jackass followed me outside the building and called to me to wait up! He charged up to me, saying, “Benghazi” many times; “What about Benghazi?” I told him it all was bullshit; there’s nothing there. The Republicans don’t have anything else to throw at the President, and Obamacare is going great. He kept saying Benghazi this, and Benghazi that. I told him that at least 60 Americans died at different consulates during Bush’s reign, and the Republicans didn’t tie themselves up in knots over the losses of life there. Of course, he ignored that. Just growling that more Benghazi facts would be forthcoming, and then I’d see… About a minute later, he growled out some final b.s. and turned back to the school.

    I was furious to be challenged by a moron like that at a polling place, while going to vote in a school district election! This afternoon, I located the name of a school district official to file a report on the jerk and look forward to hearing back tomorrow from her.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    Oh Ralph, editing one’s own work is highly impressive. Keep those parodies coming.

  23. Marge Wood says:

    Elsie, I don’t know where you live but if it’s in Austin, you can contact the Travis County Tax Office and ask for Bruce Elfant’s office. Or you can call the Travis County Democratic Party Office or coordinated campaign office and report to them what happened. It sounds like that election judge was the same one who was so rude to a friend working there that she called and reported him and left the polls early. Let us know what your school official says.

  24. Zyxomma says:

    13 embassies and consulates were attacked under Shrub, resulting in 60 deaths, and this is what they’re doing? What about AMERICAN JOBS?

  25. Marge, it’s a suburban school district in Harris County, near Houston. I believe what set me off was that this moron said that today’s president is such a terrible criminal, and that Nixon himself really wasn’t bad. I voiced support – in one sentence – for President Obama, and all the rest followed!

    Later, I emailed a retired school board member to get a lead on where to take my complaint. She was out of town until today when she gave me the exact person in the school district to talk to. Let’s see what tomorrow brings…

  26. Of course another recent distraction is Karl Rove’s speculation about Hillary Clinton’s “traumatic brain injury.” Or, as Jon Stewart put it, “Brainghazi.”

  27. Anything that distracts us from BENGHAZI is obviously an evil leftist plot. Right, Allen?

  28. allen west had to have flunked gradeschool math.. 4 deaths vs 4,300+
    on a war that was based upon lies deserves only a small footnote in ben gazy history
