Archive for March, 2014

Have Mercy, Child. Get Yourself Together.

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ann Coulter used to the craziest Republican woman I knew.

But, this one takes the cake.  I was watching live last night and wanted to come through the screen and grab her and get that woman some estrogen and IQ points.

I know, I know, dammit, I know I should not take this personally, but women have worked too hard against the stereotype of victimized screaming histronic damfools.


When you can’t argue the facts, blame the messenger.



I Know The New Pope is Liberal But There Might Be Some Limits

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Fairbanks, Alaska’s Father Sean P. Thompson has got himself in a bit of a pickle.

He got arrested for DUI.  He was stopped by state troopers for speeding and erratic driving.

But, it doesn’t end here.  No, sireee, whoopee.

Screen Shot 2014-03-27 at 2.33.39 PMBitz asked if he was carrying any weapons, the complaint said. Thomson reported a .357-caliber handgun in the back seat but not a 9mm pistol he carried in his back pocket, Bitz said. Another pocket revealed a bag with a small quantity of marijuana, Bitz said.

Thomson blew into a hand-held breath alcohol test machine and it recorded a breath-alcohol content of .247 percent, Bitz said. The legal standard for intoxication is .08 percent.

It appears he was triple drunk, which means there will be no communion wine at the parish for a looooong time, had enough weapons to take on a small country or several large bears, and was stoned out of his mind.

Unless he’s the reincarnation of Hunter Thompson, he’s got some ‘splainin’ to do.

Thanks to Dean in Alaska for the heads up.

Fun With Guns: There’s Dumb and Then There’s Real Special Dumb

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Norridgewick, Maine and it’s damn time that Maine shows up here.

Michael Smith got woke up on a Tuesday morning by a tree removal company in his front yard.  He walked shirtless out on the front porch and hollered at them to get off his property.

A little while later the police rewaken Michael.  The tree removal people thought Michael had threatened them with a weapon.

No, he was was just threatening his winkie.


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I guess a heart with “Mother” in it didn’t appeal to him.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

Holy Crap: Texas Diversity Edition

March 27, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so a guy in Sherman, Texas, has been writing and sending out the company newsletter every morning for eight years.  No complaints. Jef Mindrup was a good employee and faithfully did his job.

Until suddenly one day out of the blue, Jef is ordered by his boss to include a Bible verse in each morning newsletter.

On March 14, 2012, company co-founder Jody Goodman, a member of the board and vice president of staffing, corporate travel and diversity, no less, ordered him “to add Bible quotes to The Morning Coffee and to start doing so the next day,” Mindrup says in the complaint.

Jef felt uncomfortable doing that.  He’s a Buddhist.  You know, the people who believe that all paths to God are equally valid.  Jef responded —

“Jody, I am unable to add quotes or scriptures from the Bible as you’ve requested. I have always taken great care to avoid any quotes that would offend others as well as my own personal religious beliefs.”

He was fired the next day.  But, I am certain they did it in a real Christian-like manner.

He’s suing.

By the way, I danced over to the google to find the company and here’s the listing.  Please note the “This site may be hacked” notice.

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But, if you’d like to let them know how Christians should behave, here ya go.

In Goodman Networks defense, they claimed they fired him “pursuant to an apparently pre-planned and well-thought out reduction in force.”  Yeah, right.  Our cow just died, Goodman, so we won’t be needing your bull.

Thanks to Old Mayfly for the heads up.

I Dunno. That’s Kinda Weird.

March 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Iowa Republican Senate candidate Joni Ernst makes me a tad uncomfortable.  Any woman who smiles when talking about castrating anything makes me nervous and I don’t even have anything castrateable.


I guess if she could be confined to the Republican side of the aisle, I’d be okay with that.  But I sure wouldn’t be giving her any knives.

She’s running for Tom Harkin’s old seat.  Mitt Romney backs her.  Apparently he was castrated in November 2011 so he doesn’t have to worry.

Thanks to Karl for the heads up.

Return of the Holy Crap: Acting Like a Girl Edition

March 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is gonna piss you off.  It is.  So prepare yourself.

In Virginia, 8 year old Sunnie Kahle has been expelled from Timberlake Christian School because (okay, deep breath) she doesn’t look enough like a girl.  Sunnie, God bless her, did not follow “Biblical standards” on how a girl is supposed to dress and act.

Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 10.18.31 AMThe letter reads in part, “We believe that unless Sunnie as well as her family clearly understand that God has made her female and her dress and behavior need to follow suit with her God-ordained identity, that TCS is not the best place for her future education.”

Yeah, that’s the deal.  The school complained that the other students couldn’t tell if Sunnie is a boy or a girl.  My question is this:  they are 8 years old, why the hell do they need to?  Are they dating?

Luckily, Sunnie’s grandmother is a real woman.

“How do you tell a child when she wants to wear pants a shirt, and go out and play in the mud and so forth, how do you tell her, ‘No you can’t, you’ve got to wear a pink bow in your hair, and you’ve got to let your hair grow out long.’ How do you do that?” Doris Thompson said.

Sunnie has been enrolled in public school, where 8 year olds can be 8 year olds.  And Sunnie can be whoever God wants her to be.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.