It’s cold, wet, and a great day for ducks in Texas. We had sleet thunder in Richmond last night and then a little thundersnow for fun.
It’s also primary voting day. I’ll be live blogging election results tonight until I give up and go to bed. The polls in Austin didn’t open until 11:00 am, so they’ll stay open until 9:00 pm or until everybody is in the hospital from sliding around on ice – whichever comes first.
If you live in Texas, this is why I keep telling you to vote early. If I say it’s Christmas you better buy some little twinkly lights and I say vote early, dammit.
Bubba is going around to the Democratic election workers with bags of goodies because those folks are doing the Lord’s work and get paid almost enough to cover their gas money.

One Republican side election worker asked if she could have a bag and Bubba said, “Oh, I’d give you one but then that would make you dependent on me and I don’t want to do that.” He also added that if the Republican county chairman wasn’t so lazy and cheap, he’d be out doing this, but nooooo ….
One funny incident this morning. This is supposedly a heavily Republican county. However, the GOP couldn’t get enough election workers to work their own primary. So, Democrats are filling-in for the Republicans in about half a dozen precincts. Early this morning, one of our precinct judges was iced-in and couldn’t get to the poll. (She lives way out in the country.) Her Republican counterpart, a city dude, got there and opened it. The county election supervisor asked the Republican if he would do the Democratic election until our worker could get there. He refused. You know, because Democrats have cooties. So, we took one of our workers from her own poll, where she had some workers, and moved her over there with instructions to irritate that sumbitch every chance she got. I’m taking her a harmonica.