Oh Yeah, This Is Where I Live

March 04, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Katy, Texas, which is within spittin’ distance of where I live, is a growing mini-mansion area filled with rich Republicans and poor Republicans who think the rich Republicans are going to make them rich, too, any day now.

If you wonder why the poor Republicans are so delusional, I have an instructional video.

Eugene Thompson says he got into a fight with his live-in girlfriend.  Her estranged husband shows up.  We’re real lax about all the niceties concerning how many husbands and boyfriends you can live with in Texas.

So the estranged husband comes barging in to protect his wife, even though he doesn’t like her much.  And here’s where the story starts.

Thompson pulled out his replica sword from the “Legend of Zelda” Nintendo game.

“And I pulled it out and I stood in the doorway and he was just coming down that hall at me while I was yelling ‘Go away you don’t live here.’ And he just walked right into the point. I don’t know if he thought it was a toy,” Thompson said.

The estranged husband was stabbed in the chest and leg during the brawl. He was taken to the hospital in serious condition.

Thompson was allegedly hit with a flower pot and treated for a head gash. The woman was not injured.

Eugene Thompson:  What do you mean allegedly hit with a flower pot.  That ain't no alleged bump on my head.

Eugene Thompson: What do you mean allegedly hit with a flower pot. That ain’t no alleged bump on my head.

Now here’s the best part of the story:

No word on if any charges were filed.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh Yeah, This Is Where I Live”

  1. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    One of the few true statements made to me by one of the Exron exec types was to tell me that I did not want to live in Katy and have to commute to downtown. But it was a nice little town to drive through on the roads that were not I-10.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Wow–I didn’t know those replica swords were that good. (Looks speculatively at her swords across the hall. I guess I can retire Grace the pistol if we get a home invasion and try the above.)

    If that’s one of the poor Republicans, he’ll learn in the course of his life that his rich bosses aren’t going to make him rich.

  3. Did someone, an older wiser woman perhaps, counsel with this young woman and ask her why she is attracted to Peter Pans? And the importance of NOT allowing Peter Pan to be the sperm donor for her children??

  4. SteveTheReturned says:

    Hey, wasn’t Thompson’s momma around the house somewhere? You know, to cook his mac & cheese while he was video gaming…….

  5. maryelle says:

    If the pen is mightier than the sword, then the flower pot must be the bomb.

  6. Elizabeth says:

    maryelle: My experience with both pen and sword led to this motto for a fencing group I’m in: “The pen is mightier than the sword but the wise woman uses both.”

    You can puncture egos with a pen, but if you need to stop the baddie coming through the door, a sword is very useful. Pen attacks make your opponent angry; sword attacks make your opponent fall down. Distant anger is no problem. Close anger is…dangerous sometimes, hence the need for backup. However, though people can sneak handguns into movie theaters, it’s impossible to sneak several feet of cold steel anywhere–swords are “open carry” by nature–so they’re no good if you upset someone with anger-management issues and a Glock in a place where swords are forbidden.

    What Thompson actually did is called a “stop-thrust” in our style of fencing: you let the other guy run into the point. Works well with eager attackers who focus too much on your chest and not enough on your sword. (Having been such an eager attacker early in my training, I had some spectacular bruises and eventually learned not to charge ahead without parrying the other guy’s sword.)

  7. Elizabeth says:

    This is way off topic, but it occurs to me that sword-damage is rare enough these days that some of you might be interested in an account I ran across of an early 20th c. duel (illegal) fought in Milan, Italy…a young man, a fencing champion in formal competition, against an older man who was not a competition fencer but a fencing critic for a paper–and who had fought many duels. I used it as the basis for a fantasy story about an older man teaching younger men about the cost of shedding another’s blood.


    Clearly this is not a “next morning” account, but an account enriched by maturity and self-understanding.

  8. I remember when Texas passed a state Equal Rights Amendment. There was a law on the books that if a husband caught his wife in bed with another man he could kill him. Some thought the law would be done away with since we live in (supposedly) more civilized times. Surprisingly to some, the law was instead changed to give the same right to the wife. I don’t remember if the offended spouse could kill both, or just one or the other. Someone more interested than I, since I don’t live there any more and don’t have a husband now, can look it up.

  9. Charges? Since no guns were used of course there will be charges.

  10. daChipster says:

    maryelle, FTW!

  11. No word if charges were filed. Hey, not surprised here. Remember the Trayvon Martin case? The martial artist who pulled the trigger went how many weeks before anything was filed against him? Apparently it can depend on whether the prosecuting attorney is bored or not.

  12. Zyxomma says:

    Katy, huh? Well, many, many years ago, after I’d moved back to the east village in NYC from Houston, I found out that the beige jean jacket that I’d embellished in sequins and beads with the Clothes Circuit’s logo was the star of a billboard on the Katy Freeway. It was also used in an ad in The Advocate. Guess things have changed …

  13. Wait, he had a replica of the Master Sword from Legend of Zelda! I want it!
