By: Amber Paaso, Democratic nominee for Texas Representative, District 26
Courage: mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. – Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.
I know the Nugent/Abbott alliance has been all over the media and perhaps you are ready to move on to the next controversy. Well, I am not and I hope that you aren’t either. This is an opportunity to discuss the qualities of a leader and how his or her choices reveal to us their true selves. Earlier this week Ted Nugent heralded Abbott for his courage for inviting him into his campaign despite the backlash. When word got out of Nugent’s campaign participation for Abbott, the number of attendees skyrocketed. We must then ask what this tells us about society as a whole and more importantly how we view courage.
Ted Nugent
The sexist and racist comments by Nugent are repugnant to most yet so many stay silent. Others go so far to call him a true patriot and great defender of our Constitution. People look to leaders for guidance and integrity. They are role-models for our children, our future leaders. Abbott, Romney and other GOP candidates who have aligned themselves with Ted Nugent are condoning his hatred and utter disrespect. When one stands by while another disparages women by calling them pigs and depicting them as such on his album cover or makes repugnant accusations toward our President, that person condones such behavior through inaction. Good people who stand by while others do or say horrific and disparaging things perpetuate and endorse such behavior through that silence. Leaders must lead by example. Will we make mistakes? Sure, but then own those mistakes and show some accountability. Abbott’s offhand remarks that he couldn’t read everything Nugent has said steeps in ignorance and lack of true leadership. Above all, it is a sign of cowardice.
Throughout the State, domestic violence and rape crisis centers provide leadership and equality training to youth. The PEACE (Peer Educators Acting for Change and Equality) Project, a program led by the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault, engages, educates and supports youth activists to create social change and equality across Texas. This program and many others encourage students to help victims of bullying by not tolerating hateful behavior (See the links below for more details on the OAG’s youth programs). So, how does this tie into to Abbott, Nugent and the question of courage? These educational programs are funded by grants from the Office of the Attorney General. Yes, while supporting anti-bullying and primary prevention of dating violence and sexual assault, Abbott stands proud next to a man who spews hatred and discrimination which are often the core to bullying, harassment and assault. Abbott needs to put his mouth where the money is!
Abbott’s acceptance of Nugent’s support was anything but courageous. More than that, it was a perfect example of hypocrisy. Courage means to stand strong in the face of fear, danger or loss of disreputable friends. If only Abbott had the courage to stand up to the racist and sexist beliefs that Nugent spreads, he could have shown he is a true leader. People look to leaders for guidance and integrity. We expect them to be an example and surround themselves with those who share their values and goals. We must hold our leaders to a higher standards. Abbott has failed on all these fronts. He never had my vote, but now he no longer has my respect. The question is …. does he have yours?