Thems Fighting Words, Partner

February 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Orange County, Texas is as far east Texas as you can get.  If you trip over a log, you’re in Louisiana.

They take their Republicanism very seriously.

Seventy year old Jerry Wilson is running for GOP County Chairman in Orange County.  Some other Republican folks don’t cotton to him.

According to KFDM, Jerry Wilson, 70, attacked another man who was removing Wilson’s signs replacing them with other signs calling Wilson a ‘RINO’ and  urging voters to  not vote for him. RINO, short for Republican in Name Only, is a term used to describe someone believed to be not conservative enough for the party.

The victim of the assault was described as a poll worker.

Jerry claims he got in some good punches.  I somehow don’t doubt that.  I regret deeply that I missed seeing it.

Screen Shot 2014-02-20 at 11.07.10 AM

Jerry Wilson

Is Jerry bothered by his violent behavior?  Not so much.

Whatever my punishment is, I’ll take it. If I had to do it over again I don’t think I’d change one thing. He deserved what he got.”

Misdemeanor assault, $1,000 bond.


Thanks to Brian for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Thems Fighting Words, Partner”

  1. The American jihad continues.

  2. Elise Von Holten says:

    Everytime my stepdaughter says something about how I should run for public office because we need smart people to run the country, I think of how old and tired I am. I have had a serious illness most of my life, and with the assorted drugs and stuff there is “no way” that I could do it. And then I think of age–I’m a very youthful person in mind and spirit–heck I have friends 20 years younger that look to me for ring-leading for adventures.
    But age is weird. I can see “old person’s thoughts” creeping in around the edges. I am beginning to think that we need a restriction on the upper reaches of service. The brilliant truth speaking “Bernie Saunders-type” is rare in service and crabby
    self-righteous “Pat Robertson’s” who haven’t had a new thought in 50 years–the no tax guy Norguist, something about–“made up my mind when I was twelve…” (That’s terrifying!) are far too common.
    I would say after say 68, you need to take a test on civil code, common rights–something. You cannot be abusive like this guy. There are so many bad guys and so few white hats.
    Just as to vote you should have to know the basics–and those things should be taught at the library in election years, with a teacher from both parties and debates on local issues as part of the curriculum. In Switzerland, you must vote if you are a citizen. It is a right, a privilege and an obligation.
    If it were that way here, a privilege and an obligation that is a trust–the future being set by today’s actions–then jerks like this would not even be jokes–good punches in–it’s not a joke it’s a travesty…

  3. Seriously, this guy at 70 is still in good enough shape to misbehave big time in public? And he has the one grand to pay for it? At 74 and on a very, very tight budget I am both amazed and appalled on both counts!

  4. Sorry, but I’m on Wilson’s side in this case. Does no one question whether or not the recipient of his anger damn well deserved what he got? Given that it’s East Texas, I think he got off easy. Maybe the next ‘poll worker’ will think twice about taking down signs someone else paid for and installed.

    Mule trainer picks up a 2×4 and smacks a mule right between the eyes. “The first thing to do is get the mule’s attention.”

    This might get their attention.

  5. Did I miss something? Isn’t it a crime to pull up or deface an opponents signs? Why wasn’t that guy fined? In the 2012 cycle, I had Obama yard signs (yes in red- necked Grapevine) and then the Friday before the repug primary they disappeared and turned into Cruzzzzzz signs. I wish I could have caught that bastard.

  6. BraxtonBraggart says:

    Orange is the only town in Texas I know of where lynchings were so common that they had a specific tree downtown designated for the purpose.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Jerry was called a RINO, which leads me to believe it was some lowdown gohmert Tea Bagger who ripped off his signs. That “not conservative enough” mantra sounds suspiciously familiar to me. Siding with Jerry on this caper.

  8. Notice his eyes. He actually looks like a rhino.

  9. I too side with Jerry. Beat him with a better more efficient campaign sans dirty tricks.
