Holy Cow! Where Was Ted Cruz?
As you know, Ted Cruz was the only United States Senator to attend Nelson Mandela’s funeral. I don’t know this to be true for a fact, but suspicions are high that the only reason he went was to get his picture taken with a black person. He’s tried in the United States but even Herman Cain ran the other way.
But, there’s a bigger story.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Ted Cruz didn’t throw a body block to keep this from happening.
Yes, that is President Obama shaking hands with Raul Castro. I mean, here’s democracy, freedom, and outdated foreign policy going right down the tubes and Cruz did not a damn thing to stop it. Hell, if he wasn’t will to die for outdated foreign policy, then he doesn’t know the meaning of the word conservative.
His posse is going to be so disappointed. Not only does he go to a funeral for a black man, he lets a commie leave alive.
Thanks to Frank for the heads up.