Archive for December, 2013

Holy Cow! Where Was Ted Cruz?

December 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, Ted Cruz was the only United States Senator to attend Nelson Mandela’s funeral.  I don’t know this to be true for a fact, but suspicions are high that the only reason he went was to get his picture taken with a black person.   He’s tried in the United States but even Herman Cain ran the other way.

But, there’s a bigger story.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out why Ted Cruz didn’t throw a body block to keep this from happening.


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Yes, that is President Obama shaking hands with Raul Castro.  I mean, here’s democracy, freedom, and outdated foreign policy going right down the tubes and Cruz did not a damn thing to stop it.  Hell, if he wasn’t will to die for outdated foreign policy, then he doesn’t know the meaning of the word conservative.

His posse is going to be so disappointed.  Not only does he go to a funeral for a black man, he lets a commie leave alive.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.


Fun With Guns: “When Did The Bowel Movement Actually Happen, Sir” Edition

December 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We appreciate Kentucky’s entry into our Fun With Guns contest.

A guy goes to the restroom in an upscale restaurant and puts his gun on top of the toilet paper roll because I guess that seems like the logical place to put it.

Of course it goes off and hits him in the leg.

The police believe his story —

Evidence such as bullet trajectory supported the man’s description of events, Neary said.

— because who the fool tarnation would make up a story like that?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.



December 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m still at a party for the end of candidate filings but I just needed to tell you crazy (no, like certifiable, not just ecentric) Congressvarmint Steve Stockman suddenly withdrew from his congressional race in the GOP primary and filto to run against Senator John Cornyn.

I cannot wait for the debate.  This will be epic!  Stockman is a Tea Party Darling.

Sorry – gotta run.

Okay, if you want to know the stuff on Stockman, Mother Jones did a better job than I could ever do.

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Here’s the best part.  Stockman says he’s running because Cornyn doesn’t walk lockstep with Ted Cruz.  So, every crazy thing that Stockman says rubs off on Cruz.  And, I’m betting ten dollars cash American money that Cruz and Cornyn will be in a runoff to prolong this free entertainment.

And you people in foreign states can watch from the cheap seats at Juanita Jean’s.


Well, Its Not Like They Weren’t Begging for This

December 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This has some promise of being fun.

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 1.07.40 PMOnce the Oklahoma Lege approved putting the Ten Commandments on the grounds of the State Capitol, that opened the door big and wide for other “religions” to have tributes to their beliefs.  The first to apply?  The New York based Satanic Temple, of course.

They are submitting a plan for a $20,000 designs.  The Ten Commandments tribute was only $10,000, the but Satanic one will include “an interactive display for children.”  That alone caused three semi-serious cases of the heart flutters in Oklahoma and one suicide attempt.

And while I will enjoy this process, I think it would have been so much more fun if the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster had applied.

By the way, you’ll love this.

A Ten Commandments monument erected outside the Oklahoma state Capitol is shown on Friday, Nov. 16, 2012. After the 6-foot-tall monument was put in place, the Oklahoma lawmaker who paid for it acknowledged the misspelling of the words Sabbath as “Sabbeth” and maidservant as “maidseruant.”

Those wacky Oklahomans!

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Weird Science

December 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In a convergence of events that may or may not be related …

Ted Cruz is attending Nelson Mandela’s funeral as the only United States senator in attendance.  (I suspect none of the others were all that sure of God’s aim with lightning bolts.)

And …

He now has his own coloring book.

Same day.  Coincidence or something for him to do on the airplane?



Thanks to everybody and their Aunt Bea for the heads up.


Because This Mob is Gonna Come Over There and Fix Your Hair!

December 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I think you people from foreign states know that my momma lives in a city with a great Mayor – Houston’s Annise Parker.  She just ran for her third term and won 57% against 8 opponents.  She’s as popular as a lottery winner and so hot that you can cook chili on her head.

Last month, she extended spousal benefits to same gender couples married in other states and working for the city of Houston.

Screen Shot 2013-12-08 at 2.26.43 PMThe Republicans wet their pants.  Harris County GOP chairman, a fastidious man named Jared Woodfill, went bonkers and accused the Houston Mayor of being … well, something very bad.  You know, like evil bad.  Very.

“If that is what Mayor Parker thinks of law and order, how can she effectively serve as the chief executive officer of a large municipality, whose first duty is to ensure law and order?”

He said that if the city loses “the rule of law, we give into to mob rule and crony politics, aptly described once as the ‘Chicago way.’”

“Texas and Houston will not permit would-be anarchy to become the default standard of government in this city,” he said.

You cannot have spousal benefits and law and order.  You just can’t.  Mob rule will ensue and mobs of married gay people will take to the streets and there will anarchy.

I told you it was bad.

I mean, look at this woman.  You can tell by looking at her that she’s itching to start a mob and head over to Jared’s house and tell him that Alec Baldwin called – he wants his hairdo back.



Admittedly, it’s the first time I’ve seen an anarchist in a gold silk jacket.  But there you have it.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.