Weird Science

December 09, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In a convergence of events that may or may not be related …

Ted Cruz is attending Nelson Mandela’s funeral as the only United States senator in attendance.  (I suspect none of the others were all that sure of God’s aim with lightning bolts.)

And …

He now has his own coloring book.

Same day.  Coincidence or something for him to do on the airplane?



Thanks to everybody and their Aunt Bea for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Weird Science”

  1. There will be a group of Democrats from the House attending, as well as the President and First Lady, but why are we allowing the only Senator to be Cruz? This may turn out to be a huge international mistake. Maybe he’ll miss the plane and end up in North Korea.

  2. Angelo_Frank says:

    Now the brainwashing of the children begins by the Cruz-a-fanatics. This seems oddly reminiscent of what occurred in a certain country in Europe in the 1930s.

  3. Dianne in PA says:

    From the review: “Cruz s beliefs and actions stir much emotion in those following the political realm, he is a modern ‘superhero’ to many and looked upon in adoration and abomination by some.”

    Please don’t tell me this “non-partisan, fact-driven” educational tool is being used in English classes!

  4. Might not this backfire on him too with the rabid right wingers? They were so enraged by the conservatives who had good things to say in memory of Mandela. I prefer the people attending who aren’t doing it for political purposes.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    “The members of Congress will be taking off for Johannesburg on Monday in their own plane.” This is a quote from CHICAGO SUN-TIMES. Does this mean Congress has its own plane? Does it mean each person attending is flying in one personal plane per person?
    Look guys, every conference has coloring books. I am appalled that Cruz has one but I truly think we oughta get together and make a coloring book called JUANITA JEAN’S THE WORLD’S MOST DANGEROUS COLORING BOOK

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    A Cruz coloring book … OMG … that simply boggles my mind! That has to be as bad as Caribou Barbie’s tell-all Christmas book! Good Lord!!

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I accidentally hit a key. Sigh. Okay. Coloring book. Any illustrators on here? Juanita Jean, I betcha we could be persuaded to give our own assorted personal permissions to use our (edited, maybe, scanned carefully, for sure) comments, mostly factual, I am serious, in a coloring book. Amazon and a couple other places do self-publication for free. It could be sold for a nickel or a dollar or whatever on Amazon as well as mass distributed at events and schools, well, at libraries where you see those magazines for free. I mean, Alex Jones has a regular publication at our library. Why not JUANITA JEAN’S? I bet we’d be right up there with ONION.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ted the Offender going to South Africa? The GOP is in a deep hole of denial, if he is the best they can offer to pay tribute to the life of President Mandela. Why not Senator Collins from ME? Sending no one would be better than sending Cruz.

  9. Shouldn’t that be “Carnival Cruz to the Future?”

  10. Marge Wood says:

    I was not kidding. Y’all all want to DO something about Cruz. The coloring book seems to me a doable project. I can read and write. I am not an illustrator. SURELY some illustrators are Democrats and can think. Or cartoonists. Any of y’all know a cartoonist that we could be proud of? At least half the cartoonists can’t stand the GOP. Here’s what I found when I googled koch brothers and Cruz coloring book:

    5 min ago | The Raw Story
    Ted Cruz coloring book for children says Obamacare ‘worse than any war’
    Just in time for the holiday season, a controversial publisher has released a new coloring book for children about Sen. Ted Cruz .

  11. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Anyone see an international incident in our future?

    Maybe we can wire Ted’s jaw shut so he can’t talk? Food poisoning on the plane? Sit him with Boehner & get him drunk so he spends 3 days sleeping it off?

    Is Nancy Pelosi going? If so, just handcuff him to the Former and Future Speaker (aka Italian Mom). She’ll keep him in line.

    On the bright side, he’ll show the world what we’ve had to deal with since President Obama was elected.

  12. Dave in Austin says:

    Comes with a box of white and “flesh” crayons……

  13. I think I am most upset with the tree propaganda on the cover. Gun rights and Free Enterprise are the leaves off the 10 Commandment’s branch.

    This is abhorrent and dares to claim it is non-partisan.

  14. Yes, its Monday and that alone has an affect on me, but my bones say that sending Cruz to the Mandela funeral would be like sending The Grand Wizard of the KKK, not because of any real reverence for the deceased, but just to make a very visible and creepy statement. If Cruz thinks this is going to play well with African Americans, he really does have slush for brains.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    I guess nobody here has been to a conference and brought home coloring books for their grandkids…..
    Get the kids and you get the parents; parents have to look over the kids’ shoulders and see what’s going on, or maybe even read to them.

  16. daChipster says:

    Kids, I smell satire. If it is satire, and people are snapping it up as if it were real, then then hoo-boy! there’s some gullible folks on there.

    On the other hand, if it’s not satire, and people are snapping it up then hoo-boy! there’s some gullible folks out there.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    A white countysherriff from South Carolina decided on his own not to lower the flag in honor of Mandela. He said the honor should be reserved for ‘murricans. He didn’t say white’murricans,but one can figure he is a wingnut in good standing with the t-baggers. You just know it.

  18. Does he not think The President and the First Lady can well represent our country on an occasion such as this?

    Most members of the Senate have a better sense of what is proper, and what is protocol, than to go someplace they probably aren’t wanted. Obviously, Cruz does not.

  19. Angelo_Frank says:

    Ted Cruz is going because he has been anointed “King” by his Christian Dominionist father Rafael. Besides, Ted doesn’t believe Barak Obama is the legitimate President of the United States.

  20. TexasEllen says:

    It would be just too lovely if one of the ushers asked him for his invitation, and finding that he had none, frog marched him to the parking lot.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Yep, Angelo Frank. Dominionism, plus getting his name and face all over the internet.
    Going to hospital to visit our baby grandson who is premature, doing fine, but still little.
    re: coloring books, lots of them are factual. Satire is okay too. You just have to do it right.

  22. W. C. Peterson says:

    Is Raphael going to meet up with members of the Westboro Baptist Church, who plan to picket the Mandela memorial service? If so, they both may not come back. Those guys play for keeps over there.

  23. bud malone says:

    I thought “a fond hope” that the guy was a momentary fad. In my mind, he is.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, Ted Cruz wouldn’t know satire if it bit him in his Gohmerts. As many have noticed, he sure has no idea about proper time and place. Scrooge Ted MacGohmerts needs to be exorcized by Pope Francis or visited by the ghosts of Christmas, before he travels anywhere.

  25. @Marcia
    This had to be a coloring book. Big words with definite definitions confound and aggravate the T’s. Remember how Cruz’ supporters demonstrate their approval by the sound of their knuckles dragging the ground and the throwing of their feces.

  26. Sheila Leggett says:

    The coloring book will keep Dubya busy during this very long trip.

  27. Been thinking on that coloring book thing for kids. It reminded me of something and I finally dug it out of my memory cells. A company that does fracking for natural gas in Pennsylvania whipped up a coloring book featuring a critter called the Frackasaurus. It was supposed to show kids that fracking is all good. Did not go over very well at all with anyone! If anybody out there has a copy of that thing, send pix! You won’t believe how dumb this was until you actually see it!

  28. Marge Wood says:

    Suit yourselves. I used to be a member of the Texas Solar Energy Society. We had all kinds of printed material/work sheets, a series of about twelve, with stuff kids could color. Teachers used them. It all depends on how it’s done. I know that everything is now available online but still, folks like to have something to pick up and hand out. It wouldn’t be Cruz specific. It could be whatever we wanted it to be, on various topics, state specific or national specific etc. Unless you want satire in which case you can’t hand it out to little kids; it might confuse their parents.

  29. Marcia in CO says:

    Micr … ah, yes … I do remember. That being said, guess Caribou Barbie won’t be selling many of her books due to … well … words!

    @Sheila Leggett … love your comment! Yes, I suspect Dubya will enjoy that coloring book … I wonder if he’ll know which end is up? Unlike the Goat book he was hold upside down on 9/11. I wonder if he’ll try recreating any of the pictures in the book for another of his own paintings?!?

  30. Corinne Sabo says:

    Can he be trusted with crayons on a plane? Where is the sky marshall?

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Corinne Sabo, given Dubya’s track record with pretzels and tricycles, spare the Sky Marshall and seat Laura next to him. She married him for better or worse, so let her save him from himself on a long flight.

    360 head crank. Dubya venturing into foreign air? His next destination could be Spain or the Hague.

  32. Cruz is going for one reason: there will be cameras and microphones, and he’s going to jump in front of every one he possibly can. I look forward to his being a national embarrassment.

    Love the image of Dubya spending the long trip with the coloring book. I’m sure Laura will have some crayons in her purse for him.

    Is South Africa not one of the countries where Dubya is liable for arrest as a war criminal? If they stop at any other countries, he’d better not get off the plane.

  33. Marge Wood says:

    Rhea, I agree. Cruz is going for the cameras. My opinion.

  34. Amanda Matthews says:

    The Senator from Calgary is always good for a damn good chuckle.

    But I don’t know about letting little kids read this thing. I’m surprised that the Republibaggers want these available to kids what with filthy words like virility and passionate so prominently displayed.

    Aren’t those dirty words in Baggerspeak? Someone might get the idea Ted and Heidi might have sullied their souls having SEX. At least twice.

  35. Marge Wood says:

    This is one of several places that makes the dang things. You just tell them what you want in it and they do it. Or you put it together yourself and format it and send it to Amazon and they do it for free, as you order them. Okay I will shut up. I gotta work on rewriting my drought book.

    Coloring Books | Coloring Book Publisher | Coloring Pages‎
    Our Coloring Books and Coloring Pages are made in the USA since 1988. Really Big Coloring Books®, Inc. Leader in Coloring and Activity Book Coloring …

  36. Marge Wood says:

    Gag. Go look at REALLY BIG COLORING BOOKS’ website. I will hush the rest of the evening. (There’s others.)

  37. I wonder if Ted will be using his American or his Canadian passport?

  38. Delusions of grandeur.
    And that’s a psychiatric term!
