Drumming On Fingers of Desktops UPDATED
We’re drumming our fingers on desktops here in Texas waiting on a decision from U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel on the constitutionality of Texas’s grotesque anti-woman bill, SB2, which will kill Texas women in the name of pro-life.
The decision is expected today but so far all we’ve heard is all sizzle and no bacon.
If I’m in the bathroom or in the middle of a perm when it comes down, jump on here and announce it.
I’m nervous as a sittin’ hen at a coyote convention.
By the way, Judge Yeakel was appointed by George W so the odds of him being smart are slim to none and slim just left town. (I apologize. I really do.)
UPDATE: Y’all, I am just damn giddy. Lookie at this.