Archive for September, 2013

But Wait! Wait! We Thought Of Something Else!

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Former Republican Senator and now President of the Heritage Society (oops, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit) Jim DeMint sees a backdoor.

D000595You know how even John McCain says that the American people made their choice about Obamacare during the 2012 election?  And Obamacare won?  And that pretty much settles it?

DeMint found a backdoor.

“Because of Romney and Romneycare, we did not litigate the Obamacare issue,” the Heritage Foundation president told Bloomberg Businessweek’s Joshua Green in a story published Thursday.

DeMint says we really didn’t talk about Obamacare in the last election because of Romneycare.

You know what that means, don’t you?  The whole 2012 election doesn’t count.

And that’s why they can destroy Obamacare.

You know, with sufficient thrust like this, pigs really can fly.



My Nomination for NRA Man of the Year

September 26, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And it’s going to shock you that he’s not from Texas.  He’s from Ohio.  Which proves, once again, that gun nuttery is contagious.

Paul Trimacco is 31 years old and he lives in Struthers, Ohio, with his girlfriend and his 9 year old son.  The neighbors called the police last week to report that  that shots were fired at Trimacco’s house at 2:30 in the morning.

When police arrived, Trimacco was in the backyard.

When police arrived at the residence, they found Trimacco — with his face painted, and donning camouflage military fatigues and a helmet — walking around the backyard and carrying a gun.

Flak_JacketHe told the police that someone had tried to break into his house and he fired shots.  And that the burglar returned gunfire and hit him in the hip.  The reason for his get-up at 2:30 am?  Well, of course, someone had tried to break into his house the night before and he was sitting up waiting for them because he thought they might try again.  And you paint your face just in case Duck Dynasty needs a new character.  Okay, I made the last thing up but the rest is true.

The police smelled something fishy because police are trained to do that.

Then the real story finally comes splattering out.

Trimacco confessed to making up the burglary story to explain how he actually shot himself while testing the credibility of his flak jacket, because he didn’t want his girlfriend to know the truth about his injuries. Trimacco said he’d been hit by a ricochet while shooting the jacket, and that he later fired several rounds in his basement — and blamed them on a burglar — to cover up the accident.

Wait, are you telling me that the flac jacket caused a ricochet?  Hey, at least it would work for the wearer.  Friends close by would be in trouble, though.

And the reason he Trimacco would be Man of the Year not not some damn runner-up?

According to the police report, Trimacco had accidentally shot himself a few months prior to last week’s incident, too.

We have our winner.

Thanks to Bananas for the heads up.

Da Chipster Reads Aloud

September 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Barack I am
The Prez, in fact

…That Barack I am the Prez, in fact,
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Do you like the healthcare act?

…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Would you like it Later? Or Now?

…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Would you like some hope and change?
Would you like a health exchange?

…I would not like some hope and change.
…I would not like a health exchange.

Would you like to help resist
Expensive ills that pre-exist?

…Screw pre-exist and health exchange
…And screw you Prez, your name is strange.
…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Your kids! Your kids! How ‘bout for kicks
We cover them ‘til they’re twenty-six?

…I really do not give two licks
…About kids under twenty-six.
…And if they get Kerfuffle Flu
…Let them pay up like I do!

Preventive care will be for free
You will like that, you will see!

…No communist preventive care
…Or any free kids anywhere.
…Screw pre-exist and health exchange
…And screw you Prez, your name is strange.
…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

On this can we all agree:
personal responsibility?

…All this responsibility
…Is fine for others, not for me.

Think of all the money lost!
Wouldn’t you want lower cost?

…Responsibility and low cost
…Are socialist! Prez, you get lost!
…No communist preventive care
…Or any free kids anywhere.
…Screw pre-exist and health exchange
…And screw you Prez, your name is strange.
…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

You don’t have to yawp or yelp
The Prez is only trying to help.
Try it, try it, just to see
How good the healthcare act can be!

…I’ll never try the healthcare act
…Cause if folks try it, it’s a fact
…That they will like low costs you see
…And folks’ responsibility
…And the free preventive care
…Will help the people everywhere
…And children under twenty-six
…And illnesses that pre-exist
…Are covered and the biggest change
…The cost-effective health exchange
…They will like it now, and then
…Will never vote for me again.

…Because YOU are the Prez, in fact.

Louie, Go Home. You’re Filiblubbering.

September 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Louie thinks Obamacare is a tool of the devil.

And he’s got proof.

“People are already being told after the first of the year that you can’t get your pacemaker, you can’t have this, you can’t have that,” he explained. “People are waking up, this is not good.”

 Louie!  Dammit!  Nobody is being told that — unless they’ve talked to you or Ted Cruz. The only people telling them that is you.

Representative Louie Gohmert (R-TX) questions U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in Washington“Because if you fire the Americans and hire the people that came in illegally, they get legal status under the Senate bill, then you don’t have to provide them Obamacare insurance or pay the fines,” he added. “So, maybe if the Senate got everything they wanted, both Obamacare and their amnesty bill, you’d have most Americans that work for big companies losing their jobs all over America.”

Louie!  Dammit!  That’s not what either bill says.  The only place it says that is in your butt, where your head is, so you can read it easily, with the glow of Saint Ted Cruz providing flickering light.

Y’all, maybe it was good that I was in Austin away from a computer and a teevee for the last few days.  I’m too old be be a headbanger.

Thanks to Stephanie and John.



Because it Needs Saying

September 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Still in Austin

September 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I can usually sneak away without you ever knowing but I left my computer at home and for some danged reason my iPad is not cooperating with the new upgrade of my website.  I’ll fiddle with it later.  Well, that’s a damn lie.  My geek will fiddle with it later.

I have so enjoyed watching Ted Cruz try to be Wendy Davis.  You know, except for the bathroom breaks, the sitting down breaks, the talking off topic breaks, the letting someone else talk breaks, the eating breaks, the breaks to whip up an omelet in the Senate dining room, the Home Shopping Network break to see of they have a genuine Ted Cruz doll for all your Christmas gift-giving needs breaks, and the what the hell is your endgame break.

Ted Cruz is a wimpy filibuster.  It’s not even a filibuster – it’s a full of bluster.

Here’s what you need to do, for every hour that Ted talks, go donate $1. to the Texas Democratic Party.

See ya this afternoon.  My morning is full of meetings.