Da Chipster Reads Aloud

September 25, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Barack I am
The Prez, in fact

…That Barack I am the Prez, in fact,
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Do you like the healthcare act?

…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Would you like it Later? Or Now?

…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Would you like some hope and change?
Would you like a health exchange?

…I would not like some hope and change.
…I would not like a health exchange.

Would you like to help resist
Expensive ills that pre-exist?

…Screw pre-exist and health exchange
…And screw you Prez, your name is strange.
…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

Your kids! Your kids! How ‘bout for kicks
We cover them ‘til they’re twenty-six?

…I really do not give two licks
…About kids under twenty-six.
…And if they get Kerfuffle Flu
…Let them pay up like I do!

Preventive care will be for free
You will like that, you will see!

…No communist preventive care
…Or any free kids anywhere.
…Screw pre-exist and health exchange
…And screw you Prez, your name is strange.
…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

On this can we all agree:
personal responsibility?

…All this responsibility
…Is fine for others, not for me.

Think of all the money lost!
Wouldn’t you want lower cost?

…Responsibility and low cost
…Are socialist! Prez, you get lost!
…No communist preventive care
…Or any free kids anywhere.
…Screw pre-exist and health exchange
…And screw you Prez, your name is strange.
…I would not like it later or now,
…I would not like it anyhow!
…I do not like the healthcare act!
…I do not like the Prez, in fact!

You don’t have to yawp or yelp
The Prez is only trying to help.
Try it, try it, just to see
How good the healthcare act can be!

…I’ll never try the healthcare act
…Cause if folks try it, it’s a fact
…That they will like low costs you see
…And folks’ responsibility
…And the free preventive care
…Will help the people everywhere
…And children under twenty-six
…And illnesses that pre-exist
…Are covered and the biggest change
…The cost-effective health exchange
…They will like it now, and then
…Will never vote for me again.

…Because YOU are the Prez, in fact.

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0 Comments to “Da Chipster Reads Aloud”

  1. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    You da man. This is as good as CJ doing “the Jackal” on West Wing. Am sending this to friends.
    Have a general question, would you mind if I posted this and the Demographic Polka to a couple of websites. With proper attribution of course.

    Hippie in the Hollar.

  2. Absolutely WONDERFUL! U da man, daChipster!

  3. Post away Hollar Hipster
    Tell ’em it was writ by Chipster!

  4. SomedayGirl says:

    Thanks for that, Chip!!!

  5. Good one, Chipster, but I think you’re working above Cruz’s reading level. Or maybe just above his sanity level.

  6. Priceless.

    Thanks for the smile. I needed that.

  7. Rhea–Cruz would probably be cheering how well Chip captured his “correct” thinking, right down to that last line, which he would never, ever say!

  8. Here is a collection of good Green Eggs and Ham pieces inspired by Carnival Cruz http://storify.com/froomkin/green-eggs-and-c-span My favorites are

    Ode to Cruz:
    I do not like him on the floor
    I do not like his made-up war
    I do not like the Nazi metaphor
    I do not like him to my core

    I do not like Senator Cruz
    I do not like his shirt or shoes
    I like nothing if he is in it
    Especially the U.S. Senate

  9. Chipster, an A+ for you.

  10. Aggieland liz says:

    Some people got ALL the clever! I vote for you, Chipster!

  11. Every Who down in Whoville liked the PPACA a lot,
    But the Cruz, who lived just south of Whoville, did not.
    The Cruz hated the PPACA — the whole health care season.
    Oh, please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason.

    It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were too tight.
    It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right.
    But I think that the most likely reason of all
    May have been that his brain was two sizes too small.

  12. daChipster and TalG, you are both quite clever! I haven’t read Green Eggs and Ham in many moons, but wasn’t the moral of the story to try things and you might just find you like it. That doesn’t sound like what the Cruz Missile (which should be aborted) wanted to get across, but is what he is afraid of.

  13. Woot! Woot!

  14. DaChipster…Way to go!

  15. DaChipster: Dr. Seuss stopped spinning in his grave when he read your little ditty. Good on ya!

  16. Love it!

  17. Shouldn’t Cruz have read Green Eggs and Canadian Bacon?

  18. Bravo Chipster and TalG! Thanks, I needed that!

  19. Chipster! Good going!

    Could not believe the Cruze picked Green Eggs and Ham! He didn’t get the moral of the story cuz his whities and too tighty and shutting off blood to the brain.

    Such cave man thinking! Anything new is dangerous = death. Stay in cave – in the dark – shut up tight. Sigh …

  20. Remember the GoldmanSachs that helped tank the economy, I just heard that Mrs Cruz is an exec there, also that the Cruz family gets a health insurance plan from them that is the best on the planet, the premium $40,000 of which Cruz and family pay zero!

  21. Joan, heard about Mrs. Cruz being a “working” mother. Just discovered that the Tedster has two daughters. If I know daughters they are probably not admitting their parentage to strangers cuz they are actually embarrassed by daddy and his celebrity. Hmmm! Seems I recall the Bush twins were the same way in high school! Must be something Repug kids have to endure.

  22. Awesome, daChipster. I stole it for my Facebook page and definitely gave you the credit. Too good not to share.

  23. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Outstanding work, Sir, I salute you!

    Maybe Ted will try “Oh, The Places You Will Go” next.

    And then go. Just go.

  24. You may have seen this long ago when it was first put up by Driftglass,but since we’re into Dr. Seuss this week,and I think it’s so amusing(a description of the Rethug Grift called The Tea Party),I couldn’t resist joining the Dr. Seuss-extravaganza.

  25. Keep ’em coming, Chipster!
    LynnN: Thanks for the link. Loved the last sentence, attributed to Mitch McConnell, “We got Ted Cruz to stop talking and you can’t put a price tag on that.”

  26. Oh, Chipster! That Seuss type take on the Cruz bozo is just so very true! Thanks for that! Being as Ted Cruz is batshit crazy, it’s very apt. What with the hubris that he shows, I see a crash and burn in his future. All of the major cities, except for Fort Worth went for Obama in TX in the last election. Not to mention all of those counties in the Rio Grande Valley. It looks like TX is turning at least purple if not blue. I’m a naturalized Texan who due to financial problems no longer live in Houston. I miss my adopted home state. I wasn’t born in Texas but I got there as quick as I could. I wish that I still lived there but unless something very unexpected and very good happens, like winning the Lotto, it would seem that I am stuck in BFE Dogpatch County in the MO Ozarks. But my heart is still in TX and always will be. I’m still a Texan in my mind. And heart. I’m always rooting for Texas to turn purple and finally blue. I was there when Miss Ann was governor. And yes, I most certainly voted for her. I wish that circumstances would change so that I could vote for Wendy Davis for Governor next year. My body may be in the freaking Ozarks, but my heart will always be in Texas. Go for it folks. Get out the vote and turn Texas blue!!! It could happen and someday it will. I’d rather it were sooner than later!
