Archive for October, 2012

Oh Yeah, Us Not Liking Racists Is Reverse Racism. I Get It Now. I’m Racist Against Racists. Quick! Somebody Stop me From Chasing My Tail.

October 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Think of all the really confused people and nutty people you’ve seen in your life.  When you get to the absolute  bottom, add this guy.

In New Jersey, a man who displayed a photo of President Obama dressed as a witch doctor is wondering what all the fuss is about. Bill Skuby, a shop owner, says the image just represents his political position…

“It always comes down to the race card,” Skuby, 66, told of the backlash he’s received.

The witch doctor picture shows President Obama naked except for a headdress and loincloth, with a bone through his nose.

“If this is racism, then it’s reverse racism,” Skuby told the Asbury Park Press. “I think they’re as racist as they accuse me of being,” he said.

Somebody call in the medical examiner.  This guy’s brain is dead.

The picture?

Nope, that’s not racism.  That’s a political position.

When The Second Sentence Really Isn’t Needed

October 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Really?  It did?

Party Boys

October 14, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is a long local story but I suspect you have the same Republican crapola going on in your county.

Our local Republican Party is such a mess that it’s not even speaking to itself.  One judicial candidate isn’t speaking to sitting judge because she thinks he supported her opponent in the primary and nobody can carry grudge like a Republican can.

Rick Miller: Thug

The former party chair, Rick “Thug” Miller, stepped down as chair while he runs for state representative but refuses to relinquish anything other than the title.  He installed a woman he thought would be a puppet and when she wouldn’t, he and the Belles of Heaven  began a vicious gossip attack about her.  She resigned but carefully documented it for all to see.

Bruce Fleming, the felony chronic fraudulent voter, took $10,000 from the party and is refusing to give it back, claiming he’s going to win, walk on water, and drive Santa’s sleigh this Christmas.

Nehls: NOT wearing a Nazi uniform

And then there’s Troy Nehls, who was Fleming’s mentor.  Nehls is running for sheriff to keep the tradition of short white boys who are damned and determined to keep the sheriff’s department as political as possible. His degree is from Jerry Falwells’s Liberty University.

So this trio of fellas, who are so white and so entitled,  took over the local GOP.  They gave large campaign contributions to Fleming and Miller and not to any other candidates.  They are oh so entitled.

But, here’s where the story gets fun.

After the Fleming story broke, they all decided that what they needed to do was send a six page full color mailer touting themselves to everyone in the county who had not voted in the Democratic primary.  That’s a whole mess of people.

So, next we hear that they had to get the State Republican Party to pay for the mailer.  We wondered why the state party had to pay for it when the local Republicans had a cool $81,418.46 in the bank.

And that’s when we heard what they had done with the money.  They rented a whole damn baseball stadium for their victory party.

Since it is highly unlikely that Mitt Romney is going to give them something to celebrate, this appears to be a very expensive Holy Coronation of a sheriff and state representative.  Hell, a royal wedding would be cheaper!

I have no idea what it costs to rent a whole damn baseball stadium, but I’m gonna call and ask what it costs to do a fly over with a little airplane waving an Obama banner.  Wouldn’t that be cool?  And what if local Republicans are so damn disgusted with the Three Amigos selfish takeover of the local GOP that they just don’t vote in those three races?

And these guys want us to trust them with taxpayer money?

The bottom line:  the Oh So Entitled Boys are getting a bailout because they didn’t spend their money wisely.   I do believe that includes them in Romney’s 47%.

Yes, I do.

Okay, No More Miss Nice Juanita

October 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am irritated enough to chew nails and spit out corkscrews.

True the Vote’s, Cathy Engelbrecht has done pointed her manicured little finger at the wrong damn woman.  Me.  She wrote a press release, claiming that True the Vote has 99 cases of voter fraud but …

“True The Vote never releases the identity or any identifying details of individuals that are alleged to have committed interstate voter fraud prior to a conviction. Given the public nature of this case, True The Vote calls on any party with direct evidence of Mr. Fleming’s alleged interstate fraud to release their findings. Clarifying whether evidence was obtained direct from the States of Texas and Pennsylvania will not only save precious time for voters before making their decision, but provide an excellent example for other interested citizens wishing to stop voter fraud in their communities.

Holy black roots on a bleached blonde hairdo!  Woman, if I came any more forward, I’d get my ta-tas caught in your buzz saw of stupidity.

I put the documents on my website and took responsibility for them.  We gave the evidence to the Houston media, who printed it.  (Read:  “Candidate Voted twice In Same Election, RECORDS Show.”)  We gave it to the District Attorney.  I mailed it to the Texas Attorney General and since that’s a wasted stamp, I also mailed it to the United States Attorney General.

Bruce Fleming: Loves to Vote

What do you want?  A confession?  Honey, we got a confession right before he lawyered up.  You want a picture?  I’ve got a picture.  Hellfire and brimstone, the man looks like he’s one of those guys on Cops wearing a wife beater shirt.

What else do you want me to do?  Hire a tattoo artist to put it on your patootie? On second thought, that might not be a bad idea since you’re sticking it in other people’s faces lately.

Look, the reason you do not release the names of the “99 cases of beer on the wall voter fraud” is because you don’t have names.  You don’t have proof.   You don’t have cases.  You pulled those numbers out of your tattoo.  You just made it all up so you could get people to give you money.  If you are withholding evidence of felony behavior, then what the heck kind of human being are you?

And what’s the crapola about True the Vote being non-partisan?  You’re not non-partisan and neither am I, and the only difference is that I don’t lie about it.

Whoever wrote this press release, somebody needs to take the pencil away from them before they accidentally poke out their eye or something.

And while we are on the topic of damn hypocrites, let me show y’all the annonymous billboards going up  in Black and Latino neighborhoods in Ohio and Wisconsin.

Hell, Cathy, you should have had them put it in your neighborhood.

Oh Snap!

October 12, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First a grieving mother and now a famous writer … you’d think Mitt would just shuddup.

Peter Berg, the writer-director of the Friday Night Lights movie and television series, is not pleased that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has co-opted a phrase from the show for his campaign appearances.

In a letter to the Romney campaign sent Friday and obtained exclusively by The Hollywood Reporter, Berg calls the use of “Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can’t Lose” an act of stealing. “Your politics and campaign are clearly not aligned with the themes we portrayed in our series,” Berg writes in the letter. “The only relevant comparison that I see between your campaign and Friday Night Lights is in the character of Buddy Garrity — who turned his back on American car manufacturers selling imported cars from Japan.”

Mitt, dude, you’re rich.  Hire somebody to think for you.

Thanks to Barbara L. for the heads up.

Hey, She and Ted Nugent Would Make a Cute Couple

October 12, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lindsay Lohan just announced she’s voting for Mitt Romney “for now.”


“I just think employment is really important right now,” she said. “So, as of now, Mitt Romney. As of now.”

“It’s a long story,” she added, according to E! News.

Yeah, kinda like explaining the Romney Ryan budget.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads up.