Archive for June, 2012

The Supremes

June 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

While we’re all waiting for The Supremes to rule whether or not insurance companies can withhold healthcare from people who are actually sick, another ruling came out today.

Even The Supremes think Arizona has loco camped out in their eyes.

The court ruled that Arizona cannot make it a misdemeanor for immigrants to fail to carry identification that says whether they are in the United States legally; cannot make it a crime for undocumented immigrations to apply for a job; and cannot arrest someone based solely on the suspicion that the person is in this country illegally.

I guess none of those other Supreme dudes wanted to ask Sonia Sotomayor for her ID.  She has a lot of heavy books in her office and she no doubt can chunk a few.

So at least you can’t arrest people for breathing while brown, which is a small step in the right direction.

But, there’s also bad news:

However, the court let stand the part of the law that requires police to check the immigration status of anyone they detain, if there is “reasonable suspicion” that the person is unlawfully in the United States.

Reasonable suspicion means “brown people.”  That’s gonna be bad news for tanning salons.

This is not America, y’all.

Romney Isn’t Vetting; He’s Begging

June 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am totally completely convinced that nobody in their right mind wants to run with Mitt Romney.

I mean, think about it.  Rick Perry is eliminated right off the bat.  He couldn’t keep up with all the Romney positions.  Hell, he can only count to two.

Pawlenty is saying, “No, not over here.  Please don’t look over here.  I just want to volunteer, not run.  I’ll help, yes I will, I promise.  Anything.  Just don’t make me be on the ticket.” And, think about this – he was runner-up to Sarah Palin four years ago in the Veep choice.  Runner up to Palin?  Oh cripes, how inane do you have to be to get that honor?

Rumor has it that Mitt is meeting with possible Veep picks this weekend in Utah.  Right.  Utah.

They say he’s meeting with Bobby Jindal.  Oh, smart, adding some glitter to the ticket, huh?   Are they hoping to hypnotize the electorate, put them to sleep, or just bore the crap outta everybody?  Actually, those two are capable of doing all three at once.

And then there’s Marco Rubio, no wait, not Rubio, oh wait again, Rubio on again, no, no, off, no on.  No wonder Rubio doesn’t recall when his family came to America – he’s puking on the Mitt Ferris Wheel.

Somebody said Condi Rice.  Seriously.  No, they said it seriously.  The only black Republican woman on earth and she just had to let Osama bib Laden destroy the World Trade Center and then help lie to get us into a war.  Perfect pick.  Everybody loves her – such a warm, cuddly woman.

Jeb Bush.  There, I said it.  What this country needs is a third screwing from the Bush Family.  The first two didn’t kill you, did they?  So, the Bush Family isn’t finished yet.  Not while you’re still alive and able to eat.

Oh sure, these are great choices for a man who’ll probably die getting stuck under his car elevator or attacked by a furious horse saying, “Dammit!  I am tired of dancing!  I’m a damn horse, not Gypsy Rose Lee, you fool.”

Look, I wish Mitt Romney well, but anybody that stuffed has to get eaten at some point and I do not want to be left with any of these … oh hell, at least Rick Perry can count to two.  That’s one number higher than the rest of them.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

Y’all, Rick Is Back On The Drugs Again

June 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless his heart.  It’s becoming more and more difficult to distinguish between when Rick’s on the drugs and when he’s just being crazy old Rick.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Sunday labeled President Barack Obama’s claim of executive privilege over Operation Fast and Furious as “Nixonian,” suggesting the scandal is worse than Watergate.

“You have a president who is using his executive privilege to keep that information from Congress. If that’s not Nixonian, then I don’t know what is,” Perry said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Oh, Good Lord.  How about the 6 times George Dubya used it?  What, Rick?  You were stoned for those eight years?

And now you understand why even the Republicans didn’t want Rick to be President. And those people are as crazy as he is.

Thank you for the heads-up to about a dozen people from foreign states who think having Bozo for Governor is funny.  It ain’t funny, y’all.

Making Me Crazy

June 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so you know how the rightwing hates, hates, hates taxes or any federal spending whatsoever?

Well, that’s only if their own hineys aren’t in a sling.

It seems that Michelle Malkin, a woman lacking in whatever thing most women have that makes them reasonable but has doubled-up whatever makes some women shrill, is now whining that President Barack Obama is not spending enough money on something SHE wants.

First off, allow me to speculate that if whining were an Olympic sport, Michelle Malkin could finally bring some pride to her country.

The smell of singed air here is inescapable. Less than 50 miles west of my neighborhood, the latest wildfire has spread across 1,100 acres.

The Obama administration’s neglect of the federal government’s aerial tanker fleet raises acrid questions about its core public safety priorities.

Ten years ago, the feds had a fleet of 44 firefighting planes. Today, the number is down to nine for the entire country.

Okay, so firefighting is not the State of Colorado’s job?  But only when Michelle Malkin is living in Colorado?

And let’s bring in Mr. Mathematics.  Ten years ago, the fleet was 44 and now it’s down to nine?  Obama has been President only 3 of those years. And the President who started with 44 and ended with 10 would be ….. ?  But the President who takes Malkin’s blame is ….?

And there one other tidbit she’s attempting to sparkle over.  If Republicans were willing to pay their damn taxes, our country could have a lot of damn things we need, fer gosh sake.  But Mitt Romney took a tax break for his stinkin’ horse big enough to keep some of that fleet in the air.

They want our cake and they want to eat it, too.

Michelle Malkin might as well get used to the heat of the fires ‘cuz the devil just loves hypocrites.

Thanks to Robert for the heads-up.

Why There Are No Posts Today

June 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s my damn birthday.

It is considered bad mojo to work on your birthday. Okay, so I just made that up.  So sue me.

If you have tragically come here expecting to see me work, you are indeed not getting your money’s worth.  Thelma will be cheerfully refunding your admission price at the back door.

See ya at the Pride Parade tonight or back here tomorrow.

There’s Gonna Be An App for That, Thank Goodness

June 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, say you’re shopping and you are determined NOT to buy one single damn thing where the Koch brothers make even a stinking .00001 cent off your purchase.

There’s fixing to be an app for that.  Seriously.

Darcy Burner, a Democrat running for Washington’s 1st Congressional District came up with the idea.

“Our democracy has been bought and sold by people like the Kochs,” Burner said, citing the Citizens United ruling that allows tax exempt nonprofits like Americans for Prosperity, founded by David Koch, to donate anonymously in unlimited amounts to candidates and causes. “When I’m out talking to voters, they say they want a way to take action.”

At her recent Netroots Nation keynote address, Burner pitched her plan of action to an audience of progressive bloggers: a smartphone app allowing shoppers to swipe bar codes to check whether the Kochs, or other right-wing supporters, are behind a product on the shelves.

I am so getting that app.  Not one dime to the Koch brothers.

I will be happy to live my life Koch free.