Y’all, Rick Is Back On The Drugs Again

June 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless his heart.  It’s becoming more and more difficult to distinguish between when Rick’s on the drugs and when he’s just being crazy old Rick.

Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Sunday labeled President Barack Obama’s claim of executive privilege over Operation Fast and Furious as “Nixonian,” suggesting the scandal is worse than Watergate.

“You have a president who is using his executive privilege to keep that information from Congress. If that’s not Nixonian, then I don’t know what is,” Perry said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Oh, Good Lord.  How about the 6 times George Dubya used it?  What, Rick?  You were stoned for those eight years?

And now you understand why even the Republicans didn’t want Rick to be President. And those people are as crazy as he is.

Thank you for the heads-up to about a dozen people from foreign states who think having Bozo for Governor is funny.  It ain’t funny, y’all.

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0 Comments to “Y’all, Rick Is Back On The Drugs Again”

  1. I’ve noticed how some RW politicians love some of their presidents but seem to disown others. Reagan is a saint who could do nothing wrong. They’ve completely ignored the Contra-Iran Affair, and Oliver North is a star in the GOP. Karl Rove is still a GOP star even though President Bush used executive privilege to keep Congress from asking him certain questions about the Valarie Plame Affair. GWB’s name is never mentioned by any of them now, but according to them, he was the ‘bestest’ president America ever had while he was in office. I find it strange that he’s not out stumping for Romney since he was such a success as POTUS. Perry’s comments reveal the extent to which GOPers will go to create a scandal involving PBO where there is none. I read on the PoliticusUSA blog earlier in the week that Issa and his buddies in Congress are upset that his NRA conspiracy concerning F&F, gun control, and AG Holder haven’t been reported on in the media as much as they think it should be. The answer is easy. Issa wants Americans to believe that the AG and PBO used F&F as a means through which they could implement gun control, but there’s zero evidence that this is the case. The republicans think its to their benefit to turn F&F into an Obama Administration scandal, but they’re ignoring past history and current issues. Americans didn’t like it when republicans wasted their tax dollars on the Vince Foster Affair and on impeaching President Clinton, and with as many people out of work at the present time, people want the republicans to work on creating jobs. It’s funny how republicans accuse the president of not creating jobs– something that they are constitutionally obligated to do because only Congress can pass bills. This is a huge distraction that they’re hoping will gain traction and tilt the presidential election in their favor in November. In the coming months, watch for the Anti-Muslim/Islam sentiment to ramp up, too because Peter King has already began another series of ‘investigations’ into Islamic terrorists in America. They used this tactic successfully in 2010 to gain control of the House, and they seem to think it can work again. If it does, Americans who vote for republicans in November will get what they deserve, and creating more jobs for Americans won’t be what they’ll get.

  2. Rick wants it to be as transparent as his governorship. Does anyone not see the irony?

  3. “It ain’t funny, y’all.”

    No, it’s not. We’re just relieved it’s not us.

  4. @Glyn–Is being AWOL most of the time a form of transparency?

  5. Could be worse. You could live in Arizona.

  6. The only thing transparent about Perry is his head; you can see right through it.

  7. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    I really think Rick has embarrassed Texas enough. Governor, please sit down and shut up. Gonna have to go back to wearing my T-shirt on a regular basis instead of saving it for special occasions.

  8. Aye, Gov. GoodHair!! Nobody cares what spews out of that mouth of yours!!

  9. Beststash says:

    Do you have any more of those T-Shirts (2XL)? I would like to wear it more in the coming months. I just love to rub his goofy face in their noses. So Funny!


  10. Sorry JJ and crew, Texas pols are the only thing keeping me from crying over the idiots I have for Senators here in Kentucky. Yea us, we get Mitch Mcconnell and Rand Paul. I wonder if we could convince them to handle some snakes….it is a tradition in parts of Kentucky.

    Hippie in the Hollar

  11. Juanita Jean says:

    I’m sorry, Beststache, we only have a couple of mediums left.

  12. I can’t say much, Kasich is my governor. He’s still criminally insane and nasty, but a bit quieter after he got smacked down in November.

  13. You may have Rick Perry, but my governor is sleeping with Sandra Lee of Semi-Home Made and table-scapes.

    He may not be able to count past two, but we aren’t certain she can count.

  14. Claiming executive privilege was bad when BushLite did it for reasons that had nothing to do with the executive branch’s ability to carry out its duties. The same is true under this president that I helped elect. “They did it, too” is not a valid argument. We need to expect/demand more from our Democratic elected officials. Leave that sketchy stuff for Cheney.

  15. BarbinDC says:

    @Wally: Think “Whitewater.” It was clear that nothing Holder could do–however many documents he gave them, how many times he testified about this–would satsify Issa the Thug (and thief, BTW). The Prez brought the hammer down on this folly. It was about time.

  16. This Rick wishes that that Rick weren’t named Rick. Couldn’t he be named something more appropriate, like Mangled Baby Ducks Perry or Painful Rectal Itch Perry?

  17. Peggy Mitchell says:

    I remember when Rick couldn’t remember the 3 agencies he was gonna get rid of..oops!
    I don’t think Rick thought up the Nixonian statement himself. I’ve heard it from some of the other clowns. I believe Frank Luntz came up with it and emailed it to all the clowns to repeat. One thing we can all count on is that republicans will go from Fast and Furious to Slow and Stupid. They are so hellbent at finding Deomcrat conspiracies under every rock. God the crack me up!


  18. Punkinbugg says:

    BOB SCHIEFFER: What exactly are you accusing the President of here, Governor?

    GOVERNOR RICK PERRY: I don’t know. I mean that’s the issue.

