Romney Isn’t Vetting; He’s Begging

June 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am totally completely convinced that nobody in their right mind wants to run with Mitt Romney.

I mean, think about it.  Rick Perry is eliminated right off the bat.  He couldn’t keep up with all the Romney positions.  Hell, he can only count to two.

Pawlenty is saying, “No, not over here.  Please don’t look over here.  I just want to volunteer, not run.  I’ll help, yes I will, I promise.  Anything.  Just don’t make me be on the ticket.” And, think about this – he was runner-up to Sarah Palin four years ago in the Veep choice.  Runner up to Palin?  Oh cripes, how inane do you have to be to get that honor?

Rumor has it that Mitt is meeting with possible Veep picks this weekend in Utah.  Right.  Utah.

They say he’s meeting with Bobby Jindal.  Oh, smart, adding some glitter to the ticket, huh?   Are they hoping to hypnotize the electorate, put them to sleep, or just bore the crap outta everybody?  Actually, those two are capable of doing all three at once.

And then there’s Marco Rubio, no wait, not Rubio, oh wait again, Rubio on again, no, no, off, no on.  No wonder Rubio doesn’t recall when his family came to America – he’s puking on the Mitt Ferris Wheel.

Somebody said Condi Rice.  Seriously.  No, they said it seriously.  The only black Republican woman on earth and she just had to let Osama bib Laden destroy the World Trade Center and then help lie to get us into a war.  Perfect pick.  Everybody loves her – such a warm, cuddly woman.

Jeb Bush.  There, I said it.  What this country needs is a third screwing from the Bush Family.  The first two didn’t kill you, did they?  So, the Bush Family isn’t finished yet.  Not while you’re still alive and able to eat.

Oh sure, these are great choices for a man who’ll probably die getting stuck under his car elevator or attacked by a furious horse saying, “Dammit!  I am tired of dancing!  I’m a damn horse, not Gypsy Rose Lee, you fool.”

Look, I wish Mitt Romney well, but anybody that stuffed has to get eaten at some point and I do not want to be left with any of these … oh hell, at least Rick Perry can count to two.  That’s one number higher than the rest of them.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Romney Isn’t Vetting; He’s Begging”

  1. You are on fire today!! A third screwing from the Bush family?!! Too effing funny…

  2. If Mittens were to convince Jeb Bush to be his VP, he would be signing his death warrant. I wonder if Mittens knows that?

  3. Hmmm, A Mormon, Catholic Ticket?? The Fundies should love that.

  4. hahahahahahahahahahaha

  5. Sam in Kyle says:

    Why not Neal Bush? At least we know how crooked he is before he takes office.

  6. Third screwing from the Bush leaguers? I think it would be the 4th. You forgot Neal. Remember him? He was (is?) of course, a bit different than the rest in that he is (was?) a crooked banker. It will probably take 100 years to clean up the messes that clan have made… assuming the country lasts that long.

  7. Rubio would be interesting if only because that would give the religious right a Mormon and a former Mormon on the ticket. (Yes, I know Rubio was just a kid when he was a Mormon, but when has logic ever stopped the conspiracy theorists?)

  8. Mary in San Antonio says:

    I was reading a Jennifer Rubin (spit) column about whether or not TPaw should be considered, and I am going to shamelessly steal from one of the commentators there. If TPaw and Romney run on the same ticket, we can just refer to them as “Bland on the Run.”

    Have you noticed that everyone mentioned is not exactly inspiring to anyone? Apparently not even the conservatives. And no one yet has wholeheartedly endorsed ole Mitt except for Jennifer Rubin, and she is just an extreme rightwing blogger. That’s pretty sad when even the presumptive nominee is really not wanted on the ticket.

  9. daChipster says:

    Tim Pawlenty is so boring that his secret service code name is “Tim Pawlenty.”

    Mitt’s problem is that no one who’s qualified wants the job, and vice versa.

  10. Bo Leeyeau says:

    S.A. Mary

    I read Rubin’s column for that very reason; the comments are hysterical sometimes. Same for George Will.

    “Bland on the Run”. priceless

  11. Could you imagine, if by default, that he chose Palin ?
    There, I ruined my lunch.

    But think about it. It would satisfy the ignorant RW Christians, bring in the republican women.
    I personally think it would be political suicide, but I find it interesting that nobody wants to run with Mitt.
    Are they afraid that he will lose or of the nasty practical jokes?

  12. OldMayfly says:

    daChipster–funniest comment ever.

    re VP slot–when did “competent” enter into it? Remember Dan Quayle, who believed that Murphy Brown was a real person (rather like a corporation)?

  13. Peggy Mitchell says:

    OMG…..Juanita we need to let you loose in the congress, lock the damn doors so those repthuglican cowards can’t escape and let you have at them! Holy moly the mental picture of their heads blowing up and their skin melting off gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling! GO GO GIRL! IF President Obama knew what was good for him he would hire you as his advisor and spokeswoman!
