Archive for June, 2012

Apparently, Creepy is Contagious and You Catch It from the Radio

June 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rightwing radio jock Jan Mickelson was interviewing a Republican Congressbutthole last week when he made a funny.

“There’s a bus full of nuns headed towards Washington to lobby against the Ryan plan,” radio host Jan Mickelson told Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) last week. “Do you guys, do you have any power to pull the nuns on the bus over and pistol whip them?”

The Congressjerk laughed and thought that was funny as the dickens.

Jan's Got a Pistol

Michelson then justified his comment by adding that the nuns asked for the pistol whipping for bad-mouthing Republican idol Paul Ryan —

“They say he is evil, they say he is fake Catholic,” he added. “They’re the ones that threw the first punch.”

Welcome to Republican America!  Torturing Nuns:  Not Just for the Contras Anymore!

Thanks to Cheryl for the heads-up.

Not That Jan Brewer is Prone to Overstatement, But ….

June 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I used to believe that Republican girls (there are no Republican women, there are only Republican girls no matter what their age) saw things in only black and white, but it’s gotten worse that that.  Now they only see things in neon.  Flashing neon.

Seriously.  Jan Brewer.

First off, she thinks that Arizona won yesterday.  That’s  true.  Arizona did win, but Jan Brewer and her tea party thugs lost big time.  The court struck down three of the four provisions and said the fourth provision was subject to being overturned at the state level.  That means Jan is batting .225, there are no players on base, it’s the bottom of the ninth, there’s two outs, you’re behind 3 to 0, and the other team is paying the ump.

So, Jan retreats to her usual position – delusion.  On John King last night, Brewer accused the Justice Department of throwing bombs at Arizona.

Immigration is a federal duty.  The Justice Department enters into agreements with local law enforcement to help them enforce immigration laws.  After the ruling yesterday, the Justice Department rescinded their agreement with Arizona because they have no reason to trust Jan Brewer to follow the orders of the Supreme Court.

Let this be a lesson to all:  do not shake your boney old finger in the President’s face.

So, Jan does what Jan does.   She goes hyperbole.  She tells John King ….

And immediately, three hours after the decision was made, then they arbitrarily single out Arizona and sent a bomb, if you will, across our bow and made Arizona once again a target.  The people of America ought to be outraged.  This is absolutely an assault.

Jan, Babe, shooting yourself in the foot is not an assault.  Shooting off your mouth, looking like a fool?  Also not an assault.  Bombing on national teevee?  Not an assault.

Claiming yourself a victim when your problems are your own making?   Kinda an assault on human dignity.  So, that’s close, but still no cigar.

Thanks to David for the heads up.

Well, I See Mrs. McCaul’s Point of View. I Wouldn’t Talk To Him Either.

June 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressvarmint Mike McCaul is the richest man in Congress not through his own doing but because he married the daughter of the Clear Channel Communications founder.

McCaul is a Tom DeLay baby, having been elected in 2004 after DeLay shoved through mid-decade redistricting in Texas, handing the newly created 10th Congressional District to McCaul on a dainty little tea service platter.

McCaul major accomplishment in congress was his attempt to require a Christian funeral service for every soldier killed in combat, even if the soldier and his surviving family were not Christians.  Once the crap hit the fan on that one, McCaul said that this bill was in response to the certified American fact that the Department of Veteran’s Affairs was not allowing Christian prayers at military funerals.   That, of course, was not true.  I was, however, quite impressed that such a big lie could fit in such a small brain.

Well, the newest is that McCaul is voting on bills that can and do directly influence his wealth.

The family of Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, traded between $5 million and $23 million in companies lobbying for bills under his jurisdiction, according to a report in the Washington Post. But a spokesman denies any potential conflict of interest, citing safeguards that keep the congressman at arm’s length from the investments.

The safeguard?  Mike and the Mrs. never, ever discuss family finances.

I can see that.  She bought him a congressional seat and surely that covers both birthday and Christmas gifts for the next 3 or 100 years.

But, wild, shameless, and majorly profitable coincidences happen, you know.

[McCaul’s wife and children] invested through their trusts between $286,000 and $690,000 over nine transactions in Thermo Fisher Scientific. The company’s products include instruments to test for contaminated food, and it had registered in 2009 to push a food safety bill before the Homeland Security Committee, on which McCaul was a member.

McCaul’s family bought the stock while the bill was progressing and still owns it. The biggest single trade came in November 2010, just before the bill passed.  The transaction was listed as between $250,000 and $500,000.

You know, like answered prayers for rich people.

Thanks to Mary for the heads-up.

Nope to Noot.

June 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that Newt Gingrich might have to auction off his butt because it’s his biggest asset.

Newt Gingrich ends his White House dream today with his political committee facing a mountain of debts — owing about $4 million to scores of businesses and campaign workers around the country who fear they will never get paid.

Campaign watchdogs said the size of Gingrich’s debt is extraordinary — and could have been avoided if the candidate and his team had been more disciplined.

Newt?  Disciplined?  Oh Good Lord, he’s had three wives and a couple of botched political careers.   But NOW you expect him to be disciplined?

You know, as much as I enjoy watching Newt be humiliated, with bankruptcy following being whipped by that imbecile Mitt Romney, it kinda makes me sad …. oh hell, you know I’m lying.

I’m enjoying the hell out of this.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

Just Letting You Know

June 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Heads-up, y’all.

I do not want you to forget.

Thanks to Joy for reminding me.

Scalia: His Indian Name is “Writes With Idiots”

June 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has some very strong feelings about immigration.

In his aggressive defense of Arizona’s immigration law, Justice Antonin Scalia pointedly went after President Obama’s recent immigration policy shift and accused him of deliberately refusing to enforce immigration statutes.

You know, because Antonin Scalia is so obviously descended from people who came on the Mayflower.

And, you know, since we didn’t let him and his pals on the court pick the President this time, everything has just gone to hell in a hand-basket.  Plus, he’s found out that President Obama immigrated from Hawaii.

Scalia, bless his little Reagan-appointed heart, is trying to argue that state are sovereign over powers vested in Congress, such as the authority over immigration and naturalization.  I do not know what Scalia did with all that “Founding Fathers” crap he usually spouts, but what the hell – screw Obama, even if the Founding Fathers agree with him.

So Scalia and his adorable little puppy Clarence Thomas voted to allow arrests for being brown while living.  Even without a warrant.  And they claim to have read the Constitution.  They think it has a clear liberal bias and has nothing to do with them, but they read it.

I could be wrong about this, but Scalia’s outrage and prissy nastiness about President Obama personally in his dissenting opinion leads me to think that Scalia might have also lost the Affordable Health Care Act decision.  He’s having a temper tantrum because he and Thomas have already been paid in full for that decision.

I could be wrong.  I’m trying to make sense of crazy people, which generally doesn’t work out well for me.