Apparently, Creepy is Contagious and You Catch It from the Radio

June 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rightwing radio jock Jan Mickelson was interviewing a Republican Congressbutthole last week when he made a funny.

“There’s a bus full of nuns headed towards Washington to lobby against the Ryan plan,” radio host Jan Mickelson told Rep. Tom Latham (R-IA) last week. “Do you guys, do you have any power to pull the nuns on the bus over and pistol whip them?”

The Congressjerk laughed and thought that was funny as the dickens.

Jan's Got a Pistol

Michelson then justified his comment by adding that the nuns asked for the pistol whipping for bad-mouthing Republican idol Paul Ryan —

“They say he is evil, they say he is fake Catholic,” he added. “They’re the ones that threw the first punch.”

Welcome to Republican America!  Torturing Nuns:  Not Just for the Contras Anymore!

Thanks to Cheryl for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “Apparently, Creepy is Contagious and You Catch It from the Radio”

  1. I think these idjits need to have a session with a schoolteacher nun and her ruler.
    They might learn some manners.

  2. Maybe when they’re done with the nuns they can waterboard some girl scouts. These guys really do not like women.

  3. daChipster says:

    Imagine Latham and Mickelson boarding that bus, pistols in hand.

    As a former Catholic schoolboy, I’m betting on the nuns and I’ll give you odds! Anyone want to fade me and the sisters?

  4. OldMayfly says:

    They are counting on the nuns being unarmed. Safe bet.

    But they’re also counting on the nuns being intimidated. Not a safe bet.

  5. These kinds of snarky, nasty comments are becoming more common than ever, and so in part I just want to snark right back at ’em, and in a different way I kinda want to hand a couple of pistols to the nuns and let THEM take care of the nasty congressvarmints. Wouldn’t that be fun? We could sell tickets!

    On the other hand, and more seriously, it disturbs me that the response to “someone said something or advocated for something I disagree with” is to whip out the violence rhetoric, and to suggest that those voicing dissent should be silenced.

    Really? In what conservative- or liberal-thinking universe does this make sense? Do these folks know one damn thing about American history? I’m thinking that the whole concept of a plural society has gone down the tubes for these folks, probably right ahead of understanding how a bill is made, or what the 3 branches of government are.

    Also, do not mess with the nuns. Even us non-Catholics know that they will wipe the floor with our shiny little butts should we come up against them. You have been warned: Mess with the Nuns at your own peril, boys!

  6. IronCelt says:

    Nuns are strong, committed women. You cannot mess with their resolve.

  7. A comment on his webpage. And this justifies what he said? More than stupidly stupid. Check out the sentence beginning “And worse…”
    (Editor’s Note: for those of you outside of Iowa who only heard a 30 second sound byte from this podcast, feel free to listen to the entire podcast. Baiting a politician isn’t hate speech…might be clumsy sometimes, but it isn’t hate speech. And worse, it didn’t even work… Latham didn’t fall for it, darn it.) And I issued an apology to the Nuns.

    Read more:

  8. I’ll put my money on the Penguins when it comes to a fight. These days they’re the only redeeming quality the Catholic Church has.

  9. aggieland liz says:

    The nuns most assuredly do not need pistols. A nice ruler will do the trick!

    And why shouldn’t secular men join in the fun when the VATICAN started this crap. Can’t you just see the BVM, Queen of Heaven, looking at the Father n the Son and asking wistfully, “isn’t it TIME yet??”

  10. These are women who have dedicated their lives to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This bozo is threatening them with severe bodily harm for daring to have their own opinions of what that dedication means. And, then bozo and his sidekick just laugh, like, aren’t we just so funny. Isn’t pistol whipping nuns to make them obey just a big hoot? Unbelievable.
    Men have used violence and/or threats of violence to keep women subjugated for centuries. Enough already.

  11. These guys are probably the ones hiring all those young sex slaves being sold every day, all day right here in America. If you buy, you are complicit in trafficking.
