Thank You, Mitt
For a couple of months now I have argued with Verdelia that Mitt Romney has been sitting back, waiting for a brokered convention so that he has a shot of being the Republican nominee.
Verdelia says I’ve been watching too much House of Cards.
Maybe so, but Mitt stepped out last week to remind everybody that he’s still alive, has a lot of money, and is almost exactly like Donald Trump except with better table manners.
And we all took note that every shot he lobbed at Trump was … ta da! … something Mitt Romney did.
For example —
Mitt: “His [Trump’s] bankruptcies have crushed small businesses and the men and women who worked for them.”
Yeah, unlike Mitt Romney, venture capitalist at Bain, who never laid off anybody.
And —
Mitt: He inherited his business, he didn’t create it.
Yeah, not like Mitt, whose father was a poor sharecropper and died penniless in a dog cage on the top of Mitt’s car.
Charles Pierce concludes,
But what is very clear is that Willard sees the perfect Romney scenario unfolding before him. If the party declines to nominate He, Trump, then maybe it will hand the nomination to Willard Romney—the nomination that always should have been his.
This ain’t politics, it’s show business. And you just gotta love it.
All Trump needs now is binders full of women. Oh, wait.
Thanks to Carol for the heads up.