And Here’s the Solution

March 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a congressvarmint who is really upset that the Navy SEALS are short on combat rifles.

Navy SEAL teams don’t have enough combat rifles to go around, even as these highly trained forces are relied on more than ever to carry out counterterrorism operations and other secretive missions, according to SEALs who have confided in Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.

Problem:  there’s not enough M-4 carbines to go around.

Solution: Sweaty Sally’s Gun Show and City Center Outdoor Firing Range.

Y’all, I think it’s finally happened.  There are more combat weapons on the damn street than in the military.

Alternative Solution:  people who already own combat weapons get drafted into the military immediately.

On second thought …




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0 Comments to “And Here’s the Solution”

  1. I wouldn’t bet on either one of those bozos getting as far as noon on the first day of boot camp.

  2. Gramiam says:

    If they are up at 6 a.m., I’ve got $10 that sez they are being processed out by 7a.m.. Any takers?

  3. Aggieland Liz says:

    Gee, the bureaucracy is slow and cumbersome, things don’t move quickly enough for some people, and dumb decisions slow things down even further. In other news, water is wet, the sun came up this morning, and gravity still works. This Hunter moron is in the Legislative Branch of the US government. I’d like to review their progress with him and then whack him upside the head with a concrete block or two. Wasteful, I know-it won’t make a dent, sigh.

  4. stevethereturned says:

    God, I love that photo. It’s done more damage to the gun nut movement than any other single object I can think of.

  5. Wait, I thought they were supposed to be part of a well regulated militia already, weren’t they?

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Duncan Hunter is the CA response to Louie Gohmert. Neither of those two rocket scientists would ever think that maybe any small arms shortage is due to whoever the CIA sold weapons to last. If anyone ever feels the urge to donate truth to the Reagan Library …

    stevethereturned, dim witted ammosexuals do not have a sense of humor about themselves. Parody is a great tool in exposing their many weaknesses. Jim Carrey did one of the best:

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Tell Dumbcan Hunter to loosen purse strings and then take the waste and graft out of Defense and use it to purchase what the military NEEDS AND WANTS,shot for brains.

  8. Poster boys for the NRA

  9. Yes, just what America needs, untrained Navy SQUIRRELS wandering around, out of water, guns & nuts.

  10. @Mike
    The lard a$$ on the right would die on the yellow footprints. His funeral would be at noon!

  11. Ok so i’m directionally challenged and cannot type this morn. The lard a$$ on the LEFT. LEFT. You had a good home but you LEFT. I’m going to work. Good night gracie.

  12. Linda Phipps says:

    On another site, another comment thread, (concerning middle eastern immigrants or something else the reactionaries don’t like which could be just about anything) … a “retired” marine starting fulminating about our needing more torture and worse torture. My comment to him was, “I am glad you are retired”.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    Micr-we understand you were looking in the mirror and shaving while posting. Left is right in the mirror. Thanks and good save,epo. Your welcome,my friend.

  14. Fred Farklestone says:

    The handsome ammo-sexual on the left, is wearing his one-man tent!

  15. Ole Scout says:

    Those aren’t M-4’s either.

  16. OH, the humanity!!!!!

  17. The guy on the left does not need a gun. One look at him – sans gun – and anyone with any sense would either fall to the floor and die laughing, or run away lest whatever it is might be catching.

    I know we are not supposed to make fun of people’s appearance, but he CHOSE to walk out the door dressed like that, and have his picture taken, too! It’s like the 8-year-olds (mostly but not all boys) who cross their eyes and stick out their tongues in the class photo, to their mamas’ chagrin.

  18. The SEALs and Rangers that I have known never seemed to exhibit the entitlement attitude that I sense in the original article. Most of them are/were conservative but that entitlement thing feels more like a teabagger thing. Looking up Hunter’s bio…surprise, he’s a bagger.

  19. JAKvirginia says:

    epo: Yes. Purse strings issue. Can’t have them without funding. Too much for them to figure out I guess. D’oh.

    Micr: Larda** on left. Lardhead on right. Like they say down South — Praise the Lahrd!

  20. maryelle says:

    Thank goodness we have such stalwarts guarding the bottles of hot sauce (see background of picture), else where would we be? Eating food we could actually taste, I venture.

  21. Sandridge says:

    Micr says:
    March 7, 2016 at 11:47 am

    Giving a new meaning to ‘time in the Crotch’.

    Put an outboard on him and call him a RIB, the whole loaded squad could surf onto the beach in style.
    (IIRC, these two guackos were in San Antonio)

  22. Sandridge says:

    maryelle says:
    March 7, 2016 at 3:04 pm

    Ruh-oh, do I detect an anti-capsaicin bias here?
    I agree those bottles look like that inferior Louisiana stuff (or worse, that green NM moco).

    You might need some genuine pico de gallo to develop your palate.

    I also recommend a bottle of (KC Masterpiece) Habenero Honey BBQ sauce, a little bit of that will bug your eyes out (not kidding about “a little bit”, some serious heat).

    I not only grow chiltepin and pequin peppers (yum), I’m going to try some of these “Carolina Reaper” killers this year: . They sound positively lethal.


  23. Belated thanks epo! You da man.

    I’m thinking the larda$$ on the left hasn’t a rigid hull although he is definitely inflated. Take a mighty powerful outboard to develop any kind of velocity. And directional control neigh on impossible. He’d be better used as a payload on a fire and forget solid fuel missile.

  24. The Navy’s budget for 2016 was $161 billion, and they can’t afford to buy a few rifles? I cannot stand Donald Trump but my reaction to this story makes me understand the people who can. Somebody needs to start firing people in the DOD. Remember what Ike said.

  25. Edward Starsmith says:

    When stories like this come up, you can bet it’s near time to renew a military contract with a supplier.

  26. Just curious — where do Navy SEALS carry their rifles? Wouldn’t they get wet?
