New Language In The Trump Era

January 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so everybody knows the GOP’s favorite whipping boy is the SNAP program, which is food stamps.  Even though the majority of those funds either go to children, disabled adults under 60 years of age, or adults over 60 years of age, Republicans want to kill the program and thereby kill all the recipients.

Star Parker goes on Fox News and gives a great example of how things change under Trump.  She talked about people who get SNAP benefits —

“These guys are not working. They’re watching. They’re watching porn, they’re watching TV, they’re watching women, they’re watching everything, but they’re not working. And this is what this initiative is attempting to do, is to get them back into their own lives so that they can prosper.”

Okay, first of all, if we won’t let people watch porn, how the hell is Donald Trump gonna get women to mattress thrash with?  They’d all be unemployed and need food stamps, so this won’t help.

Second of all, go read that sentence out loud to yourself except replace the word “everything” with “Fox News” and bygawd, you’ve just defined Donald Trump.

Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “New Language In The Trump Era”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    No pancakes for you, Auntie Star. Not when those Dotard45 supporters in the Red States hear you want to cut off their wingnut welfare and their porn. How will they be able to watch you and Fux Not the News if they have to give up cable to eat?

  2. Sam in St Paul says:

    This same Star Parker said at one time that children of welfare moms should be taken and put in foster care so the mothers would have to work. She’s a Religious Right Wing media whore.

  3. “And this is what this initiative is attempting to do, is to get them back into their own lives…”

    Is SNAP part of Trump’s coal energy initiative? Coal is now a more expensive fuel, so demand is lower. But if they could reduce the price of coal with cheap child labor down in the mines, and it’s what Trump would call:


  4. To be honest I had never heard of Star Parker before this post. Something about her statement made me want to read more about her.

    I’ve seen a few folks down through the years who hated their own race. Mostly Asians that wanted a taste of that good ole white privilege. Never read of a Black woman hating on her own culture. Or at least hating it enough to write and publish multiple tomes.
    Pimps, Whores and Welfare Brats: From Welfare Cheat to Conservative Messenger, an autobiography? A How-to?
    Uncle Sam’s Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can Do About It: All you need to know is in the title.
    White Ghetto: How Middle Class America Reflects Inner City Decay
    Blind Conceit: Politics, Policy and Racial Polarization: Moving Forward to Save America
    Good doG woman. Take a Women’s Studies or a Black Studies course. The equation of Conservative + Black + woman should not freely exist in nature. In fact only with mind altering drugs can I see Conservative + Hispanic. And that’s because I see all my Hispanic acquaintances as single issue voters: anti-abortion. Star Parker makes me wonder if the Conservative establishment doesn’t pay her to take these positions and write these papers in order to point to her and say “See we’re making inroads into the Black community.”

  5. WA Skeptic says:

    Good grief; why do so many people begrudge children, the poor, and the disabled food???

    I’d rather feed the above than finance the “business lunches” and Mar-a-lago for the inordinately well-to-do.

    Shame on this woman, and all those Reaganites who are spouting this nastiness.

  6. The most efficient way to suppress the vote: first they kill all the voters.

    So what about the children, you ask? They might grow up to vote too, and then what would the Republicans do? Gotta nip it in the bud before it starts.

    Of course, a whole lot of those old people vote R.
    R’s aren’t that good at planning ahead after all, huh?

  7. What these wingnuts fail to understand is the fact that the overwhelming majority of people who use SNAP and Welfare are not African Americans, but of the Caucasian persuasion.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    WA Skeptic for the win and cutting through all the cruel evil nonsense spouted by snacilbupeR. In two years we’ve spent more on worthless Donnie’s golf habit than we could & should spend on feeding children for the next several years.

  9. When I hear about SNAP, all I can do is to recall my grandfather’s experience with meals on wheels. In his case it was as much of a social connection as the literal nutrition provided by the food.

    For my grandfather to accept any kind of support, it had to be of real and fundamental benefit to the people serving as well as being served. The spirit of generosity is just freaking gone for these Faux Corp shills…

  10. SNAP has work requirements plus 20 hours a week of work training to fulfill the requirements. Take a damn good look at the work training. Does it require a literacy level of at least 4th grade? A lot of folks on SNAP were lucky to even see the door to the fourth grade classroom. Their families had very little if any education, hence why keep the kid in school where he/she is useless? Besides, they don’t have enough clothing for the kid to go to school regularly. Food? Very often it is corn meal mush which doesn’t have much nutritive value, so the brain really can’t do its job and if the kid does go to school at all, the kid fails. Now comes the work training part for able adults. Does this “training” actually require a pre-existing skill set? if you don’t have it, the training is mostly worthless even though the trainer will record that you did attend. Is the training itself useful in today’s techie world? If the trainee does learn something from the training, are there jobs in the area related to that training? Think a sec about folks isolated in rural areas. A lot of them do not have private or public transport. If they had a car, do they have the $$ for gas? Parking? Do they have enough clothing for the job and the weather? All these damn things are stuff that shills like Star cannot imagine. So they dump on people. Star, what you are doing is called hate and you will never get to heaven on the wings of hate.

  11. That Other Jean says:

    I’ve known for quite some time that there is a stripe of Conservative that hates poor kids, poor adults, and disabled people; but it still scares me that they have crawled out from under their rocks and feel free to proclaim their hatred in public. They never consider that life is uncertain, and they might themselves be poor one day, and need what they are trying so stringently to deny to others. For their own sakes, as well as for others, I hope their policies fail.

  12. I hear this BS from rePUKEians all the question…how many thousand SNAP homes have you visited to make that assessment? Crickets???????

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    L.Long, have noticed the deficit hawks are all too similar to the chicken hawks. Often they’re the same people, pulling their opinions from where the butcher stuffs their giblets. Or, like Betsy DeVile who has zero clue about pre-school, elementary or education in general. Running health care, education and prisons for profit is insane. Not understanding the benefit of dollars spent on social welfare repaying quadruple the investment is doubly insane. Economics 401 & 402 were not my best subjects, but I at least caught the gist.
