You’re Not Helping, Honey

February 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ah, Utah.  Your Republican State Rep Brian Greene ain’t helping matters none at all.

Screen Shot 2015-02-05 at 2.29.18 PM“I’m not at all trying to justify sexual activity with an unconscious person. It’s abhorrent to me,” Greene said. But he questioned whether sex with an unconscious person should be “rape in every instance — dependent only upon the actor’s knowledge that the individual is unconscious. That’s the question. That’s what I struggle with.”

Look, I’m not saying that I’ve had better hoochy koochy than Republican State Representative Brian Greene, but at least I generally know if my partner is conscious.

Now today Brian Greene is saying that he was totally misunderstood.  First, he meant it in the context of marriage, and second, he was just trying to close loopholes.  Yeah, right.

You’re not helping, Brian.

Which reminds me:



Just saying ….

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You’re Not Helping, Honey”

  1. If I had made the grave mistake of marrying that man, I would certainly do my best to be unconscious.

    Maybe men who are clueless should just shut the bleep up about rape, how about that?

  2. On second thought, the only way I would have made the grave mistake of marrying that man would be if I had been unconscious at that time too.

  3. Gee, the question I struggle with is whether stealing an unconscious person’s wallet and jewelry should be theft in every instance — dependent only upon the actor’s knowledge that the individual is unconscious. That’s the question. That’s what I struggle with.

    Another right-winger who thinks that women aren’t people–only things.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Tell the idiot that an unconscious person cannot consent.

  5. LynnN opened up a whole chest of questions. What if you kill an unconscious person?

  6. Mike in MO says:

    Regarding Sex after surgery:

    Whew, I’ve finally stopped laughing- must catch my breath.

  7. Not a man who’s ever experienced enthusiastic consent, I gather.

  8. Wa Skeptic says:

    Re the eye surgery statement; priceless!

  9. How long had she had those cataracts??

  10. Mary Suarez says:

    I’m from Utah and glad you got this story. Why can’t we just get all the elected crazy people into one state and them cut them off.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    This could easily be ‘splained away if said woman was a wingnut with her head up her…what do you mean it wrecked’em?

  12. Marge Wood says:


  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Poor Brian; worse yet poor Brian’s wife. Incredible how these dufii continue to attempt to thread a needle between “forcible” rape and non-consensual sex. It’s akin to defining “a little bit pregnant.” Keep parsing that “no means yes” myth of yours.

    I mean really?!? Brian, not to brag, but most of us men are quite confident that we could determine consensual sex with a woman whose challenges include blind, deaf and mute. I’d explain it to you, Brian, but Mama imposes limits.

  14. So which is it: is it rape if the person knew if his spouse is unconscious or is it rape if he didn’t know if his spouse was unconscious? Because either way the spouse isn’t a willing participant. Which actually leads me to wonder if that type of person would be considered a necrophiliac as one criteria of is the desire “to possess an unresisting and unrejecting partner”. I wonder what Brian Greene thinks about necrophilia.

  15. If that’s what he “…struggles with”, then he isn’t competent to represent anybody.

  16. AlanInAustin says:

    In other news, Utah has a new record for sales of “roofies”…

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Then it gets sent to Missouri to determine if the unconscious woman was “legitimately” unconscious or maybe led the guy to think she was faking it unconscious.

  18. Marge Wood says:

    Well, you know, there are maybe some times that faking unconscious is not a bad idea, like if your surVival depends on it.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, in “no means yes” world of fundamentalist GOP lunatics, it’s the woman’s fault. If she wasn’t there, he wouldn’t have been tempted. Or, some other version of their Eve, apple insanity.

  20. Somebody give me a good reason why these kookiness are constantly complaining that they are always misunderstood? I mean, is it like a contest or something?

  21. Elizabeth Moon says:

    maggie, it’s a reflex, like the rattlesnake shivering its rattles. It’s to let the intelligent know than no, they understood him just fine the first time.

    And that he knows it, subconsciously.

  22. Apparently, there’s a whole ‘nuther group of Rethugs who don’t realize the women have the vote–and exercise same.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    Speaking of unconscious,how is it wingnuts can be this unconscious and still breathe? They are in a vegetative state of unconsciousness.

  24. Alas, this is totally odious and despite that/or because of that this yoyo is using this topic to avoid doing actual real genuine business that would truly help people. In sum, as someone I know would say, he’s just a vapid showboater. Like Ab-butt and a truckload of other specimens we know.

  25. You know, my daddy always used to say, when you’re in a hole the first thing is to stop digging! This is one dude who needs to stop digging! Although come to think of it, this does go along with the whole necrophilia question.

    @Dorianna, I’m questioning whether he has experienced consent, much less enthusiasm!

  26. Old Mayfly says:

    But, maggie, you seem to think R-Wingers who win public office have a duty to take care of public business. You know they only ran hoping they could legislate about (shhh) s-e-x.

  27. Alice Beth says:

    So this guy is saying that he cannot necessarily tell if someone is conscious or not and so it should not affect his actions. I do not think he is smart enough to drive a car, vote or hold office. I am not sure he should live unsupervised.

  28. So I asked my wife. I said, “Honey tell me the truth; Last night, were you faking it and she said no I was really sleeping.”
    Rodney Dangerfield
    Just rememberin’
