Lookie Here What I Saw In Austin Yesterday

February 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s the Huckmobile!



Click the little one to see the big one it all it’s glory!

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0 Comments to “Lookie Here What I Saw In Austin Yesterday”

  1. Not Huckmobile, Huckster!

  2. ROTFLMAO! Four G’s

  3. @Zencliff
    That was also my first thought: Huckster. Selling the Tea-hadist product, purple smoke and magic.

  4. Soooooo, Mike is selling a book?

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    What is he selling now?

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    God, Guns, Grits and Gravy ….. obviously not in order of preference by old Mike.

    I have no clue as to whether it’s OT or NT, but isn’t sloth considered a sin?

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Discussion here:
    Me: Oh yuck. Huckabee was in town yesterday.
    Husband: Are you sorry you missed him?
    Me: No, I wouldn’t walk across the street to see him. (I also would not walk across the street to see much of anyone I couldn’t generally meet for coffee, like the Queen of England or esp. the Koch brothers.) I’d prolly break out in a rash.

  8. Gluttony, that’s another sin, esp. when one is talking about busloads of grits ‘n’ gravy.

  9. Sandridge says:

    Pray for the hot Texas sun and a Huckstermobile air conditioning breakdown (in that fancy black honeywagon).

  10. Whatever he’s selling, let’s hope nobody is buying.

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    @Marge Wood … you should have told your husband, when he asked if you were sorry you missed him [The Huckster], that you didn’t happen to be driving by at the right time when he [The Huckster] was crossing the street or you might not have missed him!

    LOL … I know, I’m bad. Maybe the Huck can run fast to avoid passing vehicles!!

  12. God, guns, grits, and gravy. Methinks ol’ Huck has had a bit too much of all four.

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marcia in CO, I don’t know that you are “bad” so much as in violation of the old “don’t try this at home rule.” In no way should Marge Wood attempt that stunt, unless she is driving a heavily armored military vehicle. Hitting the Huckster with the average passenger vehicle would be akin to attempting to take down the Outlaw Jersey Whale with a spitball.

    But in street slang, you’re bad, very bad. Keep up the good work.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Honey, I think more of my car than I do to do something stupid like that. Is he still in town? Just checking, so I’ll be sure not to go downtown tomorrow. Or is it uptown. Whatever.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    And furthermore, I don’t have anything personal against Huckabee. I know lots of nice crazy preachers. I can even discuss the weather and grandchildren with them. I just don’t want him or any of the others holding high office, like anything above precinct chair. Which reminds me, if your precinct doesn’t have a chair you need to go down and volunteer to do it. Too many precincts do not have chairs and the job of a precinct chair is to do anything legal and not dangerous to get out the vote. Potlucks? Film viewings? Monthly meetings? Come on, think of something.

  16. Book signing at Book People 6th and Lamar. A shame that innocent trees were felled to provide paper for this Tool’s ravings.

  17. UmptyDump says:

    For some more Huckabee wisdom, check out the “Secret Homosexual Handshake” at this link!


  18. OK, I bet that rolling bleep mobile has mirrors installed in it in certain places. And yeah, I’m a mean, dirty little old lady in tennis shoes!

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Go tell it on the mountain, to the conspiracy nuts, that since it’s a *black* bus that has Sekrit-Decoder-Ring Hidden Meaning. Black helicopters/black bus. A mysterious ancestor (heck, EVERYone has a mysterious skeleton in their ancestral closet…) Big government/big BLACK bus.

    Let’s get this meme rolling. Before I upchuck on that bus.

  20. @UmptyDump
    “Betty Bowers” and the totally awesome “Landover Baptist Church, Where the Worthwile Worship” website. Awesome stuff.

  21. @Ted
    I buy books by Limbaugh, OReally, others for pennies at rummage sales. We use them for kindling in the fireplace at home and in the grille while camping. It keeps an innocent from picking them up and I dont want to own them except to protect other folk.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    Tip: when you’re in the public library and they have all those nice shiny new books on display, take the ones from authors you abhor and either check them out for max amt of time or else put them on book truck for reshelving.

  23. Good answers Marge. I also hide them in the most obscure section of reference books.

  24. Yup. He learned from ol’ Newtie the last time. Running for President (as a GOPer, of course) is a great way to sell books to the ignoratti. There’s no other explanation.

  25. Except for the ad it looks a lot like an over-sized hearse. And Huckabee certainly could pass for a slick funeral operator.

    Choosing black as their campaign bus color is right up there with choosing ‘LeadershipMattersForAmerica.org’ as their PAC name (LMFAO).

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Oops, put the comment wrong place. I haven’t seen Betty Bowers in a long time but it seems like she used to look older or something. Did I forget? No surprise there.

  27. UmptyDump @17 — Oh thank you for that link — I really need that! Just excellent!

  28. Angelo Frank says:

    Preacher Huckster was in San Angelo to hawk his book yesterday. The local ‘no-news’ paper wrote an article fawning all over him that included a couple of pokes at our current President.


  29. UmptyDump says:

    Only today and tomorrow left to meet Mike!


    … or maybe not …

  30. innerlooper says:

    Y’all are gettin slower ….. should’ve read grifts & gravy

  31. How about a Perry/Huckabee ticket? Maybe he wasn’t just selling his book.
    Sorry for that brain cramp!

  32. Terence Weldon says:

    There’s something really wrong in that slogan. To me, as a borm again pacifist and practicing Catholics, “God” and “guns” don’t belong in the same sentence, let alone snuggling up together.

    On “grits and gravy”, I’m agnostic.
