You Wanna Know What They Are Really, Really Good At?
I will tell you what they are good at. They are good at victimizing people and then playing the victim themselves.
Ted Cruz, who looked at people living paycheck to paycheck and decided to throw them out of work, casts himself as David vs. Goliath. As a martyr.
Get outta here. Here’s some privileged Canadian guy, with a blue ribbon $40,000 a year health care package from his wife’s job who is trying to play Joan of Arc. Or even …
As an audience of 600 Republicans awaited the arrival of Sen. Ted Cruz Friday night at the Iowa Events Center, conservative Christian activist Steve Scheffler came to the podium to give thanks to God for the Tea Party savior — and plead for more principled conservative leaders like him willing to “be crucified for their belief system.”
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait just a damn minute. He’s Jesus?
Last week, Tom DeLay compared himself to Moses returning from the wilderness, and now Cruz is Jesus Christ. I guess they want Boehner to be John the Baptist so Salome (who is obviously Sarah Palin) can get his head on a platter.
Republicans, who are more second rate snake oil salesmen than Biblical giants, need to stop with this stuff before we start asking for miracles.
The minute they start hurting people, they clutch their hands to their chest and go full martyr in 60 seconds or less.