You Tube Of The Day

October 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’re gonna love this one.

I’m glad all the creative people are on our team.

Thanks to Deb and Craig for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You Tube Of The Day”

  1. So true … so true!

  2. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:

    Among others:
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer
    Cabin in the Woods
    The Avengers
    and my personal favorites:
    FireFly and Serenity

    When Josh speaks, young people listen.

  3. SPAM has it’s own key – and that’s why it’s the perfect food for the apocolypse. Plus you can use the key to poke someone’s eye out.

    Just sayin’

  4. gidget commando says:

    I’ve long worshipped Joss Whedon. Dude’s a genius. Once again, he nails it.

  5. Alacrity, obviously you are a reader of some of my favorite books!

    I look forward to seeing this when I am not on the government server at work. Streaming video here means bandwidth gets tied up and a trooper on the highway might not get information in a timely manner. That can cost lives.

    But I echo what the others say, Whedon is a genius. And if you haven’t seen Dr Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, you’ve missed a rare gem. Created during the writers’ strike and produced straight to the Internet, it is a wonderful spoof of superhero movies.

  6. Elise Von Holden says:

    Long loved this man and his amazing mind. Now that I think about it, Mitt might just be an escapee from The Doll House, where his brain has just plain been wiped too many times and that’s why he can’t find or hold a stable position…Mitt as a boy toy?
    Naw, nobody would pay for him!
