Because He’s Got a Bucket, a Shovel, and A Great Big Ole Sponge

October 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mitt Romney still wants to kill FEMA. Today.

Because, you know, the free market can come in, scalp people, and ta da! prove that capitalism works!

Flip Flop Warning:  A category 5 flip flop is expected from the Romney camp today.  Sixty million people in the path of this hurricane need to take shelter from the trembling moral center of the Romney campaign.

However, a large flip flop is certainly more attractive than sitting in front of the teevee at the Romney headquarters praying that something godawful happens and hundreds of people die so it can be blamed on President Obama.

Yeah, The World Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc. holds the distributorship on cynicism.  We’ve earned it.

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0 Comments to “Because He’s Got a Bucket, a Shovel, and A Great Big Ole Sponge”

  1. Just click through the cable news channels – they are SALIVATING…..just waiting to pounce on the President rather than do what they should be doing – DEMANDING that Mittens take down his video ad of LIES about Chrysler.

  2. I’d say I’m waiting for the repubs to start whining about requiring major cuts to beneficial programs in order to fund cleanup efforts from hurricane Sandy, but they’re already doing it. Since it’s hitting a lot of bluer areas of the country, they are in no hurry to do anything to help.

  3. Whether the storm does damage or not, they’ll find a way to blame Obama. Obama’s either omnipotent (i.e., controls everything including the weather) or he’s incompetent.

  4. Strangely, I haven’t heard about any of the right-wing, hate-mongering “preachers” praying for the snowpocalyptic hurrimacane to wipe out the blue states in its path. I thought that was wingnut SOP.

  5. I wonder if the House Repubs are going to demand that any storm aid funds be paid for by cutting spending elsewhere. If so, I sure hope they do it before the election.

  6. daChipster says:

    I hate that a time of national crisis, when we should be pulling together, just sees us pulling apart more. I knew, I was MORALLY CERTAIN, that Dubya was the worst possible thing for our country, and that Bush v Gore was a travesty. But I said at the time, this is the system we’ve chosen, we have to live by its outcome no matter what. There was always the whole “moving to Canada…” yadda yadda yadda joking. But I’m an American, dammit, I’ll deal.

    Then 9/11 came and we all felt the same way. Support the President, support our government. Do what we have to do? Afghanistan? The Talibunnies? Hell yeah! let’s get ’em.

    Iraq I knew was immoral, and I railed against it. But I always argued from reality, from truth, from facts.

    Now, when the shoe was on the other foot, when a movement election cast Barack Obama into the White House, what do we see?

    Lying, cheating, obfuscating, carping, backbiting, obstructionism… half of the country has LOST THEIR DAMN MINDS! And they’ve been laying the groundwork for this for some time. All these “think tanks” and “leadership conferences” and liberty this and freedom that. It’s all been a Fifth Column assault planned and executed over almost my entire adulthood.

    I’m questioning my own values now, damn them. I wondering, if Romney wins, whether my duty lies in doing to them what they’ve done to us. My god, what’s become of us? What’s become of me?

    Every day of this election, with this lying, shifty, spineless cretin being propped up by other liars, other cretins and the oligarchs, has made me angrier and angrier. I used to take joy in these things. I used to love the play of the game. Now I want my vote to hurt someone, rather than help.

    I dunno, maybe I’ve just got Low T.

  7. daChipster, it’s hard not to be affected by the steady drip (or gush) of ugly from the other side. I saw an article which said that racial prejudice has actually gone UP since 2008. And it’s tempting sometimes to adopt some of their own ugly tactics instead of having to play nice and get hammered for it all the time. We try to compromise, but that’s a losing proposition when the other side is as rigid as a stone wall and thinks that compromise is a tool of Satan (often literally).

    I don’t know what to do except to keep plugging, keep working and donating for decency, and try to hold on until the pendulum starts to swing back, as it usually does.

    On the other hand, some stories are saying that Obama might lose the popular vote and win the electoral college– and that might almost be worth it just for the squeals of outrage from the rightwingers who told us to suck it up in 2000…. except that it would make some crazy even more likely to take a shot at Obama.

    Just keep plugging, take a deep breath, and try to stay sane among like-minded friends like the ones we have here.

  8. @daChipster: You’ve said it much better than I can. I’m wondering if I have the resources to emigrate to Scotland, but I want my vote to hurt somebody, too. Really badly.

  9. daChipster, I know you know history has been and will be full of these types of self-centered “leaders” as well as the ignorant (lack of knowledge) and the stupid (refusal to correct ignorance when provided the chance) sheeple. What is kinda surprising is the apparent large depth of these sheeple given today’s tech to access knowledge.
    This is compounded by the latent racism even in so many intelligent, educated whites wherein critical thinking is dis-engaged when it comes to that black dude in the white house who happens to be more intelligent, centrist, cool, than any of the repubs or them.
    Today my neighbor told me about voting today where this old granny lady tried to hand him a tea bagging flyer for an upcoming rally and she was asking him if he was a “patriot”. He didn’t engage but I would have asked her to define “patriot” and go socraticly from there. We live north of Houston where about 95% of the voters are repubs.
    IMO, part of what you bring out may stem from the greatest generation sheltering their kids from from adversities they experienced and so on with succeeding generations to where many today have no idea of what adversity is; ie, becoming amoral which could explain romney as well as themselves. Therefore, should the far-right gain control of the gov’t, I fear this may likely set the predicate for later violent civil unrest given that there about 300 mil guns in this country; ie, the proverbial 2×4?

  10. lightning says:

    Wally: Here ya go!

    “No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public.” — H. L. Menken

  11. I don’t think it’s unusual to want to hurt the other side now. Mitt’s campaign has been so much uglier and low-life than McCain’s was (except inflicting the Palin on the USA – and she just won’t go away). I don’t want to see him beat – I want him REALLY hurt. I want the other side to have to suck it up. No matter how much they whine and moan about Obama at that point, he will not be running for re-election – and he can go full-steam ahead.

  12. aggieland liz says:

    DaChip baby, sit down, take a deep breath, and write a scurrillous epigram or takeoff of some song about someone you loathe. Go back and read that wonderful Lewis Carrollism you sent me! Your sense of humour is your only armor against these people, because YOU ARE NOT CAPABLE OF STOOPING LOW ENOUGH TO BEAT THEM! You have that little appreciated quality called “integrity” and so does President Obama. That’s why you like him. Flip-floppin and Lies (see earlier composition) would have to look it up, but it’s just a meaningless multisyllable word to them, and they wouldn’t know it if it sat on them! So take heart, and focus on getting out the vote! Focus on US not them! GOBAMA 2012!!

  13. Guys, so long as Karl Rove gets paid for his “do-or-die” reverse engineering of politics, things GOP will only get worse than the “black-is-white” they spew out now. Two-thirds of voters don’t want the truth because they’d have to face facts about their own prejudices, be it racist, religious, nationality, sexist… or vanilla dislike/distrust of the poor. You are hearing key words given by Karl Rove to the candidates to use in every stump speech that turns the truth upside down & inside out. Get used to it until he’s no longer able or target audiences are sick of it, too.

  14. And another flip-flop to consider this election — all 4 major Iowa newpapers endorsed Romney while the major Utah newspaper, the Salt Lake Tribune, chose not to & endorsed Obama instead. I was shocked at the Des Moines Register until… ta da! … I recalled the Register endorsed John Edwards in 2004. The old “fool me once, fool me twice” comes to mind. Sweet Karma!!

  15. Kay Carrasco says:

    A friend of mine just posted on facebook that the one good thing about Hurricane Sandy is that it’s wiped the campaign off the news. Talk about seeing a silver lining! But true. All eyes–and ears, and radar, and news reports–are on the east coast and the storm.

    {{{hugs}}} to daChipster and all who are suffering from nasty-politics fatigue. I’m not immune, I’m just avoiding as many of the usual infectious vectors as possible. Yes, you *can* live without a landline phone! Yes, you *can* give up television entirely! Yes, you *can* train your eyes to slide right past the spew-on-a-page articles and ads in the newspaper! And don’t forget to take your blood pressure meds….

  16. daChipster says:

    Deep breath. Thanks everybody for talking me down.

    Love to you all.
