You Think You Know Hot? You Do Not Know Hot.

March 26, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita is in Laredo, Texas, at the South Texas Democratic Summit, home of  Sergio Mora’s Best Margarita in Texas and some damn smart people.

There’s one thing Juanita wants you to know.

It is March 26, and it is 101 degrees in Laredo, Texas.

We Democrats did not cause that, at least as far as we know.  Juanita says that if you come to South Texas this summer, and Lord knows you should, come nakkid.  And if you can wear less than nakkid, do it.

I would like to personally thank Webb Democratic County Chair Sergio Mora, Michael Barnes, Rose Harrison, State Rep Richard Raymond, Judge Gilbert Hinojoso and mi chica amiga Cindy, my buddy Tom Walker, and fifty other Democrats who braved the weather to try to figure out how to win.

Do not count Texas Democrats out, Honey, because Juanita wants to win this time.  Doing it the same ole way doesn’t work.

If you live in Texas, please contact your State Democratic Executive Committee member and urge them to gut up and go for exercising their responsibility to the people who elected them to set a message and determine how that message is carried out.

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