You. Son. Of. A. Motherless. Goat.

December 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t have any words.  Words are what I have done for a living my whole life. I just want to be very quiet and ponder if there’s every been a bigger goofball on this planet. And with the level of respect Newt Gingrich has given women in his life, my respect for Stacey Abrams just went up another level.


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0 Comments to “You. Son. Of. A. Motherless. Goat.”

  1. You know a whopper is coming out of Newt Gingrich’s mouth when he prefaces his comments with:

    “The objective fact…”

    Newt has broken the adulatory Commandment so many times in tandem with “bear false witness” (a Newtwofer) he doesn’t even break a sweat when pleasuring himself on one Commandment at a time..

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Steal doesn’t mean what Newtie thinks it means. Then again most words don’t have meaning in the double speak of a double standard worshiping hypocrite. How dare that woman! Republicons went all out to disenfranchise voters, so wah wah wah snivel and spit it’s so unfair of Ms. Abrams to register more voters. How can a ‘good’ rich white man stay in power, if the suppressed just won’t stay down and accept ‘white supremacy’?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    It used to be that complete goofballs like Knute(less) Gingrich were relatively unusual creatures. Back in 1998 he was such a repugnant repugnantican that even his own party forced him to resign his speakership. But frankly anymore, they are so numerous in and out of congress and the WH that it’s hard to decide who’s the worst. Trumpf is #1 in my book but it’s a close race for second and a long list of candidates, a very long list.

  4. Wonder if the Pope knows that the husband of his Ambassador from US is such a liar.

    Gingrich will be back in the US soon.
    He will be making trouble. And not the good kind.

  5. Goofball?

  6. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Ok, now ted cruz is saying that the case to throw out the PA mail in ballots will go the the supremes and he’ll present the case. Maybe goofball is putting too mildly the likes of teddy and knute, and many other repugnanticans.

  7. You are far too kind: bigger goofball on the planet?
    This MOFO is a criminal – pure and simple. I don’t care if his wife has a hotline to the Pope.

  8. I have profane, and obscene names for Knute (or Newt) and the other spineless, silent GOP. But I don’t think momma would approve if I wrote them here.

  9. Katherine says:

    My list of evil rat b#####ds who will burn in hell is getting way too long.

  10. Newt Gingrich is a bottomless abyss of pure evil.

  11. 3 times? Does that mean he gets 48 electoral college vote from Georgia?

  12. RepubAnon says:

    I don’t think the Supremes will touch these cases – this is all about keeping Trump’s base as base as possible.

    It’s the Robespierre problem: if you don’t stay ahead of the Terror, the Terror sends you off to visit Madame Guillotine.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As this day ends, I want to nominate Jim Jordan as a runner-up to Trumpf as #2 in the category of goofball repugnantican politicians, or whatever we’ve decided to call Knute Gingrich-like despicable humans. He’s deplorable through and through, and his history at ThE Ohio State will be with him forever. A sick person voted into office by repugnanticans with no conscience.

  14. I despise Newt but Tom DeLay was infinitely more evil

  15. Gingrich is lucky that he is not on home soil at the moment. His own party detested him when a mid-term election went sideways despite all his huffiing and puffing about a Contract with America which actually turned out to be a Contract on America. His past is littered with atrocities such as telling his cancer stricken then-wife he was getting a divorce and presenting her at bedside with papers! His own grown kids from a previous marriage put plenty of space between themselves and “dada”.

  16. As for Tommy T., he is not likely to last long. You have to have a glimmer of intelligence to write a bill, get cosponsors, see the bill through the entire process, etc. Ten to one that he will hire as his Legislative assistants people who are as dimwitted as he is and a good staff, let along a super staff, is an absolute must. But how can he hire smart people when he is not smart enough to assess prospects? He and Mo Brooks are a pair!

  17. AliceBeth says:

    Someone needs to tell Newt is that he has no business using the word objective. He clearly does not understand what it means.

  18. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Newt is not a ‘goofball’…he is the Prince of Darkness. Maggie #15 is correct about his first divorce. We all know about his 2nd divorce. He may look like the Pillsbury Doughboy, but he was a plague of locusts when he moved from PA to GA to run for Congress.

  19. G Foresight says:

    I wondered WHY does *any* media even bother to give a microphone to Newt. Then I saw the Fox logo and “Up Next: Sen Rick Scott” on the screen image capture. Toxic ideology trapped in a self-perpetuating feedback loop.

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    Maggie@16: we all wish that their incompetence would make them as relevant as the little lapdogs that yap at everything they see. But the bills they sponsor are written by right-wing “think” tanks, the NRA, and lobbyists for the scum of America: pharmaceutical companies, pay-day loan sharks, fossil fuel industries. There have been multiple cases of ALEC-written bills being put forward without the legislator bothering to read it.

    Then to get the requisite votes, the same lobbyists shower the other legislators with money and gifts. No need to form a coalition, when the Republicans form a mob with hands out and wet, slobbering lips quivering.

  21. Not about Newt.
    Has anyone considered that all this drivel of the stolen election is a set-up for 2004 and GOP steal then. Chavez was dead when Dominion bought out a previous name, which was another rename. It is a re-packaged Diebold, which I believe had Republican ties .

  22. Elizabeth Moon says:

    A “goofball” is a sorta clumsy, sorta amusing, foolish person you can laugh at. Newt is not a goofball. He’s another red-faced, angry white man, mean to the bone. The right nouns for him are “bully” and “thug”.

  23. Captain Dan says:

    The Newt has been alleged, by remarks made above, to have the ability to “actually think”!
    There are many reasons to refute such heretic claims.
