You Might Consider

September 15, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When you come across an application for a PAC named ‘Women for a More Christian America’ you probably expect more bleached blonde screaming women with enormous crosses and red dresses.

That’s not what’s happening here.  Go on, click it, it won’t bite.



Maybe, just maybe, Trump has overstepped?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “You Might Consider”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We can only hope this movement has legs and gets stronger than serial hypocrites like Franklin Graham and other evangelicals.

  2. Well, with somebody named Jeff Levinsohn listed in the top two spots as Custodian of Records and Treasurer and, I presume, his wife in the number three spot as Designated Agent, I would probably not send him/them money in any big hurry. They aren’t asking for any currently at the sign up link, but I would keep an eye on that and find out what they are doing with it if/when they do.

  3. IF and that’s a big “IF”, the women are truly waking up and repulsed, it’s a good thing. Worth watching.

  4. “christian conservative women’ says it all. I want no part of them in any way! “conservative” is a nasty word!

  5. Jonathon Hubbert says:


    How do they think we got into this predicament.

    Conservative used to mean slow to change. Now it means throw the damn thing in reverse and don’t stop until we reach 1890! going back to 1980 would be bad enough, but these lesions on society want to regress to social values of the 1890’s.

  6. @AK Lynne #2 – You are a super sleuth! Where did you find the names of the folks behind the curtain?

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    My book group has started a book called What Do We Do With Evil. At the meeting last night, we all did our best not to say the T word. I’m hoping by the end I’ll know what to do with him after January!

  8. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I am, however, always amazed at the number of my fellow christians who appear unaware that 1) the Bible has no white people in it, and 2) Jesus was about as far left as you can get without falling into “There be dragons” territory. Oh, and 3) early Christians were socialists.

  9. Don the Con versus The Mommy Mafia. My money’s on the moms.

  10. Got to agree with Opinionated Hussy. Have these “Christian, Conservative Women” ever read the New Testament? “If you have two cloaks give one to a stranger so that he might cover his nakedness” sure doesn’t sound like any 21st Century Conservative value to me. Socialist, sure. Humanly decent, sure.

  11. Harry Eagar says:

    Opinionated Hussy, read the Washington Post story today about the Southern Baptists changing their name. Quite amazing stuff in there about skin color.

    Now I believe in miracles.

    I have Mormon nieces and they organized at the last minute in 2016 to defeat Trump in Utah and Idaho. For them it was immigration, Mormons being internationalists.

  12. Jeebus. The Christians are having a “crisis of faith.” It’s about time. Not that I care one whit what any of those folks think. The most “Socialist” person on the planet was their very own Lord and Savior. What part of the Sermon on the Mount don’t they understand?

  13. As an FDR Liberal, I often wonder about the people who are so panicked about “Socialism”. Where do these people think our country would be without the entire group of citizens putting their pence into the pot so we can all enjoy interstate highways, power projects (electricity, etc.), and Social Security so that old folks no longer have to suffer through their last years in abject poverty or being a burden on their families in the back bedroom?
    I think it’s a lot better than the Capitalist way of dropping employees into the abyss when they no longer have any value to the Corporation. But, then, I’m funny that way.

  14. We may not agree on much else, but welcome to the fight against fascism, sister!

  15. This is good to see. I guess.
    But I still don’t get Christian Republicans.
    They say, “We don’t want our country to move farther to the left.” Why not?

    Didn’t Jesus feed the poor?
    Didn’t he heal those who were poor and sick?
    Didn’t he urge acceptance of “the other”? Samaritans were Jews but, according to the mainstream, they were the “wrong sort of Jews.” While I’m not familiar with their transgressions was as touted by the head honchos, Jesus seemed to think the nit-picking was bad form. That was the whole point of the Good Samaritan parable.

    So fast forward to today, and which party has it been, since long before Trump put in an appearance, which passed healthcare for those who couldn’t afford it? Which just keeps passing more and more social safety nets like WIC and SNAP and which party works to undermine them?

    And these people say they don’t want to move in the direction that urges that we follow Jesus’ teachings? I don’t get it.

    Periodically, I look up the definition of “conservative” and I have yet to understand what, exactly, it is. What I do understand is how I see people act out whatever the hell they claim it is — and I have yet to see Jesus anywhere there.

    I’m sure these women would cite abortion as their reasoning. However, so far as we know, Jesus never once mentioned the “birth control” of the period — which was exposure. He did, however, often recommend that we feed the poor and heal the sick.

  16. Harry Eagar @ 11 & 12:
    omg. omg. omg.
    I was brought up Southern Baptist. Hey, I was born in Louisiana — it’s the law. Then, I shook the dust from my sandals when I was in my teens.

    All I can say is, it’s about damn time the SB’s repent their original sin.

  17. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I have long been of the opinion that many “christian conservatives” are supporting Trumpf only because they think a second term will lead to the end of women’s reproductive rights and abortion. That’s giving them the benefit of my doubt, and by no means do I agree with their beliefs. It’s appalling they could ignore all the things Trumpf has done. If the “women for a more christian america” are for real, that’s refreshing.
    I was raised in the Lutheran Church until I was in middle school. That all changed when my mother was critically ill in the hospital and the pastor visited us at her bedside. His message was that we had not been keeping our tithings up. That’s the last time I attended church, and no regrets.

  18. I have a pretty deeply Southern Baptist sister who might actually be swayed by this. I can’t believe she would “not vote,” but if these folks can convince her that “our Faith requires that we do not vote for President Trump,” I’m all for them.

  19. Harry Eagar says:

    WA Skeptic, I identify myself as ‘the last New Dealer’ but maybe I was wrong and there are 2 of us left.

    twocrows: I grew up Catholic surrounded by SBaptists and other holy rollers: right down the highway from Dayton. They invariably treated me shamefully and I learned to detest all of them.

    Now that I am old I am trying to bend a little, because a few (very few) do right. I think of the docs who volunteered to treat ebola victims, something I would never have had the guts to do.

    But then as I drive my grandkids to school I pass the two Methodist churches in this little town, on either side of the highway, proslavery Methodists on one side, antislavery Methodists on the other.

    The proslavery church is empty now but the abundant racism tells me that it would not take much to reopen it.
