You Knew this Was Coming, Right?

June 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz, Rick Santorum

The New York Times has an interesting story this morning:

The leader of a white supremacist group that has been linked to Dylann Roof, the suspect in the murder of nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church last week, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican campaigns, including those of 2016 presidential contenders such as Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Rand Paul, records show.

Cruz told the NYTimes last night that he would return the donation. Earl Holt III, of Texas of course, says he’s the leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens, but I suspect the correct spelling is Kouncil of Konservative Kitizens.

earl-holt-iii-351x450Dylann Roof says that Holt’s website is where he got his ideas about his fellow Americans.  Holt seems pretty proud of that, saying, “it was one of the few that had the courage to disclose “the seemingly endless incidents involving black-on-white murder.”

Now you’re asking me how in the world would Ted Cruz know that Holt is a racist sumbitch?  Well, to start with he has a website preaching hate and, secondly, he lists his occupation on his donation as “slumlord.”  Seriously.

A note to Ted Cruz:  Your only purpose in running for President is to feed your ego and embarrass Texas.  We already have Rick Perry for that.  Go home, Ted.

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