Archive for the ‘Rick Santorum’

You Knew this Was Coming, Right?

June 22, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz, Rick Santorum

The New York Times has an interesting story this morning:

The leader of a white supremacist group that has been linked to Dylann Roof, the suspect in the murder of nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church last week, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican campaigns, including those of 2016 presidential contenders such as Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Rand Paul, records show.

Cruz told the NYTimes last night that he would return the donation. Earl Holt III, of Texas of course, says he’s the leader of the Council of Conservative Citizens, but I suspect the correct spelling is Kouncil of Konservative Kitizens.

earl-holt-iii-351x450Dylann Roof says that Holt’s website is where he got his ideas about his fellow Americans.  Holt seems pretty proud of that, saying, “it was one of the few that had the courage to disclose “the seemingly endless incidents involving black-on-white murder.”

Now you’re asking me how in the world would Ted Cruz know that Holt is a racist sumbitch?  Well, to start with he has a website preaching hate and, secondly, he lists his occupation on his donation as “slumlord.”  Seriously.

A note to Ted Cruz:  Your only purpose in running for President is to feed your ego and embarrass Texas.  We already have Rick Perry for that.  Go home, Ted.

Writhing Wretched Hordes of One

June 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum is on the campaign trail, firing up the base

Just one Iowan showed up at 2 p.m. campaign stop Monday at a restaurant in the unincorporated community of Hamlin.

But is Rick gonna let this get him down?  No, sireee.  Not Rick.

Santorum told the Register that the low turnout was not surprising, but that it is all a part of the plan.

So Rick’s plan is to underwhelm voters and keep interest as low as possible – just slightly above the   Who Gives A Crap line.  I know that sounds like a new original idea but Michele Bachmann has already tried it.  Didn’t work.

Thanks to Charles for the heads up.

Hey Santorum! Back Off! You’re Hogging All The Stupid!

June 04, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Rick Santorum, Uncategorized

Y’all, Rick Santorum is all upset about the Pope mentioning climate change.

Santorum describes himself as a “huge fan” of the pope, but on “The Dom Giordano Show” on Monday, he said “the church has gotten it wrong a few times on science, and I think that we probably are better off leaving science to the scientists and focusing on what we’re really good at, which is … theology and morality.”

See, there’s a couple of problems with that.

First, climate change is morality.  Santorum believes morality is sex and not a damn thing more.  I would also like to hit him over the head with the Bible because it says that God put us on the earth “to work it and keep it.”

Second, according to The Catholic Herald, the Pope is a scientist.

Jorge Bergoglio was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital city, Dec. 17, 1936.

He studied and received a master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Buenos Aires, but later decided to become a Jesuit priest and studied at the Jesuit seminary of Villa Devoto.

So in the GOP clown car the really ignorant rise to the top.  That’s a scientific fact.

Thanks to Lolly for the heads up.

And Then Eve Gave Rick Santorum An Apple …

June 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Rick Santorum

Y’all, it’s Rick Santorum again.

Rick had this to say yesterday.

“We are seeing it. We are seeing the fabric of this country fall apart, and it’s falling apart because of single moms.”

Not single dads?

Now, I’m gonna ponder this for a minute.  Barack Obama was raised by a single mom.  But …


Hummmm …

Sidenote:  someone smarter than me (which is pretty much everybody) suggested that I categorize posts about the Republican candidates for president from now on.  We’re gonna try it until it becomes too damn much trouble.  This is supposed to make it easier to click on one of their category names and read everything I’ve jumped on them about.  You’ll see it up at the top beside the date.

Which reminds me.  Do you know the difference between jumping on a trampoline and jumping on a politician?  Ya take off your boots to jump on a trampoline.