You Just Have to Join Facebook Because ….

February 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Not only can you like my page by clicking here.

You can now like and follow Battleground Texas, where national interest has turned to making Texas BLUE.  Even if you don’t live in Texas, you should “Like” this page because you’re gonna see a damn miracle.  I promise ya.

I’ve just got back from from a couple days in Austin where I got renewed and rebaptized in the blue waters of Texas Democrats awakening to not only getting rid of Rick perry but keeping a Democrat in the White House for the next 25 years.  It’s that big.

By the way, if anybody and I do mean anybody tries to tell you that I told a bunch of people to meet me Woodrow’s when I really meant Hoover’s, it’s not true.   Okay, maybe just a little tiny insignificant bit true.  I knew it was some damn President.

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