You Just Have to Join Facebook Because ….

February 23, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Not only can you like my page by clicking here.

You can now like and follow Battleground Texas, where national interest has turned to making Texas BLUE.  Even if you don’t live in Texas, you should “Like” this page because you’re gonna see a damn miracle.  I promise ya.

I’ve just got back from from a couple days in Austin where I got renewed and rebaptized in the blue waters of Texas Democrats awakening to not only getting rid of Rick perry but keeping a Democrat in the White House for the next 25 years.  It’s that big.

By the way, if anybody and I do mean anybody tries to tell you that I told a bunch of people to meet me Woodrow’s when I really meant Hoover’s, it’s not true.   Okay, maybe just a little tiny insignificant bit true.  I knew it was some damn President.

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0 Comments to “You Just Have to Join Facebook Because ….”

  1. All the luck in the world with that, but you just elected Ted Cruz to the Senate in a statewide election. Ya can’t gerrymander Senate seats. The supply of nuts and whackos appears to be infinite and growing.

  2. Aggieland liz says:

    Good grief JJ, Woodrow was a Democrat, Hoover was a Republican (see also Hoovervilles)! OF COURSE you wanted to go to Woodrow’s!! 😀

  3. Does the group behind the Facebook page have a page anywhere else on the web? I do not like Facebook, and do not want to be a part of it at all.

  4. Juanita Jean says:

    lless – the main problem in Texas is that we have been an ATM machine for national Democrats. Texas is now a minority majority state but there was never money to register voters, get out the Democratic vote, and finance candidates. Every Democrat in America came to Texas, raised money, and left with the money. During Presidential years, all our volunteers called Ohio or Florida, not Texas.

    In made sense in a way because Texas is too big and spread out. While Ohio has three major media markets, Texas has 17. It’s more expensive to campaign here, so you didn’t get bang for your buck. Now that we have demographics on our side, national Democrats are not only leaving money in our state, they are raising some in other states to send here.

    No, we will never win east Texas in my lifetime, but we don’t have to. We’ve already turned Austin, San Antonio, Dallas, and now Houston blue. If we keep that and just bring up the spread by 2 or 3 points in east and west Texas, plus add a large turnout in South Texas and some suburban counties, we can and will win.

    It will happen. The numbers are there.

  5. Whoop!

  6. Thanks for the URL. I googled before I made my comment, but that site did not come up.

  7. Just shared you with all my “friends?” on Facebook. You made me do it. With your wit, intelligence, charm & beauty, you can no longer hide in Texas. You’re now in Badgerland.

  8. Barbara N. Houston says:

    I’m in – but please don’t forget that those of us who are introverts want to play a part. I can’t do the phone calls and door-to-door thing (I tried in 2012 and got panic attacks), but I can help in the data entry department and back-office areas.

  9. scottybeamer says:

    I joined facebook once………..lasted one day………want no part of it. They won’t allow you to “delete” your account though………which means you will always be a “member” whether you like it or not. I do not trust sites that will not allow you to delete your info.
    @Barbara N. houston………I agree……..old introvert here……:)

  10. I, too, am an introvert who doesn’t have any interest in joining Facebook, but I’ll help in other ways in San Antonio. A majority or our Latinos are not registered although they are legal, some being from families that have been here forever. Many feel their votes won’t count. The Democratic Party in San Antonio was a big mess for a few years, but it appears to be getting its act together. We had more Obama signs than Romney signs in the Windcrest area (where there is a large number of retired military officers), which I took as a good sign. Getting people registered and out to vote is the number one issue.
