You Just Can’t Make this Up…

June 29, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: SCOTUS, Trump

Things just get curiouser and curiouser…It turns out that retiring judge Anthony Kennedy is a lot closer to Trump than anyone really knew.  Justin Kennedy, Judge Kennedy’s son, led Deutschebank’s real estate division that loaned Trump $1 billion when no other bank would.  Because of that relationship, Trump and the father have apparently been VERY friendly, even exchanging pleasantries about his son at the State of the Union address this year.

So, a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE who has a close relationship with the President of the United States has been ruling in favor of that president in very controversial rulings, and may have even stepped down at this time to allow Trump to replace him before the mid-term elections threaten the control by the Republicans.

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.

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0 Comments to “You Just Can’t Make this Up…”

  1. Why am I not surprised? Some how some way the invisible shield that keeps SCOTUS justices out of the news except when they get sick (Renquist) has to bemuse much more transparent for the sake of this country.

  2. For those who say we should not make a bg deal over this since it would just anger the liars, fools and generally deplorable I say begone.
    Until now I have had some respect for nancy pelosi but since she has indicatiated that she just wants to be the leader of the surrender caucaus and be nice to thuglicans by claiming impeachment is off the table and critizing Maxine Waters I say retire before you shame yourself any more.
    No sympathy, no mercy for thuglicans and there enablers.
    Start by declaring any member or supporter of the federalist society should not be allowed to have a law license much less be a judge and move to impeach every thuglican judge still on the bench in a simple mass impeachment bill.
    Do to the federalist what the r’s did to acorn, turnabout is fair play.
    Stop pretending that any thuglican is “honorable’ and calling for civility. Like 1861 when the traitors started a war and lost it is time to acknowledge the thuglcans started down this path of rudeness, dishonesty and abject foul and venal baseness and no longer allow them in polite society.
    No thuglican should be allowed to appear in public with out being insulted and shemed.
    Start by telling instititions such as opera’s, charities and other prestigious org’s that you have a thuglican on the board or allow them into your fete’s, balls or other celebrations that no decent human will show up and that you can expect protests for your efforts to whitewash the crimes of these deplorables.
    No mercy. N0 sympathy. No forgiveness.
    As first step I have had an addedendum attached to my organ donor card stating no thuglican, corporatist, lieatarian is allowed to benefit from any of my organs. I would rather see them in the trash heap then helping a criminal ( is there any other kind), or a member of his family, live with anything from me.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Crime, corruption and Donnie? Not a surprise. As the details emerge, it’s likely that Anthony Kennedy spawn Justin is a comrade in arms with Michael Flynn’s weaker Michael Flynn son.

    I cannot begin to speculate on the cards Team Mueller holds. But. Throughout this investigation and until the conclusion, I sure as hell would like to know what Flynn Senior had to reveal to receive such a sweetheart deal for his sedition and treason.

    Manafort? Meh. Financial crimes worth some serious prison time. But again, as a flag rank officer, that Flynn would skate without delivering Donnie and cohorts? Oh lordy, let their be tapes and some serious smack down indictments.

  4. Billionaires Boys Club.
    White entitlement Billionaires Boys Club – The new Corporate Fascism or old Feudal Society

  5. That Other Jean says:

    I am disgusted; I wish I could be surprised.

  6. A modest suggestion
    For any 4th of july observances we should all wear black arm bands in sign of mourning for our country.

  7. With Trump, a page of crooked-connect-the-dots requires no skill or effort whatsoever. There is no wrong result.

  8. I read an article a couple of years ago that stated Deutschebank has a division which makes risky loans under certain circumstances. The bank “arranges” the loans, but the money actually comes from others. Deutschebank is not at risk. I suspect tRump’s loan was financed by wealthy Russians, which is why he never says an unkind word about Russians..

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick, the footprints of the Drumpf crime family are all too obvious. Equally nefarious is the participation by Goodlatte,
    Gaetz, Meadows and others with minor chimes to small letter Louis Gohmert. No Russian collusion? Let’s hear from special snowflake and criminal Devin Nunes on that topic.

    Seriously. At this juncture I’d believe Vlad Putin over those weak kneed criminals.

  10. Pollytiques says:

    When i saw “spend more time with my family” I knew there was something very bad to hide. I so hope they won’t get away with this. I hope the more time he’s spending with his son is in prison. And not a country club prison either.
    It’s hard for me to believe that Kennedy could be hip deep into something like this and the others not know. There should be a very close look at every Republican on the courts vote. The entire government is tainted. Trump is just opening Pandora’s box. Before he’s done, he will delibertly turn it upside down and shake it. McConnell and his wife are not innocents either.
    Washington is like any small town run by cliquis…every one knows everything.

  11. Bingo! What june says: “I suspect tRump’s loan was financed by wealthy Russians”.

    That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Guess what? It’s far worse than that.
    Justin Kennedy, as CEO of LNR Property, bailed out CEO of Kushner Co. Jared Kushner’s $1.8Billon, failing, massively over-leveraged 666 Fifth Ave building.

    Mr. Mueller had better not come up with a fizzled out ‘Fitzmas’ with this kind of target-rich dark and dank swamp environment.

  12. maryelle says:

    Get out the gas masks. The stink is overwhelming and hazardous to the health of America.

  13. Lisbeth Echeandia says:

    I’m with K. I lost it when I heard Pelosi and Shumer with the ‘make nice’ stuff. Good grief.
