The Coming Explosion

June 30, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2018 Election

Dana Milbank speaks truth in the Washington Post today.  Highly recommended.

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0 Comments to “The Coming Explosion”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    As interesting as his column was today, what Dana Milbank has to say after today could be more prophetic, or not. People are in the streets today and we want answers from the Dotard45 maladministration. Patience is short with their dissembling answers before Congressional committees. We don’t want more of Kirstjen Nielsen tap dancing. Donnie’s ‘compromise’ from “zero tolerance” with children in cages to “indefinite detention” in for profit internment camps. That is a suspension of due process. It’s martial law without declaring martial law.

    We’re waiting, Donnie. There are still more than 2000 children who need to be reunited with their families. Mumbling and implying the necessary communications between HHS and DHS are lacking and slowing down the process is unacceptable. That problem was solved nearly 50 years ago, when the army, navy and air force created the Salty Net Buffer so that communications could happen in “real time.”

    To the crimes of being morally, ethically and legally reprehensible you’ve added the insult of being a fiscal disaster to the process. You don’t need Alfredo to do the math for you. Take your millions of dollars wasted those for those internment camps and invest in electronic monitoring devices, issue employment visas, and get on with the legal process of granting asylum.

  2. “The backlash is coming. It is the deserved consequence of minority-rule government protecting the rich over everybody else, corporations over workers, whites over nonwhites and despots over democracies. It will explode , God willing, at the ballot box and not in the streets.”

    Back in the days when I taught government and history, my students often referred to my “First Law of Political Science: You can only oppress people for so long before they get angry and decide not to take any more.”

    You can only ignore the will of the people for so long and get away with it.

  3. Yes, an explosion is coming. And no, it won’t be just an outbreak of dissent (Republicans are good at quelling dissent and dealing with dissenters – I would know). No, it’s going to be much worse than that.

  4. Since I am not interested in a monthly subscription to the Washington Post or the New York Times, it would be nice if TWMDBS could come up with another way to include or link to these articles. I click on the links here and get informed that I need to pay for a subscription to be able to read the column. It’s pretty frustrating. I have all the news sources I need and don’t plan to add any more.

  5. AK Lynne, I’m a WashPost subscriber so I don’t know about their policy with this, but with some papers you can sign on and get free access to a few articles a week or a month, as I did with The Times of London. I think that’s also the case with NYT.

    As for the People Rising Up, yeah, eventually. But the GOP has gerrymandered so effectively that the Dems need to outpoll them by 8% just to break even, and that’s now. The GOP is actively trying to increase that figure by making it even harder for Dem-leaning populations to vote.

    It would be fun to refer to him each time his name comes up as Mitch “First against the wall when the Revolution comes” McConnell….

  6. joel hanes says:

    Milbank’s piece could have been improved by dripping the apparently obligatory both-sides-do-it intro paragraphs.

  7. Larry Humphrey says:

    To AK LYNNE: I know it’s frustrating, but just clear your browser’s history and it resets the count for free articles.

  8. Just heard this AM that the separation of children from parents was actually dress rehearsed in Texas earlier this year. Why didn’t we hear all about it then? Any ideas, anyone?

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie, it’s more “consciousness of guilt” by this maladministration. They prevent the media from getting anywhere close to their nefarious activities, while they’ve gone to great lengths to prohibit members of Congress from visiting without a week or two delay.

    Gates are meant to keep people out, but they’ve gone so far as to close roads leading to their prison camps. This maladministration’s withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council is yet another clue on the trail of lawlessness. No UN and no due process – that’s martial law without a formal declaration.

    Also extremely concerning is their use of “independent contractors” to do some of their dirty work. Military and government workers are constrained by the UCMJ and other regulations. As more is revealed will the familiar names Erik Prince and Betsy DeVos turn up on the payroll?

  10. I heard on NPR a little while ago that the American ambassador to Estonia quit in revulsion to Drump’s immigration fiasco.
    I suppose Drump would love it if all ambassadors quit so he could appoint “only the best” to replace them.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    linda, Donnie has a little problem with appointments – no one wants to work for him. He doesn’t need people to quit; he’s inundated with positions he cannot fill. The vacancies are outpacing the nominations & confirmations.

    This is both aberrant and abhorrent. It’s not normal to find a lack of politically ambitious people or social climbers to fill these positions, or even qualified people to fill these slots. Other than slapping Pope Frankie in the face with Calista’s appointment, Donnie is flipping the bird to international relations with his dereliction of duty in filling these positions.

  12. maryelle says:

    Keep calling and emailing your congressional reps as well as Manchin, Heidkamp and Donnelly to demand that they stick with the Democrats on the SCOTUS appointment. Then let Collins and
    Murkowski know that we expect them to vote their consciences, even if Trump nominates a woman. Anybody he puts forward is a given anti-abortionist. As the subject of a criminal investigation, he does not deserve the right to nominate!
    Include your demands that all the kidnapped children be returned ASAP. They never intended to give the children back. That’s why there is not plan to do so.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Jane and pkm, in attempting to predict the coming revolution in whatever form, we should be sobered by the fact that as many people as there were taking to the streets Saturday, those numbers were only a fraction of the voting public. I expect there are as many on the “other side” who could take their unpalatable message to the street. Then, the biggest obstacle of all – the millions who would divide on either side and many more who have no opinion, don’t care, or are unaware of the coming storm. That is where the real work is. People who align themselves with Trump are probably too firmly entrenched to see the other side, or to compromise. Move on to the uncommitted, the battle is to win them. Then, of course, there is my gleeful anticipation of the Trump supporters, the true Ugly Americans, to lose their shirts, their jobs and their health. Too bad they would take the rest of us down.

  14. We can hope that the explosion happens at the ballot box and not in the streets, but I’m not optimistic. I heard about riots today in Portland, Oregon, between right- and left-wing groups, and I couldn’t help wondering if these were the first shots of a new Civil War. Portland is about the last place I’d imagine for something like that.
